The face of The Resistance
The face of The Resistance
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I can't get over how he needs such huge shoulder pads to resemble a masculine frame
We know
le 23 % american
I'm ready to Hogg post
No wonder the DNC is broke, between buying school shootings they hire shitty actors too.
Framecel here. This kid is in for a rude awakening when he's past 25 and still looks like that.
I have 6" wrists, narrow shoulders, noodle arms, a little child face, and can't grow proper facial hair. I'm a 27 year old man. If I were Hogg, I'd keep out of the spotlight. He's just making a big joke of himself.
He has the same faggoty face and body of Joe is Joe Scarborough.
Oh look another raid on us and yet gookmoot would have us banned if we try to do something similar
the fire rises
The face of faggotry
The face of a faggit
should not raise arms wearing that suit
You posted the wrong picture dude.
Checked! Can I get a quick rundown?
Weight training?
>rumored to be reincarnation of Thoth/Hermes
>has never felt sadness in his life
>single handedly hacked the US election
>fights the jews and the NWO single handedly
>the jewish collective unconsciouss fears the Thrice Great Sminem
>rules the world with a subtle touch
>the last descendant of a royal Rusaryan bloodline
>exposed worldwide pedophilia networks
>Podesta bows down to him
>predicted Florida bridge collapse with quads of 3333
>crypto billionaire from age of 12
>master of the physical and astral plane
>has the ability to instantly manifest objects
>vibrations from his voice can cure cancer
>holds the key of wisdom
>wasn't born and cannot die
>a circle has no end nor beginning
>has always been and will always be
>Bogdanoffs rumored to have a shrine to Sminem
>Bogs bow down to his superior pure genetics.
>rumored to be descended starseed DNA of Plejaren/Lyrian/pure Rusaryan origin
The face of Low-T and High-E.
No one has said it yet, but if that guy gets shot then he will become a martyr and the 2nd amendment will be rewritten.
It's the perfect storm.
Powerful. Brave.
The raised fist has been cringy-as-fuck since at least 1985.
My natural test levels seem to be on the low side. I've pretty much given up and accepted that my looks is not something I can really do much to improve. Anyway at this age, there's not a lot of time left before things really start going downhill.
The public is stupid. Even the intelligent are usually ignorant and emotional. They will believe anything if told often enough.
>dead eyes
>no facial expression
>a face like straight out of a disney render farm
>tiny mouth with no lips
>a skinny, weak, gmo-fed body
if anything, this is the face of everything going wrong in white america.
>Podesta bows down to him
Holy kek I thought you were joking!
All hail based Sminem!
cheked my niggah
Not only Podesta is afraid of him, my nordic friend. If you only knew how powerful the thrice great is...
He is at least 25 already.
He better watch his words or he could end up with a one way ticket to gitmo.
So much potential.
He’s like a superhero.
I genuinely believe this person has never lifted a thing in his life, and the only thing the creatura has lifted is more twinkies into her mouth.
That beast of an organism had single handedly manipulated all powers of the world and then some while taking a shit via hacking. It has also been said he makes Genghis Khan look like a low test dick recessed loser with his pu55y 514ying.
That's insulting to Plastic Man.
wow..... I really have no words... Im letting a tear out as we speak.. Sminem is the most powerful being I have ever witnessed. The Trice Great helped me to understand everything.. He is the ONE
>ill fitting tight suit
>massive shoulder pads
>horrible pastel bluish colour
>coiffed faggot hair
Did they beam this faggot in from 1986?
>pic 1986 fashion
There are several issues I have with TRT. First, I have read that the patches are not very helpful so for an effective treatment you'd essentially have to make a commitment to getting daily injections. And it's a lifetime commitment, because TRT makes your testes atrophy. You become sterile, possibly permanently (though recovery is sometimes possible after cessation). TRT also dramatically increases the risk of developing heart disease. IMO it's not really worth it just to gain a little muscle and maybe more hair.
I've had a blood test and had my total test measured but although it was below where it should be for a man in his 20s, it wasn't technically "hypogonadal" (below the ridiculously low reference range at the clinic) so I couldn't get treatment if I wanted it. For some reason people don't seem to consider my appearance pathological or a deformity, even though literally no man would want to look like me and no woman would want to have sex with me.
is sminem a son of both boggs ?
