Anne Happy

>in love with an inanimate object
You'd think that Hibari would be a more popular character due to how relatable she is.

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There's a billion cute anime girl characters with weird personality traits to make them quirky and a little bit more memorable than the billion other rival cute anime girls.
We get like 200 anime shows per year now, so it's hard to keep track of which ones you ought to be dedicated towards.

>There's a billion cute anime girl characters
Wild exaggeration.

I love Hibari and her beautiful kiwi-fruit eyes.

Hibari is fine, but she doesn't shine as bright as our Sun.

Sorry. Three quarter billion. I tend to round up.

I still can't choose who I like more between Anne and Hibari.


>it will never be Anne Happy time again
It hurts. By the way it looks like they're releasing a BD box version.

Tsubaki OVA fucking when?

Manga is still ongoing. Was it unpopular in Japan?

Translation for Volume 7 came out just a few weeks ago.!QyInSI5J!FE83hBGJvriSy5X1Bb4gQ_dCmR58PREGaDlfDsgkKrY


>i'll never see a new season of sansha sanyou or anne happy
I'd post a picture of Anne crying if such a picture existed.


Nice. Thanks.

anyone got that picture of Hibari flashing the construction sign?

I will forever remain bitter at that April Fool's joke they did. Mean fucks.



Well, it's a Kirara series. The popularity just weirdly plateaus after hitting sustainability.

Still waiting for them to show up in Kirara Fantasia.

This. Hibari was cool, but Anne's voice put me at ease in a way that I never thought simple words would be able to.

Whenever I hear her VA I always think fondly of Hanako. I don't think I'll ever see her top that sweet syrupy perfection which is the First Light.

Oh yeah, that was a thing. Is it out yet?


They haven't even announced the gochiusas yet.

I remember them saying they'd have it out by this year. Less than a month to go hope they don't fuck it up.

Save the bests for last.

oh i found it

Why is she so perfect?

i thought tsubaki had a bigger chest than that


Ha, what a faggot.

Like you are in any position to talk.

why does Botan always accidentally NTR Hibiki?

It feels so weird reading the manga after the anime. Such a rare thing to happen but I think the adaptation actually elevated the manga so much.

Many Botans died to give Hibiki the plans.

Hanako's speech is really cutesy in the manga. Dunno if that's due to localization though.

Anne makes me so happy


I definitely miss the chibis and the color palette of the show as well as the definitely not Pani Poni SHAFT lite aesthetic of it all.

I love to see Ann smile.

Yeah, never understood why almost no one care about Anne Happy and all the people praise shits like k-on

I loved it enough to buy all the official translated volumes.

>enough to buy all the official translated volumes.
So you hate it?

how many SoL/CGDCT series do Anne-Happyfags need to insult before they feel better about themselves?

I only have so much love to give.

Don't blame everyone for the actions of one or two shitposters.

Jokes on you I've buyfagged for nearly every all girls SoL that have aired through out the years.

But seriously though, if this had aired at least decade earlier it would've been a hit.

Never forget.

I mean let's be honest here, that applies for a lot of shows. Of course if say any popular 4koma series that followed Azumanga's format aired in place of Azumanga back then it'd be popular as fuck. Or you know if something else aside from Genshiken or Minami-ke aired or even an entirely different LN series from the future instead of Shakugan no Shana or Zero no Tsukaima.

I was not there for that. But if Hanako ends up with Hibari, she won't have a kid who will pass on her bad luck genes.

It would take extremely bad luck to accidentally impregnate a girl even when you yourself are a girl.

But that's not bad luck at all when they want a kid.

>twisting any bad turn of fate into something positive

>One gay girl
>One straight girl in love with her 2D husbando
>Yurifags need to make everything about yuri
Or they could just enjoy the show.

Botan might as well be gay too. Penis would kill her.

I missed it when the threads turned into Armchair Psychology 101 and the suicide hotline.

It wouldn't even have to be that far back, just in 09-10 it would've succeeded better.

Don't worry anons, Hibiki is on the road to find S2!