How can you compare to this?

how can you compare to this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

from what I've seen leftists do not actually read their books, simply buy them to put them on shelves and take photos of them to impress strangers online.

Leftists should read Plato's dialogues. Maybe it would stop them from using such meaningless terms as "racist" and "rape."

This! If they are actually well informed, they would realize that communism is not a viable option.

>posts bait in which leftypol is made to be intellectually superior
>Uses fucked up grammar in post

It's in a book so it most be true

Attached: moes books 2018 IMAG4209 (11).jpg (4000x3000, 3.27M)

read every single one of mine
you jelly?
unlike corporatism I suppose...
how are they meaningless?
in English?
citations and references check out

the right is not really any more impressive than the left in this image. you could make a bookshelf that makes it look like a pile of shit but you don't know how because you don't read.

what secondhand book stall is this?

>I dont know who the writers are or what they're about so they must be unimpressive

They are meaningless because the concepts they are based on are meaningless, because the concepts those concepts are based on are meaningless, ad infinitum. You just make the person keep defining terms until they get down to the point where they can't do it anymore.
You can read Plato's "Euthyphro" to see how it's done. In general reading Plato would help clean up the leftists' word jumble.

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>No 1984 or Animal farm.
>Only American or European writers are knowledgeable.

>They are meaningless because the concepts they are based on are meaningless, because the concepts those concepts are based on are meaningless, ad infinitum.
this is just a sophisticated way of saying "no u"
>You just make the person keep defining terms until they get down to the point where they can't do it anymore.
you're describing how your argue endlessly by denying anything you don't like
>would help clean up the leftists' word jumble.
and what would help the rights incoherence?

non-fiction you fag

You know reposting a list someone else made doesn't actually count right?

We all know you've never read any of these, except maybe 1984 in high school.

I'm actually slowly working my way down the lists I've saved on Sup Forums

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>this is just a sophisticated way of saying "no u"
That's true. The Socratic method never really states anything. It just undermines the opposition's ability to state things because it calls everything into question, especially the definition of terms. It's not an unusual opinion among philosophers that many philosophical disagreements come down to semantics. Plato clears that up. Repeatedly in his dialogues, he requires that his interlocutors define their terms.

>you're describing how your argue endlessly by denying anything you don't like
Nothing is really denied by the Socratic method. It's just questioned, and the opposition is put in a defensive position of having to prove their side, but they also have to prove their proofs, etc., all the way down.

>and what would help the rights incoherence?
Same thing. Read Plato's dialogues.

Clean your mind.

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>Non-fictional writing is the only writing that matters.
I can't even properly respond to this without becoming unhinged.

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>book spines in pristine condition
>trying to flex his book collection which indicates these books were bought exclusively for showing off and haven't been read

>The Socratic method never really states anything. It just undermines the opposition's ability to state things because it calls everything into question
It asks you to explain yourself and subjects these explanations to critical appraisal
So, it does undermine if its faulty

I remember talking a couple days here to someone who thought the Socratic method meant you simply asked the same question again and again coupled with coy little conspiracy suggestions to dig deeper and connect dots and other david icke tier bullshit
Its a non-fiction collection

Kek. Don’t ever talk to me or my wife’s books like that again.

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>if you look after your books that means that you didn't read them
what did he mean by this?

we don't all read like this you destructive cunt

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Hey, y'all, the Loeb Classical Library is mostly available free on

The way you do it is you look up the number of your desired volume here:

Then put that number (e.g., "L325" for Aristotle's "Prior Analytics") in a search on

>bafflegab covering for Statism

One could literally argue that the Leftist have gone so far south. That in lieu of being a pile of pompous bloviated hypocritical excrement and abandoning religion. That they have in fact turned their beliefs in a pseudo religion unto it's own, "apparently to fill the void left behind."
This would explain the propensity of leftist nu males performing a form what would easily equate to repentance ceremonies, attending demonstrations and events that logic dictates they are clearly unwelcome at by default simply because they were born lacking melanin.
Just as much blind unfounded faith required for this, IMO as someone walking on water and returning from the dead.
The fact they honestly believe this will end well for them, speaks volumes,

Attached: Coming Soon.jpg (568x800, 147K)

From the writers I recognize on that shelf it's half-assed community college level education at best with some meaningless propaganda sewn in.

read more philosophy.

>That in lieu of being a pile of pompous bloviated hypocritical excrement and abandoning religion
>That they have in fact turned their beliefs in a pseudo religion unto it's own
The way that The Market is treated as a deity?

