Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou TV anime announce

Studio White Fox

Other urls found in this thread:

Why the fuck this but not dungeon seeker

Why is he so angry?

Director: Jun Kamiya(Blue Seed, Kingdom, Neo Ranga)
Series Composition: Kazuyuki Fudeyasu
Character Designer: Atsuo Tobe

Don't care if it's shit or not. I just hope we get Valvrave-tier live discussions/shitstorms. Those were funny.

>Seventeen-year-old Hajime Nagumo is your average, everyday otaku. However, his simple life of pulling all-nighters and sleeping in school is suddenly turned upside down when he, along with the rest of his class, is summoned to a fantasy world! They’re treated like heroes and tasked with the duty of saving the human race from utter extinction. But what should have been any otaku’s wet dream quickly turns into Hajime’s nightmare? While the rest of his class are blessed with godlike powers, Hajime’s job, Synergist, only has a single transmutation skill. Ridiculed and bullied by his classmates for being weak, he soon finds himself in despair. Will he be able to survive in this dangerous world of monsters and demons with only a glorified blacksmith’s level of strength?

You mean Sevens

Shouldn't that be "Arifureta Shokugyou de ISEKAI Saikyou?

Well to no surprise to anyone

I had read the manga and found it to be awful. The way the MC goes from being extremely weak, whiny and spineless to being an overpowered angry edgelord the moment his arm is bitten off was ridiculous. It didn't feel like natural character progression, rather it felt like the author added the change to allow the reader to more easily self-insert in this power fantasy.

The story has stats, skills and classes just like every other lazy isekai. The MC is able to gain a shitload of OP skills and raise his stats through the roof by killing and eating monsters in the first dungeon. It totally feels like and RPG and not even a good one since no good game would let you get this overpowered almost immediately. And on top of that the MC quickly gets OP magic that nobody else has and the ability to create whatever technological tool he feels like, after which he starts collecting girls for his harem.

In addition the MC is chuuni as fuck; he has silver hair, red lines on his skin, a mechanical arm, dresses in black, is an biter and angry edgelord and has a ton of overpowered abilities.

Some people praise this series, but I found it to be generic isekai garbage.

Jesus fuck those designs are fucking awful.

I don't mind this, Arifureta is stupid but of the enjoyable kind.
I mean there's so much fucking worse, like edgy priest with OP healing powers who can basically can do anything as long as he add the word "healing" next to it.

Finally got an anime? The novels ended right?
Looks very low budget

and no one is surprised

>Death March next season
>Arifureta immediately the season after that
Holy shit. Don't tell me Arifureta and Shieldbro are going to air right next to each other.

>Finally got an anime? The novels ended right?
The webnovel is still on-going.

You mean that revenge fantasy where the healer MC becomes OP, goes full edge and tortures/rapes/kills everyone that wronged him? It was certainly terrible but that does not make Arifureta good.

>red lines on his skin
Only the manga art has actually portrayed that. The LN art has never shown it. The LN art is so hilariously bad, which is a shame since the manga artist could have probably drawn way better designs.

Even the mechanical arm is hilarious since it was described in the story as not looking much different than a regular arm since he could wear his coat over it.

The author wrote it for shits and giggles without an actual plan in mind (in the WN you can actually read his chapter commentary describing figuring out characterization and plot as he goes along) and was as surprised as anybody else that his work somehow won the popularity lottery. He freely admits that his work is teenage fapbait garbage in the first volume afterword.

>I’m still very much a beginner when it comes to writing, so forgive me for the half-assed setting, overall lack of plot, and general randomness. I added things as they popped into my mind, and wrote a story that was more for myself than anything.

>Even now, I’m still enjoying writing this story more than anything else as Ryo Shirakome... which is why I’m truly thankful to my fans at Narou for supporting this fanfiction-tier story all the way until it got published officially. It’s not every day that an isekai author gets published out of the sea of isekai stories on there. Once again, I’d like to thank my readers for letting me enjoy myself all the way through.

>As I’m sure those of you can already tell by my Syosetsu pen name, I’m a huge chuuni lover. Enough of one that I wrote an entire novel based on it. Enough of one that I’m going to write an entire second novel about it too.

>And I’m not the only chuuni out there. I’m sure all Japanese boys, no, boys all over the world, no, every human alive, has a bit of chuuni hidden somewhere inside them. So, to all of you chuuni lovers who have to hide away because of common sense, or your age, or how embarrassing it is, or how society sees you, if this book has helped unleash your burning soul just a little... then I consider my work complete.

>Ah, but please don’t go around unleashing it in public. You’ll cause an uproar.

>Anyway, before I start spouting something stupid (though I think I’ve already spouted quite a few stupid things in this book) allow me to once more thank everyone who made this possible.

Those designs look really shit.
It almost gives me Smartphone vibes if it weren't for the fact that White Fox was handling it.