Totally not a crisis actor.
shit user i kekd
I look much older than Hogg and I'm 24, maybe if I had a fuckboi haircut and no beard it would be similar, but I don't see how he's "at least 25"
I didn't watch the vid but this pic puts my gaydar off the scale. Am I right?
You seem to have been touched by His grace and purity. You posting those powerful words at precisely 20.00.44 is a testament to the truth resonating from your words. 20 is 8 a clock. 4+4=8.
I need not say more.
Have this rare Sminem as a token of gratitude.
Why does he give off such a Hitleresque vibe? I feel like this kid may become /ourguy/ once he gets redpilled.
Bogs bow down to him, just like the elite pedos that control your country with an iron hand.
dear god ...
Arrogant little twat, ain't he.
I hope he keeps this shit going, I'm going to enjoy watching his breaking point live.
my friend, your life will change dramatically once you let The Trice Great into your life. His kindness, love and purity knows no bounds
how do you like my copypasta
>Literal made to be posted everywhere so discussion can't get started because everyone will rather be calling anyone a shill than actually arguing their point, (((they))) are trying to make us paranoid of each other.
this explains so much how could I be so blind
The rabbit hole goes deeper. You think the Jews rule the world? Nope Jews don't even exist. They're simply astral projections created by Sminem that he put into positions of power.
> triangular
sminem has T-I-G-E-R-S?
Is his smug little pinched face supposed to incredibly annoying?
Even reviewbrah would be disgusted
I think what you’re trying to say is ‘dear Sminem’
He truly is the chemo that will cure the kikeshillcancer that has infested Sup Forums. I
also went thru the #SminemFiles today, and there are aome quite questionable emails there between Podester and Grynauskaitė
Reviewbrah vs The Hogg
Pay per view
MGM Grand Las Vegas
How do you dare spread such lies!? Our guy, our most based man - Sminem - fights the Jews with a subtle touch. You should be ashamed of yourself! See for yourself how scared the jews are of him!
Holy ****
just wow, just when you think you've seen it all
The phonecall that saved the uni verse. Must his blissful purity strenghten our spirits!
>Marvel Comics endorser
And who might that be?
I see his future as a manager of a McDonalds or of a car wash.
look at this low test faggot lol
change march to oink
FUCKING CHECKED! Those trips expose the Satanic forces Sminem is battling against. All hail him! Thrice great trips of truth!
Sick of these annoying kids using their friends deaths to push an agenda, and everyones supporting them. What a fucking world we live in
>annoying kids using their friends deaths to push an agenda
>implying they even knew the dead ones, or just didn't bullied them all day
Why is he so ugly?
Better get used to it, faggot. The time of the conservatard is at an end.
You do realize it has grown.
Well he's no Sminem, I'll tell you that much.
Inferior genetics to the superior saviour of the white race. HAIL THRICE GREAT SMINEM!
I hate this faggot.
All the Harry Potter signs will come back. The coordinators of this should seriously be embarrassed. It was pathetic even compared to other color revolutions elsewhere. Fantasy signs for fantasy outrage over a fantasy event.
>gommu gommu
There is just something so ludicrous and pathetic about this guy. What bright Moshe decided that THIS should be the face of the resistance???
He's supposed to evoke your protective instinct with his juvenile appearance. He's weak and pathetic, his inability to defend himself is apparent at a glance. Don't you want to ban guns so this poor little defenselesd shegetz doesn't meet an early shoah in his holocaust studies class when a crazed white male shooter breaks through the door dual weilding AR15s and begins gunning down innocent little children?
but he doesn't because he is not "cute". He doesn't look like a nice boy. He has the aura of an aging 40 year old. More like a wannabe James Bond villain in the making.
Like an autistic guy who wasn't cuddled enough by mommy and now he develops a nuclear bomb that can't be detected in an airport safety control or something.
Im generally not one to advocate for war or forced service. But I'd love to see the draft brought back for a war with China or Russia and these fucking kids pulled into foced conscription
by wednesday this will all be background noise.
not shoulder pads, his jacket it just too small
he's going for the WOW SLIM AND FIT look and he looks like a banana stuffed into a hotdog casing
we will make them learn our peaceful ways, by force!
The thing is, they’d never fight.
If ever there is another large war, short of killing these people ourselves, the west is dead when the few good men die and these are left.