When they'll stop hateing each-other?

When they'll stop hateing each-other?

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it's the balkan way

you never understand our hate

I hate you, neighbor!

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>not using it for saving europe

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Romanians don't hate balkan countries

just hungayrians

When the region kicks out the celtic and germanic jew to unite in honor honor Zeus and retake Constantinople and Thrace from the eternal ottoman.

Lmao cringy fruitcake


When we are discussing Muslims and Gypsies, we stop hating each other.

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I don't hate other balkan bros. Stop spreading hate speech.

You don't understand. We fight each other constantly otherwise we will grow weak and rusty. Through constant fighting our warrior blood is maintained, and then when the Western Islamoprotectorate weakness enough to be unable to intervene when we are genociding Muslims, that's when we all strike.

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And albanians, don't forget the albanians

We're a very special type of snowflakes, because our hate for each other is as strong as our love for each other. So we'd use a suitable opportunity both to fuck a mutual enemy and at the same time use a suitable opportunity to fuck up each other. I mean, look at the 2 Balkan wars, that's exactly what happened.

Funny thing about Albanians:
Their flag with the black eagle on the red background is based on the Skanderberg family emblem.
Look at it, look closely.

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>Muslim Gypsies

He already mentioned them

Vlad the impaler did nothing wrong

Rakija connecting people.

>on the Skanderberg family emblem.
*House of Kastrioti family emblem.

Those are really ancient symbols

pic related

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Muslims are the ultimate gibsmedat

Once Serbia rules the region

i dont hate all the balkans only the neighbor i dont care for the others

Based Haiti.
One day.

Kastrioti sounds greek for some reason, kastro is castle in Greece and -oti or -ot is common when describing someone of a specific place, as in
>he is an epirot
>she is a thessaliot
Also ^ is not memeing, it really was the flag of ancient Byzantium

I’m headed out next summer in June. I guy I know there says he can take me to the PPU factory and the guys there can take me to the Albanian border so I can shoot Muslims. Have you heard of this?

What's up Conan?

Thracians used the double headed eagle already in antiquity, and the crescent moon with star represented Ishtar in Babylonian times and goes back to antediluvian days, it is demonic as fuck.

when russia invades them

when you gib back Trieste ;)

as long as albniggers keep breeding like rabbits, never

At a cafe I frequent the Albanian staff stopped serving me after they found out my grandmother was Serbian (after some retarded unaware-of-the-history British bitch told one of them).

I'm fucking British as fuck. That should tell you how retarded Balkan hate is.

He's certainly having a good time

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No, better go to Kosovo and shoot muslims there.

I’d be glad to help you guys out

>t. Radovan Karadzic

well they do say that war is the world's only hygiene
they will stop when find something they hate something in common

The ottomans certainly didn't unite us, what possibly can?



ko ih jebe, kao sto se jebalo njima za nas , imali su renesansu i kolonije dok smo se mi jebali s turcima i prosperitet dok smo mi bili pod komunistima.
sad imaju 'najbolje' od komunizma i muslimansku invaziju istodobno.

poslat cu im staru odjecu ,lijekove i hranu kojima je istekao rok kao oni nama

Ummm, no sweety Ishtar or her real name Innanna is the goddess of war that we all must worship.

bog je srbin

Redpill me the balkans

I get why everyone hates Bosnians and Albanians, because they're muslim. But why do Serbs and Croats and Slovenes hate one another?

Say NO! To all Tribe of Dan spirit binding religions

really it worked great for us after independence we started to support rebellion with serbs bulgarians and so on
worked pretty well until after second balkan war

when the rest of europe becomes muslim then we'll strike
and after europe becomes balkans then we'll fight each other to see what country will get the suffix "Greater" and then we'll turn all of europe into a giant shithole by repeating history for the 100th time.

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sorry meant first balkan war

europe is just the balkans on a larger scale

>current year and still not understanding the religion is a meme in the Balkans

I wish the ottomans invide us again

fuck Serbia,BIH and Slovenia in that order

We just had our independence day, bloody hell, get this hothead outta here!

Are you retarded? Balkans don’t hate just each other, they hate you and the rest of the world as well.

Balkans have an eye for criticism and know what’s truly right. The rest of the world is full of fucked yo things and the Balkans are making a list of every little bad thing you are doing and checking it twice for the upcoming Byzantium Reawakening.

This is Cory Fenn, he killed three slavshits. Say something nice about him.