>this counterargument
embarrassing. this is what you get for only reading about twenty books, half of them propagandic whining.

> market
> treated as a diety

Is this your first time on pol?


hahaha, no niestzche or fucking plato. also "the greek myths" HAHAHAAHHAAH. I read niestzche on my spare time, or literally fucking aerodynamic/business books.

This. Pretty much everyone here knows that any economic model, from center-left to far-right would work in a white ethnostate


Excessive verbosity is a sign of bad politics. I’ve yet to find a political idea that couldn’t be explained in a single paragraph, although my background in mathematics might affect this.

They do sometimes read then, but it wont make them any smarter.

And who told you that?

No Bible? Pls

But the leftypol books look well used and worn. The books on the right look brand new. Hell, doesn't even look like pol plays video games.

Both are complete faggots. I read scientific textbooks

Post the real list.

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Well I read mostly on my kindle anyway myself.

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Good choice of games

Consideritng that we talking about ideology, more books needed to belive - shittier ideology is. Reading political books is like making belive.
Literaly never read any politics-oriented book in life.

>all of pol is alt-lite.

Nope. Tons of Evoleans here. Tons of Natsocs, tons of traditionalist primalists.

The far right is quite diverse, ironically.

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I like this list.

>look guys! one side is poo, and the other a cake! You are the poo and i am the cake!
this level on non argument.

The picture on the left is your average milquetoast conservative, whereas the picture on the right is your typical 'woke' plebbit reader. Both are retards.

This, vlad knows what’s up.

>typing me out instead of copypasting
>and misspelling deity
>accusing others of being new here
what did he mean by this?

Whoever made that image is a pleb and neither bookshelf has the best of either idealogical leaning's best works.

>erotic bondage

I'm a literal nazi and the owner of the collection on the left is no friend of mine

What is the matter with both of those things?

In English?
>quite diverse in the same obscurantist hate

No matter how many books you read by kikes jacking each others ideas off, there has still yet to be a successful communist model for society.

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Why would you include a whore on a perfectly fine picture of facisms books? Degenerate behavior.

If you want lefty and rw books read this

Attached: massive guide to right wing lit.jpg (4063x6657, 2.47M)

Have you even read the Protocols?

and then this

Attached: leftist books.jpg (2880x2016, 2.93M)

You hate the Jews just as much as any Sup Forumsack, you just call them the bourgeoisie


A.N.Y - neither ingrish or russkey nor korean or tatar. Good ideology does not require excuses to exist.

its a non-fiction collection

By not being a wasteful poor who doesn't have all their reading material available via. a tablet.

>all those fucking shitty modern books with titles like "X Y: And Why Z Matters" and "Shadow/Dirty/Hidden Wars/Trade/Oil : The Quest for Truth in a Capitalist World"
I hate that.

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Do you have a better reading list? and why 'lel' for mishima? The sea of fertility is a great series. You clearly haven't read it if you think otherwise.

The words and illustrations on the back of cereal boxes are closer to reality than the books on the right.

>"respected" authority opinions

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Why does it describe modern days so well, yet is 100 years old?

Why did the Soviets execute people on sight just for owning the book?

That whore is my wife you slant eyed fuck

u mad fagot?
this is now a red-wing read thread

>not left-wing
Are you fucking serious? b

Yeah I guess you really reddit.

>and why 'lel' for mishima?
Because he genuinely doesn't know who he is or how he is linked to nationalism and modern chivalric behaviour. I have no doubt that he sees an obscure author, thinks no one else will catch him talking shit about him, and drops it in in an attempt to appear enlightened. Basically, his posts are the textual equivalent of /leftypol/'s bookcase - all gloss, but after looking at it critically enough, you see that it's all brittle polemics that have no substance to it.

Why are you avoiding the question like a Juden? The perfect picture, with perfect lighting I may add, was totally ruined. Sad!

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How was the culture of Critique?

>vast majority of philosophers, thinkers and leaders agree with our vision of society
huh, it's almost as if we've perused historical opinions or something
but hey, if you want to disagree with literally everyone who's ever built a civilization go for it lefty

Haven't read it yet, it's next in line. First time I got it it was completely destroyed in the box, pretty sure a triggered leftist had to package it so I had to return it to get a new one.

>Be Mishima
>Be a die hard, traditionalist nationalist
>Realize you're a closet faggot
>Realize you can't live in good conscious anymore because you're a fag
>unironically an hero yourself
'he genuinely doesn't know who he is or how he's linked to nationalism'
See me after class, schlomo.

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Why do you post here? Why do you hide your flag? Go fall into a large body of water and drown.

