So what is an Assault Rifle?
So what is an Assault Rifle?
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The current definition is probably:
A term used by people to refer to the AR-15 showing the inability of those using it to discuss firearm legislation in any way that makes remote sense.
A category of firearm defined by the combination of using an intermediate cartage as well as having select fire capability.
a rapid-fire, magazine-fed automatic rifle designed for infantry use.
Not pic related.
A assault rifle uses high capacity clips (any clip that holds more than 9 rounds)
Nice b8
The real answer is "there is no such thing".
A rifle with a detachable magazine using an intermediate cartage that is capable of automatic fire.
Also already illegal for civilian ownership, before you ask.
It literally has Assault Rifle in its name you dumbass
Who wants to bet that cunt can't catch me
Look up who Armalite are.
Intermediate cartridge, select fire and removable box magazine.
It literally doesn't, you retard.
It stands for ArmaLite ....dumb faggot. Try again.
If you thought the Assault Rifle-15 was scary, wait until you see the Assault Rifle-17!
It stands for Armalite Rifle, nigger
I love it when someone who is completely ignorant calls the correct person a “dumb ass.”
AR does not stand for assault rifle, that’s just what the media has pushed because they don’t care to actually look up these things called facts. Maybe you’ve heard of them.
AR in this case primarily stands for Assault Rifle, they used that term because 1. it matches the companies name and 2. Hitler coined that term after the german Sturmgewehr 44 (assault rifle 44)
>what is an assault rifle
Holy shit, you've got no brain.. What are you, muslim?
>AR in this case primarily stands for Assault Rifle
> Sturmgewehr 44
Only rifle that I know of has assault-rifle in it's name is RK62 and 95.
If it was named after ArmaLite then they would nave called it AL-15. They cleearly didn't, in case you didnt notice. That's because it matches the term Assault Rifle, because that's literally its function.
Fully semi-automatic military-style
>Sturmgewehr 44
Direct translation: Storming Gun 44
Shortened to: STG
It's not even close.
There is no such thing ad an assault rifle. Any weapon can be used to assault. Stupid fucks.
>Fully semi-automatic
>Detachable box fed magazine
>Fires an intermediate cartridge
>Select fire.
Everything else is window dressing.
If it doesn't do these three things, it is not an assault rifle.
Lmao people are falling for this b8, come on Sup Forums.
Pic related, retard.
Assualt rifle is any rifle that can fire burst or automatic
An assault rifle is any piece if metal made to fire projectiles that can assault others.
No.. The spanish really are that stupid.
Are you limiting the definition to sexual-assault-rifles ?
>fires off a bunch of rounds semi-auto
>fires off a bunch of rounds semi-auto, except holding it like an even bigger retard
That's the best segment
Sturm comes from "stürmen" which means assaulting.
Tell the people what they cant have , so they want it even more. Winning.
This is a prime example of someone that completely ignores actual reality and facts. You would take a second to see your computer screen through the thick fart clouds that your asshole is emitting, you would see a video above showing you an AR-17, which is yet another, ArmaLite Rifle.
>Spanish retard thinks he's better at German than a Dutch guy, who's language closely resembles German
No it doesn't you brainless cunt. It means 'to storm'
>The AR-1 was one of the first rifles produced at Armalite’s location in Hollywood, CA, and paved the way to the development of the AR-10. All rifles were designated AR, short for Armalite Rifle. Shortly thereafter, Armalite submitted the AR-5, .22 Hornet Survival Rifle to the U.S. Air Force as a replacement for their then-standard survival rifle. The AR-5 was adopted and designated the MA-1 Survival Rifle.
Any weapon that can fire projectiles powerfull enough that it can aasault others is an assault rifle. Get an esucation you rednecks.
So is the AssaultRifle-15 better than an AssaultRifle-10? I mean it has a higher number so it must be stronger, right?
If they put so much energy into capitalizing the L in their name, then they would have named it the AL-15, because that is cleary where the term is split in two. Arma and Lite. How much more proof do you want?
Learn to read you dumb cunt.
>All rifles were designated AR, short for Armalite Rifle.
>gettin baited this hard
Stg44, Stg45 and Stg58
Translating stürmen with assaulting is pretty reasonable.
You can pick catalonia as a flag now. Might not even be a spic.