And the most important line:
>I’m not sure if this book betrayed your expectations or fulfilled them, but I’ll be glad so long as you derived some amount of enjoyment from it.

Enjoyment is bad taste and you should feel bad for it.

More fucking garbage, and to make things worse, White Fox are wasting their talent on this shit. Also, SG 0 fucking when you niggers.

I like chuuni stuff but this series was pretty bad. The fact the author admits it doesn't mean it shouldn't be criticized. From what I gathered it was one of the early 俺TUEEEE web novels and caught on partly because of that.

Dumping designs


What else has the character designer worked on?

Voice actors

Yue - (CV: Yuuki Kuwahara)
Shea - (CV: Minami Takahashi)
Hajime - (CV: Toshinari Fukamachi)

He did the designs for:
Yakitate!! Japan (TV) , Ai Monogatari (OAV), Gekito! Crush Gear Turbo (TV) and Kingdom.

>summoned to a fantasy world
into the trash

From what I've seen he's a generic high school student who got isekai'd, then lost his eye, an arm and his hair turned white? I think he was aged up physically too but lots of trauma either way.

lust for vengeance

Why the fuck did Kadokawa give White Fox this one? They should have given them something much more worthwhile.

Now we can have a third rate studio adapt slime or kumo!

>Why the fuck this but not dungeon seeker

Because the author of Dungeon Seekers was found to have plagiarized Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou.

>lust for vengeance
This is what people who haven't even read Arifureta actually believe.

Anyone has a pic of "how much more edgy we can make him" thread?

What the fuck is this?

If Dungeon Seeker got an anime it would be legit the first time i buy an anime bluray.

Kino seeker is best isekai

It's not Kadokawa, it's OVERLAP (founded by a producer who splintered away from Media Factory when Kadokawa bought them, took his Pokémon strategy guide contracts with him and started his own publishing company with blackjack and hookers)

What the hell did they do to best girl?

No... Not Sakamoto666!

Ok now it makes sense. They want to really push this big time so that's why they went with White Fox.

Another 2k sales series.

>big time

Someone please tell me these aren't the designs for the anime.

and why would i read that shit?

Because you obviously have too much free time.

What were you expecting? It's going to be cheap as shit crap.

Is it weird that I find him leading on the rest of his harem while shamelessly fucking Yue infinitely more infuriating than typical isekai harem shenanigans?

Glad White Fox doesn't look like they give a shit and instead are focusing their resources on Steins;Gate 0.

>Is it weird that I find him leading on the rest of his harem while shamelessly fucking Yue infinitely more infuriating than typical isekai harem shenanigans?
Yes, that is incredibly weird and unjustified.

>The way the MC goes from being extremely weak, whiny and spineless to being an overpowered angry edgelord the moment his arm is bitten off was ridiculous.

The manga skips over a bit (and more later on, including pretty much all of him and Yue's relationship for some reason), but you're exaggerating things too.

He had his big hero moment, he saved the day with his powers twice during the fight above, and he was completely betrayed by one of his classmates without any rhyme or reason, for only the most flimsy justification. He's fought through this whole dungeon so far aware of how weak and useless he is, even his big hero moment amounted to mostly just holding the Behemouth in the spot, so it's not as if he doesn't know his place in this world.

Then he wakes up, having barely survived the fall, much deeper in the dungeon than he'd ever have dreamed, surrounded by monsters stronger than anything he's imagined so far, and within seconds he's almost cornered and killed by a freaking bunny. He gets toyed with as nothing more than food by the Bear and winds up only just barely surviving, crawling into a hole in the rock and collapsing to bleed out and die.

The point, and why he has so much trauma is that he's stuck in that hole in the ground, only just barely clinging to life for days on end. He can't bear to leave, it's terrifying just imagining going outside, he knows he'll get hunted down and eaten. But staying in the hole doesn't help him, it only prevents him from dying. And so he gets hungrier and hungrier, and his sanity frays off and off, until he completely loses himself. It's been a while since I read it, but IIRC he was there for more than a week? Basically wracked between insane hunger and fear, until his mind completely snaps and he winds up throwing away his entire personality and humanity, until the only thing he can even think about is surviving.

Director matters a lot too, is this guy a literally who?

Can't wait for retards to start saying this series is great because it's a deconstruction of isekai harems.

Me too.
And that one story about Mage that becomes "dungeon master" and fucks heroes that come into his dungeon to kill him. Threads often post the pages from the chapter about creating Dullahan.

The series is stupid and nonsensical and a cringefest but at least the author is completely self-aware of that and doesn't shy away from making shit as over the top and ridiculous as possible.

It has its entertaining moments which is more than I can say about shit like Death March and Isekai Smartphone which seems to almost make an effort to make everything as much as a borefest as possible. If I'm going to watch/read through an unapologetic author fap fantasy at least give me the one that's not as milquetoast as possible.

