So Sup Forums do we have info on who raided.
Are we gonna strike back?
So Sup Forums do we have info on who raided
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no one raided you, you invent those convoluted plots to think you are important, literaly no one cares about this little cuck forum, kek
And yet here you are
why even post
You don't belong here
I'm a right winger so I post here, I'm saying that no matter how many posts you write theres no "shilling campaigns". Its shit autists invent to feel important. If there is shareblue shilling it is happening on facebook and twitter.
Also fun fact with the flood of trump posters "JIDF" label dissapeared and was replaced with "shareblue", coincidentaly trumpfags are in a huge chunk zionists. Gets the old noggin joggin
the liberals duh. Just keep shitposting as usual.
They raided robot as well but they got bored after 4 days. They will shit post a bit before they move on.
We don't need to know who exactly. We know their affiliations. It's enough to know.
You probably have never noticed shills, because you never post anything worth shilling, newfriend.
The latest raid is brought to you by (((MTV))). The DNC hired them to handle their latest false flag/gun grab attempt.
>he fell for the only right wingers go to Sup Forums meme
>some poltards writes a fake facebook post
>sends some messages between sock accounts
>this is proof of shilling
right wing brainlet squads
All of the above and more, and its like that for a year or so now. They just decided all to shill the guncontroll but other than that nothing changed
Were you absent from /pol?
I didn't imply such, you leafoid
Hello fellow right-wingers!
I tried to warn you guys but you wouldn't listen
No one ever claimed this as proof of shilling. Honestly you people keep attacking this pic despite it being fake. You fall for this bait every single time. Why is that?
Yeah. Looks like it
Why do people even raid Sup Forums? Did they not learn from the previous 9001 attempts? Raiding this site is the digital equivalent of attacking Russia in the winter.
They were too many to consider work of an insider.
this is some circular logic, leafoid
I didn't expect you retards to stop deluding yourself, the shill/raid hypothesis gives you too much of a hard-on. Someone finaly cares about your impotent shitposting.
But you did.
Are you even trying anymore? You realize shilling is an art form and not a menial task, right?
>They are so Amotivated that regardless of how much stuff they're given, they won't do anything
so I assume we're gonna just sit here and prove this right while we could be effortlessly boosting content up through reddit, disrupting tumblr communities and actually doing literally anything?
No this is morons falling for old tricks as usual. You're so new it hurts.
Sup Forums is pretty much an impotent board, we can engage in some low level poster campaigns, but nothing else
Some retarded kids posting on Sup Forums is not a raid. If it were we would be raiding ourselves.
Ignore them and they will go away. They have school tomorrow.
Pretty much. I mean why go out of our way and waste time? They come here, do their routine, then they bail and things go back to normal.
They don't even account for the lurkers who see right through the nonsense.
The raids are obvious for anyone who has posted here before (at least before 2015), that's what the shills don't understand, we know what was the usual flow of the board and a sudden change in it doesn't go unnoticed. The only thing shills really achieve is that we get bored and move temporarily to other boards like Sup Forums, Sup Forums or /biz/ to annoy their locals only to return shortly after, to see if the spamming has decreased.
Kek.. Fine
Is this where the Sup Forums Vikings meet? I’m ready for a raid.
Would marry desu
>we have info
>we gonna strike back
Yeah no shit you have info on yourself, shithead.
Sup Forums doesnt NEED to 'strike back' against those that have already been beaten.
See you in November.
the_donald needs to leave
You need to stop pretending you're European.
Here see, we could be fighting back
rich redpilling in comments already
we could boost this and give the normies something to read
spread agitprop in the comments
get people curious about redpilling themselves
do literally anything other than sit in this corner of the Internet under siege leaving our enemies domiciles pristine for operation
its mostly paranoid boomers who bought into the conspiracies they read here, it's pretty sad, lel
Getting paid .02 cents a reply can really wind down your enthusiasm.
Both of you are unironical shills. We can spot you fags from a mile.
here's a good one
car driven into kids in glasgow, race continuously neglecting to be released
the upvote pattern thus far indicates it's gonna get memory holed if it's not helped along - all it takes is a couple clicks
As long as you remember that Israel #1
That's how i know you came here during the 2016 election
nice here's a HUGE potential pill about euro sex gangs
we could be bombing the shit out of this with data on the rape of europe
I do my part to comment and vote to disrupt the leftist ability to control the narrative - do YOU?
>look I can meme too!
Unoriginal. Can't blame you though. So what's your political affiliation? Do you see yourself as a Democrat, Republican, or a Centrist?
I suppose you're right.
He's right though. You're a shill using old talking points. You're out of date. Expired.
but in all seriousness you don't fit in here
>I'm a right winger
Lmao you're a shill.
Saying "right winger" is a major tell.
>pls go away, you are intruding in my safespace
ok, pussy, I'm not interested in making you understand
your country is ALREADY doomed to fail, lol