It probably just means that it's newer
When's the last time you assaulted a battlefield?
An assault rifle is any gun screeching high schoolers from Florida declare as such.
Indeed, all rifles are assault rifles and should not be owned by law abiding citizens...
trorlrorlrorlro faggot
does your keyboard smell terrible with the amount of times you have to wipe your own asshole with your bare hands?
>Posting the same message 4 times
You need to be at least 12 years old to post on this board.
Storming (stürmen) in a battle scenario means assaulting. They also call the from runners in football Stormers/Attackers (Stürmer/Angreifer)
Well I didn't mention Stg since there's no anime dedicated for them
Not technically. They’re an arm and a leg, but transferable machineguns still exist over here
>Storming (stürmen) in a battle scenario means assaulting
No.. It doesn't. Storming means to try and take an area.
a firearm chambered in an intermediate caliber cartridge capable of select fire.
You french are not very good at this. Hahahahahaha
Look who's the expert on german...
A "assault rifle" is a "weapon of war".
That's the Netherlands you retard
also you can assault with any weapon
Storming isn't german, it's english.
Furthermore the concept of the word 'storming' isn't exclusive to a single language.
Read his other posts.. Just ignore the brainlet.
Whatever dude, Sturmgewehr clearly means "Rifle to assault the enemy with", words can stand for multiple things.
AR-15 is not an assault rifle, it's more like shit thrower
Sturmgewehr clearly means "Rifle to storm the battlefield with", as stated by the military at the time.
Good b8 but lemme enlighten u
ArmaLite (one word)
He's right. 'Stürmen' means assaulting as in assaulting a position. Now the English word 'to assault' can mean exactly that, but also suddenly attacking a person or people which in German would be 'überfallen'.
'Assaulting' having a second meaning doesn't make the translation wrong just less precise.
Just like the alt right?
Not that
>Sup Forums circa 2018
What does Stürmer (Stormer) as in the people in the front in soccer translate to? Enlighten me.
actually the direct translation is "storm gun", and it was designed for storm troopers, which are synonymous with shock troopers.
So not an AR15
Hey retard, check out my pic. It is of the AR-17, a shotgun.
Go fuck yourself.
shhhh don't tell them that
A modern military rifle. They fire intermediate cartridges designed to severely wound instead of kill right away and have semi auto functionality for precision shooting and full auto and burst fire for tactically laying down suppression fire.
If you are not organized infantry fighting other organized infantry they are shit. Get a chad battle rifle. The ultimate infringement-busting weapon.
>powerful cartridge blows through light to intermediate body armor at greater distances
>will also take down any big game in NA
>full auto? get another guy to hold it. are you fucking insane?
>you don't need more than 20rds because by the time you've emptied the magazine those who did not die will have turned tail and ran
Front-liner.. What do they do on the field? They try to move the defensive line back, push through, and take hold of the opponent's penalty area, so they can score.
A rifle that shoots assault bullets
>all this pointless arguing ITT
It has a set definition like every other word. This isn't up for debate. Pic related.
None of the guns used in recent shooting have been automatic. They've been "semi" automatic therefore literally not assault rifles.
this is, well its a bullpup but this is used for war
you wouldnt send people to war with an AR
An Assault rifle is a select-fire weapon that fires an intermediate rifle cartridge and uses a projectile with a muzzle energy between those of a full-sized rifle and a smaller submachine gun or pistol. Assault rifles are categorized between battle rifles, which fire a full-sized rifle cartridge, and submachine guns, which fire a pistol cartridge rather than the more powerful rifle cartridge.
Gewehr translates to rifle, gun translates to Schusswaffe.
Storm can be translated in multiple ways: to storm, to attack, to assault, to charge at sth.
The meaning in this case though is assault. Why the fuck am I arguing with non-German speakers about my language?
I am a muslim that has only ever touched a gun 17 times in his life.
Isn't Assault Rifles essentially rifles used in assaults? AKA places where a long muzzle and heavy weight wouldn't be fast enough to deal with attackers coming from unseen corners? Kind of like a weapon that is an answer to trench combat the Germans hated.
Gewehr means long gun, Büchse means rifle.
>and so the flamewar continues
Because Germans crap on shelf toilets and therefore can't be trusted.
Something that I have a second admendment right to pocess