How do you get rid of armpit fetish?

How do you get rid of armpit fetish?
It's starting to get out of control.

Replace with amputee fetish.

By letting hair grow there.



>let's get rid of a fetish by making it worse!

If you really want to get over it look at excessive armpit hair, images with "stink" lines, sweat that looks more like saliva than sweat. You'll get grossed out for at least a little bit, it'll build up a resistance and make it so you aren't horny as soon as you see a girl put her hands up.

Wear the same white shirt for a week without showering

Turns out I'm deeper down the rabbit hole than I thought


Standard procedure is to fully embrace it until you're reborn completely vanilla.

Exactly what happened to me. I used to think my fetish was sideboobs, but then the term "armpit fetish" suddenly getting popular made me realize my true calling.


You don't. Be glad it's just armpits and not one of the really awful ones like scat or god forbid, pedophilia. Not loli shit either I mean the real deal with junior idols.

epic image Sup Forumsro
fuck off

I actually didn't post an image I don't even know why that's there

Archive, nigger. It was Sup Forums shit.


What kind of sick filth actually gets turned on by things like this?

Absolutely disgusting

I have no idea, that outfit is way too trashy to find anything wearing it hot.

You just need to not be a fucking retard like, say, furries, who let their fetish control their entire lives.

Don't forget a lot of steam.

I’m now starting to understand why there is such a thing as an armpit fetish.


It's not much different from a vagina. Just between the arm and torso instead of behind the knee.

Replacing it with tile fetish
But actually Statue fetish

That and pheromones from the stink

And girls sometimes like to hide them. You can also tickle them.

>Statue fetish
The autistic kind people get from too many cartoons where the villain turns chicks into stone?

still can't get rid the armpit fetish off

Isn't that about a guy who ate someone?

You don't get rid of it. You embrace it.

Get rid? Just embrace it, bro. The only sad part is that nobody panders to this fetish. Shaft constantly pleases footfags but nobody cares about armpits.


At least armpits look kinda nice. Feet are utterly hideous.

>tfw no giant armpit gf

>there are people who don't like hairy pits

That's disgusting.

in my case it started with starless...
i miss the times where i was a innocent vanilla fag

Casual armpit is the best armpit.

Misaki is fucking delicious.

Hope this helps OP.

Pits are great.

So just a normal week?

>nobody panders to this fetish
the revolution is starting now. ive seen several shows in this season throwing some armpit fanservice

Mah niggas


Can't forget about the fairies.

Which shows? I haven't seen anything since the dagashi one, and that one was mostly doujins.



Kyoanusi hass some go tier armpits.

Azucat pits



>started with feet
>evolved to stinky feet
>evolved to stinky armpit
>evolved to stinky butt and facesitting
>evolved to farts and facesitting

You are still better of than many others, though.
I have a fetish for cute feminine boys swallowing inedible objects and it's fucked up on many levels, not to mention you can barely find content. Why couldn't I be a normal vorefag?

Have you watch Iron fortress?

Definitely don't get into kpop, that amplified my pit fetish by a lot

You don't.

You embrace it. Girl sweat is delicious.

its good for you

Hey it was.

Shiny chariot's costume in LWA had armpit windows and somebody shitposted about that every single thread. I blame them for the rise in armpit fetish posts

moderately fit to /fit/ armpits are patrician

Tickle until she lowers her arms.

Okay this is of VITAL IMPORTANCE

There is a difference between enjoying armpits, having an armpit fetish, and being an "armpitfag", okay? You must take ABSOLUTE CARE to not be an armpitfag.

The appeal of the armpit is its subtlety. It is a supporting actor. Armpits are present in lewd situations, and so they become lewd, but it is massively important that they not be seen as the original source of the lewdness.

This is armpitfag artwork. Note that basically the only exposed skin here is the armpit. Admittedly the situation is lewd, as she's in a skintight bodysuit, but the thing that pushes it into armpitfag territory is that the armpit SPECIFICALLY has been exposed.

Armpit fetishism is when the armpit is exposed, but in a way that does not especially emphasize the armpit itself. Generally, this means that the girl is, for instance, simply wearing an outfit without sleeves.

In general, a picture is an armpitfag image when an an unusual amount of work has been put into the portrayal of the armpits. An image is an armpit fetish image if an image which would not otherwise be considered lewd can be seen as lewd due to your fetish.

Armpitfag (because of the gross anatomy and stinklines)

(borderline armpitfag)
Armpit fetish.

>what about just enjoying armpits?
That sort of thing. The situation is inherently lewd and the girl is in skimpy clothing - of course her armpits are exposed. This is the most "pure" way to enjoy armpits.

There's nothing wrong with an armpit fetish. They are an erotic part of the body due to their proximity to the breasts and the implications involved in their exposure (taking off a shirt, lying on the bed with her hands above her head, stretching, girl is wearing a tank top). But you absolutely must NEVER sully their nature as a "signal" of lewdness, a sign that lewd things are happening. Never become an armpitfag.

I love her and if she was real I'd divorce my wife.

Chariot has very nice pits. What do they smell like?

> (borderline armpitfag)
Linked the wrong picture here, this picture is fine. I meant this one

Because there's an unusual amount of sweat involved and she seems to be presenting her armpits specifically (note that the "armpit area" takes up as much space as the breasts). On closer inspection, this is really more of an armpitfag image, but it would definitely be more borderline if the breasts were in the center of the image.

Do my waifu.

Basically normal. Girls in tight leotards are sexy even without their armpits exposed. Maybe borderline fetishism, because at the same time leotards aren't as overtly erotic as other types of clothing. Really, it depends on how hot a girl in a leotard is to you. But regardless, if the armpits enhance the image for you, good job, you're doing it right.

I guess I view this sort of image as basically the "reason why armpits can be fetishized". This is a girl in a skintight, revealing article of clothing, who is presumably doing some sort of physical activity and displaying her mastery of her body to the world. That's not inherently "sexual", but it becomes erotic if you think about it for a second. An armpit fetish would be a shortcut past that thought process, directly to eroticism - "oh, her armpits are up. I associate that with sexual situations (taking off shirt, etc)". If you're just an armpit-lover, you don't get that "shortcut", but lewd pictures with armpits involved are still enhanced because there's a greater reinforcement of the sexuality of the situation.

>but nobody cares about armpits.
Looks like someone never watched any Toei anime.

Same way you get rid of any paraphilia, condition yourself to mentally associate the target stimulus with something unpleasant until it no longer evokes feelings of arousal

Patrician fetish


>hair anywhere below the eyebrows on a woman's body


It's already too late user

what is that pose meant to convey?

Her pit looks better in Yui Haga's drawing.

dont get into kpop cuz plastic scrathes ur dick

That's wonderful

You do really love her, don't you?

Nothing wrong with it. It gets shaved for a reason. If you're not gonna admire it, then why bother?

Oh yeah, the habanero one was god tier.

Two steps from body waste getting involved.

It's only annoying when they make armpits look like vaginas, or really defined for some reason.

>what the fuck is going on with captcha this is ridiculous

Why contain it? It s'cool.

What are children's armpits for?

Mature into hormonal teenager armpit

>draw a vulva in the armpit
What the fuck

You wouldn't be interested in JS or JC armpits cunny, would you?

O-of course not! I'm not a lolicon!

what an armpit slut, flashing them every chance she gets

12-year-olds really know what turns men on.

I want to go back to simpler times when we simply called them lolis and 14 year olds

All the budget went into Nene's armpits.


>anime babes licking their own armpits
New fetish GET