Since evolution is only a theory and Christianity hasn't been falsified yet, should we teach creation science in our schools?
Since evolution is only a theory and Christianity hasn't been falsified yet...
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No, fagtron
“Dinosaurs” only died out some thousands of years ago. Dragons is what they were and they ruled the world like gods until men brave enough came forth to kill them all.
>our schools
Schooling is a degenerative experience for children and young adults. Herded like cattle into a hostile environment where they're fed state propaganda and learn absolutely nothing worthwhile that they wouldn't learn otherwise.
What creation science? Just saying that God made everything? Science would be explaining HOW God made the universe. And don't say magic. Because there is no such thing as magic.
It's a scientific theory, kinda like the theory of gravity, you stupid bitch
Since the shift to monotheism is a rather recent phenomenum in human history and did in no regard yet falsifie priour beliefs should we sacrifiece pigs to saturn after christmass just in case?
Theory is a misleading name, just like the big bang, there was no bang it was just an expansion of matter. Theory in its scientific definition is an explanation supported with compelling scientific evidence. A scientific theory is not just a hunch.
Oadaker sucks and has no skill
t. Alarich
Whatever God Wills necessarily happens. His Will is the ultimate Law. It's really boggling how you people fail so terribly at thinking in terms of necessary connections when you do it with so many other far more trivial things.
Yes, do so please.
Christianity has been falsified. Christianity is a false teaching of the Creator. Here is the evidence Christianity is false.
If the book of Christianity the bible the word of the Creator then why is it inaccurate on creation?
The bible makes false claims about how the Earth and Heavens were formed and how they operate. The problem with these claims is the bible is completely wrong. The bible makes three claims that has long been disproven.
1. The Earth is flat and supported by four pillers
2. The celestial bodies revolve around the earth. E.g the sun
3. There is a dome that separates the first heaven (sky) and the water.
All of these have been empirically disproven with physical laws and elements.
Here is some quotes of work done by a true Christian believer who proves that the bible teaches all three of these things. In his own words "Philip Stallings is the Founder of the Biblical Flat Earth Society, Reformed Christian Apologist, Theonomist, and a Former Seminary Student"
Flat Earth:
"It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in" Is. 40:22
"the Hebrew word used in this verse is "khoog" (pronounced chug). The word literally means, circle, circuit, and compass. In all of these words, none of them conjure up a picture of a ball. Furthermore if the earth were a ball, and God wished to communicate that here, then it would have required using the Hebrew word "dure" (pronounced dur). The Hebrew definition for dure is, a circle, pile, or ball. Isn't that interesting? If the shape of the earth was intended to be conveyed as a "ball" then the Hebrew word "dure" would have been the word used as found inIsaiah 22:18, "He will surely violently turn and toss thee like a BALL into a large
country: there shalt thou die, and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of thy lord's house." It wasn't used there. What we were given instead was the Hebrew word "khoog.""
"The number of verses that teach the earth is a round spinning ball orbiting the sun? 0"
The sun evolves around the Earth:
"Fear before him, all the earth: the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved. -1 Chronicles 16:30
The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved. -Psalms 93:1
Say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously. -Psalms 96:10
Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever. -Psalms 104:5"
The Firmament:
"And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. -Genesis 1:6
Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the LORD's thy God, the earth also, with all that therein is. - Deuteronomy 10:14
Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens. -Psalms 148:4"
Here is the link to examine evidence showing the bible making these false claims.
Our ancestors never believed these things. It wasn't until the annihilation of our religion and schools that people believed these lies because there was no counter evidence being presented. Even when there was they were murdered by the stupid people who believed the lies of the priest.
The first time the circumference of the Earth was measured correctly was done by Eratosthenes ofCyrenein c.276 BC–c.195/194 BC was aGreek mathematician,geographer,poet,astronomer, andmusic theorist. This shows that the so-called word of God aka the Bible who talked to Moses or any other high Priest would got it right before him, but they didn't.
Galileo Galilei proved the sun revolved around the sun but the false teachings of the Creator said otherwise. The church tried to shut him down for the truth which exposes the bible not being the true teachings of the Creator.
"the idea of a heliocentric solar system was so controversial that the Catholic Church classified it as a heresy, and warned the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei to abandon it."
As for the firmament get out of here with your bs. Electric universe disproves your liquid beliefs.
Now that we have seen that the Bible is wrong on the fundamentals on how the universe works I have one question for you unholy dogs known as christians, how can you seriously see this evidence and still believe the bible is accurate about who is the Creator?
