If we assume that men are , evolutionarily speaking designed to at least be able to fight.
What happens when we dont have to, and worse still where does that energy go.
If we assume that men are , evolutionarily speaking designed to at least be able to fight.
What happens when we dont have to, and worse still where does that energy go.
>where does that energy go
Theoretically it's supposed to go into workplace productivity.
Men have done far more farming and gathering than fighting throughout all of history. You were made to slave at a mundane task until you die.
When there is no work to do, that is what will kill us.
can it though, its a very different compulsion. workplaces dont, i dont think, provide a good environment for the part of me that just wants to club you and take your stuff, or join with you and club the next town over and take their stuff.
We will fuck each other to death.
oh no, i disagree, we can slave, we need to be able to slave, but on a much deeper level dont we want to not be slaves. the fuck and fight part of our brain.
hmmm, maybe.
Yeah that's kind of higher up in the management positions. You club subordinates with pink slips and club the next smaller company over with aggressive buyouts and shit.
>where does that energy go.
Killing Demons
>not watching tucker's set on men in america
>not realizing that men don't have enough testosterone anymore
>not knowing that without T, there will be no race war and purging of feminists.
my t is fine.
i dont have that problem
Homo sapiens, man or female, were never really a species of fighters. The earliest homo sapiens killed its prey by persistently following it, until the animal was too tired and collapsed. Then he stuck a spear in it's neck.
In medieval large scale battles a footsoldier had like a 90% chance of surviving without major injury, because it was just mostly waving spears and swords at each other.
In world war 1&2 like 80% of the soldiers participating claimed that they purposely missed the enemy.
Not wanting to kill or injure another human is pretty much hardwired into the human brain after being a tribal society for like 200,000 years.
We didn't become the dominant species on this planet by being the best fighters, but by being the most intelligent.
mfw when ireland is far more cucked that the america. centuries of rabid alcohol abuse has destroyed your country's T levels.
realistically it goes into videogames
videogames nurture agression, competition, cuningness, outsmarting your oponent, constant learning
Except we don't have to fight anyways now a day? Whats your point?
We have the power of lust.
In medieval times we convert tgat lust to blood lust.
Now convert that to something else tgat you wanna achieve.
I think you have very little life experience.
We were domesticated a while back and selectively bred for compliance and industry
Sure, we can probably go feral in a few generations but without our fancy schmancy tech we'd get utterly fucked up by primitive man
What residual energy we have is easily expended on vidya or sports
And never lose your masculinity. Without it you are empty shell.
Work,Read Books,Sharp my Mind!
Idle hands spend time at the crotch
again, i dont have that problem.
i think the same of you
i have no lust for power, its just an evolutionary fact, men are the ones who fight.
You misunderstood
Do you know anything about how human mind works.
How you can control it or how you can program it.
I bet you dont even have slightest idea of what im talking.
Fine. Continue to be as you are now.
im a psychologist
That cant be verified.
But its more than that. It has more twists.
It is complex.
Psychologist and yt vids on mind i gave seen so far knows only to some extent. only spiritual monks would know what im talking. Even i doubt they know how to wield it in world.
Of course you aint gonna believe.
Its more than your tiny head could ever comprehend.
if you're finished, id be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Yeah you dont even know what to do with your masculinity and you gonna answer me.
>im a psychologist
psychology was invented by kikes to justify their mental degeneration with their high verbal IQ
I have more respect for a burger flipper than a psychologist
t. medfag
this is a politics forum, im speaking at a societal level.
im not sure you have said anything yet... feel free to go into detail, I do understand these topics quite well.
>where does that energy go
Video games
thats a balanced view that deals with every element of a complex topic. i see you are a serious person
You are so fucking dumb.
ever looked at a sunrise and thought "wow thats not so bad"... wanna know why you think that... il give you a hint, the answer isnt the jews
>If we assume that men are , evolutionarily speaking designed to at least be able to fight.
We're not
We lose to most animal, even those smaller than ourselves. One-on-one, a dog has a good chance of fucking you up even if you get the kill. Fucking cats can bite us to the bone to tell you how shit our defences are. Never pick a fight with a chimp because he WILL win
Fighting is part of what we can do (and do very well with tools), but it's not our modus operandi
Humans are builders, like beavers or termites
>big numbers means i'm right
>humans are a peaceful species
>we've killed billions of each other
Pick one retard.
seriously have you never wondered what that thing is thats happening when you think, or why you can see things, why images of the past seem to somewhere in your mind when you want them, or even when you dont.... I can tell you that, these are not purely rabbinic concerns, Ismael