I like your style m8

I honestly didn’t mean to get her in it she was doing laundry and walked by lol

Best strawman to distract from reality that the left-wing is the mind virus created by the Jew Karl Marx and cannot survive in a sufficiently unmoderated environment.

>But the leftypol books look well used and worn
You think commies could afford new books?

How come they never turn any smarter after reading those books then?
They should be able to answer such simple questions, as following:

How can you consider a hammer or a toothbrush a personal property, when in cummunism there's no property?
What is difference between personal property and private property?
If private property covers means of production, what stops me from disassembling a mean of production and claim the parts to be my personal property?
Why would you waste resource producing more than say (hypothetically) 1 hammer/toothbrush per 7 persons?

How can one cultivate and harvest crops to personal use, when there's no personal property to be used for farming in cummunism?
How do you allocate public land for this personal farming?
Who allocates the public land used by the collective?

The ten Planks of Communist manifesto:
#8 "Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture."
> Equal obligation
How can a stateless and non-hierarchical society enforce this?
> Your work-time is equivalent to everybody else's work-time
Am I forced to sit and drawn hentai for as long as others work in factory, if I don't want to do manual labour as an artist?
If "... each according to his needs", what stops me claiming to acquire 70% of goods to suffice my needs?
How can anyone else define how my needs are sufficed?
How can a collective deny me coming over demand 70% of goods that others have gathered through hard manual labour, while I can provide them only hentai sketches?
How is Theft defined in cummunist world, when there's no property in non-hierarchical society you can steal from others?

Which side is your book collection? Why didn't you post a timestamp on yours?


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The problem that the modern leftist comes up against is that core tenets of your ideology are simply false. Leftists generally hyper focus on the aspects of capitalism that demonstrably lead to negative outcomes; the homeless schizophrenic on the street who literally has nowhere to go and say "see, inequality! it is undeniable!", as if this vindicates the larger leftist narrative.

But it doesn't.

Numerous core tenets of the leftist ideology are demonstrably false. For example.

1) There is no evidence that "equality" exists as anything other than an abstraction. The nature of evolution as well as variation between individuals and life forms suggests inequality a norm. This includes different average group capacities between groups. There's no evidence for racial or gender equality. It's just an ideological system that has gained proliferation through a media/academia consensus and through intimidation tactics. You can have your life destroyed for questioning it.

No-one can point to any actual scientific evidence that supports the claims of racial or gender equality, there just isn't any. What there is is increasingly desperate and abstract attempts to debunk the more consistent and clear evidence AGAINST the equality ideology. These attempts are getting increasingly more and more deranged every year.

This will always be a problem for leftists because it is verboten among leftist circles to question this belief.

There's also the various absurdities such as transgenderism. The idea that you can "identify" as a woman or a man and you are therefore "just as much a woman or a man" as a biological woman/man is an extremely flimsy idea philosophically. If it is true, then it applies equally to questions of race. One can "identify" as han-Chinese.

There isn't any clear Leftist response to this other than, again, intimidation tactics. Calling someone "transphobe" and then getting them fired from their job.

And yet communism still manages to fail every fucking time

Alternatively the Leftist will respond to rebuttals of core tenets of their ideology by switching the focus, to one where they are on more solid ground. Like the clear example of a throwaway person in the capitalist system; the homeless schizophrenic.

They use arguments like this to distract from the larger incongruence of their ideology. "Erm, forget about providing proof for the claim of racial/gender equality, Capitalism is bad!"

This is also similar to the way that Leftists manage to maintain the delusion that they are "rebels, fighting the system". They will hyper focus on one element of state power that they disagree with, say lobbying groups and multi-national mega-corps effect on policy. But then they'll ignore the fact that they are ideologically in total agreement with the system on virtually every other issue than the economic one.

The Leftist isn't actually a rebel, he simply believes in a fetishized sense of rebellion. The Leftist is actually a blind enforcer of the modern system of Western morality that replaced Christian morality; anti-racism and equality.

The moral context of the white world, where you can achieve Good Little White Person points by demonstrating to other Good Little White People how much of a GoodWhite you are, because you believe all the correct things in regards to racial equality and immigration; is not even discussed among leftist circles.

It is simply taken as fact. It is the water that you swim in. It's the bedrock of the Leftist ideology. Leftists are not rebels, they refuse to question their own beliefs and instead seek to silence any questioning of their beliefs. They do this while simultaneously pretending to be Rebels. It is quite bizarre and Orwellian

saved, you might see yourself in a redpill thread one day

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