>why is it inaccurate on creation
It isn't. Things in the past =/= things in the present. When you do away with the moronic unstated assumption that they are then your "arguments" die immediately.
>should we teach creation science
yes, also palm-reading science, horoscope science and rain-dance science.
Never happen, evolution is put on a pedestal never to be questioned and if you do your a "ignorant backwoods hick" science is the new God all will bow or face the consequence
this is literally the backstory of skyrim
It is inaccurate the White religions of the day were Right. Christianity was a subversion of the truth. If the bible is the book of the Bible then why is the bible so wrong about how the universe works?
if evolution is true why do we import shit skins
The past and the present are not identical dipshit.
You have no idea what the past was like; just saying an account of the past is wrong because it doesn't comport with your notions of the present is illogical and low-IQ.
There are academics and scientists who are Christian but the stigma associated with belief is so negative that it is career suicide to profess one's belief in Jesus, God and creationism
Not true at all. Monotheism was always been practice. It wasn't until subversion by the pagan religions of Elohim that it changed things. Here evidence Whites have always been monotheistic.
Timaeus Socrates discusses the gods. He even cast doubt on them. Which he doesn't do is question if the Creator exist. He even separates the Creator and the gods from one another.
"the creator then proceeded to fashion after the nature of the pattern. Now as in the ideal animal the mind perceives ideas or species of a certain nature and number, he thought that this created animal ought to have species of a like nature and number. There are four such; one of them is the heavenly race of the gods; another, the race of birds whose way is in the air; the third, the watery species; and the fourth, the pedestrian and land creatures." Timaeus
You can see here the gods were created by the Creator. It even says that the rulers descended from these gods, further separating them from the Creator.
"To know or tell the origin of the other divinities is beyond us, and we must accept the traditions of the men of old time who affirm themselves to be the offspring of the gods-that is what they say-and they must surely have known their own ancestors. How can we doubt the word of the children of the gods? Although they give no probable or certain proofs, still, as they declare that they are speaking of what took place in their own family, we must conform to custom and believe them. In this manner, then, according to them, the genealogy of these gods is to be received and set forth."
>Since evolution is only a theory
Gravity is only a theory too.
>Christianity hasn't been falsified yet
Religion is based only on irrational beliefs that can never be falsified or proven true.
You can only pick one.
> teach the controversy.png
The 'controversy' is manufactured by the same people who manufactured gods and religions. {{{ Teaching }}} this disinformation, like all the other lies and fallacies, deserves no respect in the Marketplace of Ideas.
Atheism is the controversy birth from the false teaching of Abrahamism. How about we teach truth which is atheism is bs and abrahamic religions is bs.
Atheism = False
Design creates process and has a process. Randomness by itself has no process and doesn't create a process. There is no evidence to say randomness does.
Physical material + process = Design
Any process that is found proven is evidence of design.
We can reverse engineer nature proving nature is engineered. The fact we can reverse engineer volcanic rock, which makes up 70% Earth's crust, proves a Creator, because without volcanic rock the Earth wouldn't be able to sustain higher evolved life forms.
>burger education
Sure, why not, what the fuck does it matter what you guys teach.
>Monotheism was always been practice.
You've never studied sociology or anthropology, have you?
>Whites have always been monotheistic
Not true at all. Supernatural beings are fabricated to have a hierarchy by the kind of evil people who wish to teach/enforce their human hierarchy. White people always had natural spirits that numbered in the hundreds until their nations were conquered by Abrahamic religions.
>the gods were created by the Creator
Even they recognized the infinite reduction refutation to the first cause argument. That's why almost none of the early Greek and Roman philosophers hang their hats on the morals or works of gods, but mention them in passing instead so special snowflake believer-readers can relate better.
If evolution is true why would we let in africans and feel bad about being white. We won...
>Atheism is the controversy birth from the false teaching of Abrahamism.
Everyone is a non-believer at birth today, and everyone in prehistoric times was a non-believer until the religions and gods were invented.
>Atheism = False
It's a lot more intellectually honest to say we just don't know than have a bunch of tithe-collecting religions filling our children's heads with nonsense and lies.
>Any process that is found proven is evidence of design.
Except your gods. They came from no where and causality doesn't apply to them. Well guess what. If the P1 premise relies on the exception to rule, then the entire syllogism that follows is flawed and illogical. It's a shame you never took any real math.