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>poslat cu im staru odjecu ,lijekove i hranu kojima je istekao rok kao oni nama
Prvo su zapadnjaci vama spalili Zadar pre nego sto so sjebali i oslabili Konstantinopolje da propuste talase Muslimana u Evropu, isto kao sto su sada ojadili Siriju i Irak da bi jos doneli.
Samo samima sebi mozemo verovati, jebes i istok sa Putinom sto pusikuran Muslimanima i zapad sto im isto pusikuran.

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It has been going on for hundreds of years. So any day now...

It would be great if we kill some turks today

>Byzantium reawakening
a shitskin literally wrote this post

Stay mad jew. You are the shitskin and jerusem is part of Greater Byzantium. We’re coming for you.

but i don't hate anyone
well maybe albanians

that pic is actually comfy as fuck

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It's because we love each other.

it is tradition here

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>muh muh Byzantium
Byzantium died when Justinian died and subhuman Greek took over Latin as the official language. Byzantium was a shit Empire when Greeks came to rule it. And half of those Greeks were Armenians lel

When we realise our hate can fuel lot of things. Like Jeverej ovens, Amerimutt ovens, Anglo ovens, Hanz ovens, Albo ovens, Turk ovens.
Point is, we got allot of fuel.

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>subhuman Greek
Is that you Qara Boga?

probably never?
and why should they?

because serbia can not play fair and with others
it is all about them

Slavs are not white.

“The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European, but an Asiatic, and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese, and from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them, except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other Asiatic characteristics, the Russian has no regard for human life and is an all out son of bitch, barbarian, and chronic drunk.” - General Patton



Nobody cares about your whitecuck soyboyism here faggot. Whites were still living in cucksheds made out of mud while the brown haired master race was advancing civilization.
Go be a good cuckboy and drink your mandatory soy and estrogen rations.

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remove yourself, whiteboi

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Turkik Croat stfu


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>Even Sweden is improvement for Croat

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Selam braćo.

A mamu ti selamim, sa salamom svojom

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Da.. svi se nama služe za svoje proxy ratove.
Trebao izgradit novu sortu suradnje i pucat u glavu svim ovim komunjarama i ostacima iz 2. svj. rata. Samo nas stalno vuču na dno. Odjebat sve i zapad i istok i EU...

Heh, sta ima familijo?

Makni tu zastavu štakore..

Pogresna zastava

Serb and Croat against the world. Well i fucking can not argue against that.
If we fail and die, we finally meet death worth dying that is better than this suffering.
If we succeed then we built a bridge long enough to cross the hate we built up over such long times.

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Opet pogresna zastava

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We want out! Fuck the balkans! Technically we are in central Europe...

Romanians and serbs are good friends their mutual hate for the moslem helped form friendships in battle

either both of us win, or both of us lose

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Yes indeed, we want you to fuck off as well

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Ja na sljedećim izborima glasam za Pernara i Živi zid.. ako ništa drugo napravit će kaos na političkoj sceni. Da maknu ovaj retardirani status kvo od ljevo/desno.. komunisti/ustaše(iako nitko od njih nema niti U od ustaša)... Majke mi, ponekad mi dođe da napravim grupu ljudi za smicat metkom u čelo sve ove političke uhljebe i "lidere"

you are weak though, faggots

>not sure if you the real 56% or some local under the 56% flag

>ponekad mi dođe da napravim grupu ljudi za smicat metkom u čelo sve ove političke uhljebe i "lidere"
I am of same sentiment. But alas, the problem lies not in the government but in people. Governments are our mirror reflections.
Our kin is corrupted, our man weak, women lost.
But there is some hope for us, unlike for west.
All we need is for a Hero to rise, for someone who will menage to beat the sense into us. Who will awaken will to fight in us, will to stand up for our self and for our kin.
That just might happen.

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Slažem se al ljude možeš inspirirat da rade nešto pozitivno, prvo treba smicat sve ove šta održavaju status kvo kao svetu kravu jer se boje da ne bi promjenili stvari do te mjere da je njima loše. Samo stalno prate vanjske upute oko zakona i svega ostaloga.

A hero...

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your militaries are fucking pathetic. your quality of life is fucking pathetic.

you're fucking weak. have fun beating yourself up. All that brain damage has convinced you idiots that beaten up, injured, infighting countries are strong. Fucking laughing over here.

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When we have Situations like in pic related

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fuck off pasta nigger

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