Spoiler! Katekin Getting NTRd! There's only one that hasn't at this point. But they make you think she is at first

Spoiler! Katekin Getting NTRd! There's only one that hasn't at this point. But they make you think she is at first.




















context ?

Reminder this is the same guy who did Fujiyama.

what chapter is this?

What were you trying to say?

No one cares bruh, stop making this thread.

How does this shit end ? Did he fuck the teacher?

This has been over for a fuck of a long time in Moonland.

Seems like it stopped being translated years ago..

This is not the first time you make this thread. And there is still no transaltion. So who cares.

Is this how they do it on reddshit? Fuck off you obvious newfag.