What's really boggling is faggots like you memeflagging and expecting anyone to take you seriously
Besides, you sound stupid and your education is obviously lacking
>faith based science
read your own post
you're thoughtless subhuman cancer who thinks with your feels
Nope. You're an uneducated tool who believes in idiocy. Your ancestors were obviously stupid, and passed those genes along to you. Go to school, then come back and argue.
I understand the process of science well, no 'feels' involved -- just many years of biological chemistry.
no we should teach the vedas.
those are the closest to human history that exist... that we know of.
The kikes at the vatican prolly have more relevant knowledge locked away.
Enjoy being completely irrational at the very core of your pathetic beliefs.
>Evolution is proven you dumb motherfucker
>christianity is for cucks
>Enjoy being completely irrational at the very core of your pathetic beliefs.
First, no one says atheists have no beliefs. They simply have no beliefs in any gods. There is a vast difference between irrational beliefs that are constructive in nature, and irrational beliefs in gods and religions that are dubious at best.
Second, suspending disbelief - being irrational can be useful if applied in the right manner. Our brains and skulls have evolved in ways that strongly promote the ability to reason, however we can "suspend disbelief" to engage in brief flights of fantasy. We needed our imaginations to be able to hypothesize and plan ahead. We needed to be able to speculate on the movements of herds, etc. Irrational thinking has some utility for very short periods and our brains are well suited for it. However, we are not meant to suspend our disbelief for long periods of time. Living in delusions and daydreams in the stone age would have been the fastest path to Darwinian death.
Your irrational beliefs for extended periods are having a profound and deleterious effect on your brain's chemistry. Holding mutually exclusive concepts without question or scrutiny creates a harmful cognitive dissonance. The long term strain of this deliberate dissonance damages your ability to think rationally.
Our knowledge may ultimately lie on a foundation of inductive logic, but it is far more productive than worshiping supernatural beings that routinely violate our laws of physics to be your invisible friend.
No; he's irrational because he believes the future will be like the past, because in the past the future has been like the past. That's viciously circular reasoning and is the definition of irrationality to believe in.
Read what people are saying instead of placing tons of presuppositions about other people's beliefs and then wall of texting a response that has no correspondence with what that person is even saying.
Why Not. Schools teach that Indians were here since forever n ever.
Turtle-island is a creationist religion that is taught as fact now.
No race is native or indigenous to north America and Solutreans were First Nations.
>No; he's irrational because he believes the future will be like the past, because in the past the future has been like the past
He didn't say anything like that. He never claimed history repeats itself. He said genetics does, and I agree.
>That's viciously circular reasoning
Hmmmm, no. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. It's pretty linear when you think about it.
>and is the definition of irrationality to believe in.
Irrationality is fine as long as it's not wasted on gods and religions.
>presuppositions about other people's beliefs
I was guessing that religion poisoned your rationality, but you're saying it was something else that did it?
>wall of texting a response
I don't care for drive-by criticism. If I can't explain my ideas, I probably don't understand them very well.
>He didn't say anything like that
All non-theistic scientific reasoning is based on that assumption. He is not a theist. He explicitly appealed to scientific reasoning (not any particular reasoning - literally just "scientific reasoning", which I doubt he could even demarcate).
Read and think rather than read and feel.
>why is the bible so wrong about how the universe works
It is wrong because it claims the sun stood still for day. It is wrong because of its descriptions of the firmaments. It is wrong because Bronze Age shepherds had no idea where the sun went when it set. The bible may have been an early attempt at describing the natural world, but it is so infused with hallucination and fiction that it's unusable as a reference for anything.
>The past and the present are not identical
To some degree this is true with religion. In the past, Jacob of the bible actually wrestled with the god of the bible. Now only hear from him when he tells some mother to put her baby in a microwave.
Good, good, atheist science goyim.
Fuck off. Gravity is only a theory too.
I was taught the Native Americans came across the Bering Strait in School. Isn't everyone taught this?
Many. Consider my son to be 'mentally challenged' so i put him in a christian school. He gets top marks because "god did it" or "god knows" are irrefutable answers.
Hard math question? Just answer with god
Don't understand a thing? Part of gods plan.
My kid is a genius, thank you christianity, you've brought us the next einstein
No, because its not science. If they want to take a theology class they are more than welcome to do so.
>atheist science
That's what irrational people mistakenly believe.
Non-belief in gods is unrelated to any sciences or math. Rational people know this.
>Christianity hasn't been falsified yet,
Yep - Every word in the bible is directly from God own personal mouth without the slightest chance of a mistranslation or cultural interpretation error.
>rational people
Normies need to stop coopting scientific terminology. A theory isn't a guess you absolute mong.
Fuck reddit and fuck atheism.christianity is solving real problems
What will niggers do when the water runs out? Probably destroy the water tank in a fit of unintelligent subhuman rage
A theory is falsifiable. Gravity is falsifiable. You can test for it. Fall on your ass and it hurts because something pulled you to the ground with force.
Evolution has never been proven.
In Russia, atheism was not the cause, it was a tool used as a weapon because of the threat that the Orthodox church would coronate another Tzar and trigger a civil war or overthrow the Soviet Union.
In China, Mao attended Confucius College and his Little Red Book contain numerous borrowing from the Tao te Ching, both religions without gods or deities. So the Mao "quote" from this disinfo meme is fabricated or misattributed. He often spoke fondly of the thousands of minor gods and goddesses that the Chinese peasants believed.
No one kills for the sake of non-belief in any gods. Suggesting it is a desperate lie.
Because humanity hasnt evolved since gaining sentience.
Everytime a human mutates, it's seen as a defect and not an evolution. Not to mention how organized religion more or less stamps out any evolution wherever they find it because muh devil and muh gentiles and muh infidels
>Evolution has never been proven.
It is observable and repeatable enough that it satisfies the requirements of the scientific method. No competing theory even comes close.
>No one kills for the sake of non-belief in any gods. Suggesting it is a desperate lie.
Yep. Never happened before.
consacrer le russie par lordres de fatima pour éviter la 3 gerre gerre mondial
Show live evidence right now.
Always been a fan of the lesser gods theologies.
Just another way asians are better than whites
>white: my god created everything from nothing and he smites all the other gods
>asian: somecool spirit dudes got together and made this for everyone to enjoy. They dont get along with -ALL- the other minor gods but that's okay
It also brought use one of the comfiest anime's: Natsume Yuujin Chou
Dovahkiin, dovahkiin...
Who could have guessed?
>i have no argument so I'm just going to point out your nationality in an attempt to void future argument
Muttposting at it's finest. You have nothing to counter me with except
>hur dur leaf XD
Memeflag idiots. A study in naive retardation.
Do you believe Atheism is lack or disbelief in god?
Or do you believe it is a lack or disbelief in a Creator?
God is just 1 concept of a Creator.
>Yep. Never happened before.
The Sanhedrin were the people of the bible who believed in the gods, which is unrelated to my point. Religious people kill to please their bloodthirsty gods all the time.
Show us a group of atheists who killed only because they didn't believe in any gods, not for any other ulterior motive.
>Show live evidence right now.
>le christians are stoopid, look at muh memeflag
>*reveals leaf*
>buddhism an shiet is cool
>christians are stoopid, you have no argument
Such intelligence. I'm astonished.
>mfw where did all those weird ass animals go we keep finding bones from?
>mfw where are all the 20,000,000 year old fossils of present animals?
>mfw all the animals alive today also lived when the earths climate was way hotter/colder?
>mfw we see only a decline in the amount of different species on the planet over time?
>muh bacteria
Top fucking kek, every time. It's still bacteria. The same kind of bacteria in fact.
Is a blonde baby from brown haired parents evolution? No. It's a trait already in the DNA.
Well there is still proof of that
Have an evolutionary science class and a creation science class. Allow the kids to pick the route they'd like to go through.
It's like giving people options and letting them decide solves everything. Coercion just creates resistance.
You oughta be considering the display of your 'intelligence'
Okay evolution exist we can see this in man. With genetic point mutation. But how does evolution disprove a Creator?
>ITT: evolution is bullshit because you cant see it but god is real even though you cant see him
>Do you believe Atheism is lack or disbelief in god?
That's the definition. You accept it or reject it. No belief is required.
>Or do you believe it is a lack or disbelief in a Creator?
A creator is an unnecessary mental fiction just like gods are. Not a dime's worth of supernatural difference.
>God is just 1 concept of a Creator.
That is your belief. I don't believe in either, in the same way I don't believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, demons, leprechauns, angels, mermaids, fairies, werewolves, ghosts, etc.
The Bible doesn't teach any of that you fucking retard
Why do you say evolution when you mean speciation?
Nobody alive or dead has ever shown actual proof of any 'creator'. You'd think it would be fucking easy to show at least one instance of one if it existed -- why would an omnipotent being be afraid to show itself?
Obvious answer here
My intelligence shows that you're a liberal and also a non-breeder. If you believed in evolution, you should be pro-natalist, but all of you are liberal sterile cucks.
So you don't believe in a Creator. Do you believe in design by man?