It's interesting, because it's actually a fairly unique setup. It's a revenge story without any revenge, he doesn't care about getting back at the guy who betrayed him or the people who tormented him. And he doesn't even care about getting back to Kaori. She's setup from the first few pages as the Heroine, she gets traumatised by the shock of losing him and is relentless about clearing the dungeon to try and find/save him, but he completely forgets about her.

And he wasn't even overpowered from any of that stuff, that only began when he trapped and just barely managed to kill the weakest monster on the floor, and was so maddened by hunger that he tried eating it- completely forgetting that monster flesh was poisonous.

>The MC is able to gain a shitload of OP skills and raise his stats through the roof by killing and eating monsters in the first dungeon.

The point is that there's not any "First" dungeon, they're all roughly as hard as each other since you could encounter them in almost any order. It doesn't make sense for the other ones to be randomly much harder than Orcus's one.

>In addition the MC is chuuni as fuck; he has silver hair, red lines on his skin, a mechanical arm, dresses in black, is an biter and angry edgelord and has a ton of overpowered abilities.

He specifically doesn't want to be a chuuni fuck. When he sees his reflection in the mirror in Oscar's house spends the entire day in bed cringing at how bad he looks. When one of his enemies calls out his chuuni appearance, he's so embarrassed he completely stops what he's doing. It's actually a fairly legit running joke.

I wouldn't say he's bitter, but he's definitely an angry edgelord. However, the entire point of his character development from Volume 1 is that he doesn't need that attitude anymore, not since he escaped from he Dungeon. He has to actually calm down and stop being an edgelord, learn to be a somewhat normal person again.

>It's been a while since I read it, but IIRC he was there for more than a week?

I want to say it was a couple months? He spent a ton of time just drinking from the healing spring and fucking around with his class skills before coming out and hunting IIRC. It's been ages since I read it too though

That series is interesting at least because we see the world from the MC's incredibly fucked up perspective.

Everything about it is messed up, but it's a fun ride.

Ahahahahaha it actually happened. Long live narou! long live our isekai overlords!

That said it probably isn't that surprising considering the PV before where they announced the spinoff series and hinted heavily at the anime at the same time

>>Ah, but please don’t go around unleashing it in public. You’ll cause an uproar.
He's alright

Isekai Smartphone is leaps and bounds better than Arifureta.

>literally three of the progenitor narou isekai airing in one year
Holy shit Sup Forums.

>lust for vengeance

He literally couldn't care less about that.

What makes Hajime interesting/frustrating is that he's almost entirely apathetic. He doesn't care about what happened to him and he doens't care about anyone in this world. He cares only about getting home.

It changes a bit, but yeah. Definitely not about vengeance.

He's a literal who. Well the director for Re:Zero was his first time directing a series so, I dunno. Maybe WF can do something about it.

But Shea isn't in that picture?

Dungeon Seeker was a fun ride reading the manga, but holy shit the LN turned me off it way too much to keep going.

After watching the MC get all his fingernails ripped out, tortured to hell and then strapped into Golden Bull... Just too much. The fact that there's no possibility of any revenge doesn't help either.

I only want to watch this scene

>The point is that there's not any "First" dungeon, they're all roughly as hard as each other since you could encounter them in almost any order. It doesn't make sense for the other ones to be randomly much harder than Orcus's one.
Orcus's dungeon is actually the second hardest one. The hardest one would probably be the one that's actively maintained and administrated by its troll creator.
The author actually made a good call and introduced the noob party that he has to babysit through the later dungeons because it's clear the party is way too overpowered to be really threatened by any of them at that point, even by the gimmicks.

>Is it weird that I find him leading on the rest of his harem while shamelessly fucking Yue infinitely more infuriating than typical isekai harem shenanigans?

Why? He's completely up-front about his intentions. He says he wants to be loyal to Yue and that he intends to stay monomous to her. He doens't want to have an open relationship because he couldn't stand another guy with her, and he doesn't want to take her for granted.

He's completely clear about this with every single one of the other women, he doesn't lead them on and he's even fairly forceful about trying to get Kaori to leave and go back to the others when he thinks she's just trying to cling to her memories of the man he was. Why should he be embarassed about having sex with his lover around them, when they're all aware that he's in a relationship with her? That's pretty damn normal. Following a guy in a relationship and expecting otherwise is the weird part. (He's even somewhat decent about it, mostly making sure they're alone and doing it secretly).

It's a lot better than the standard harem protagonist who'd just run away from all sex, lead on all the women and act like an uncommital idiot the whole time. And it's fairly honourable compared to just jumping into bed with all the women without a thought.

Who knows but I'm sure even more narou isekai announcements are likely to happen.
This year wasn't bad but the next one shaping up to be like their golden year.

I can't believe White Fox actually took this. The basic premise is so shit. Why didn't Overlap choose a better LN to animate?

But the author fails to follow through with it.

>that moment where he just fucking gives up completely and lets the princess into his harem
It's a miracle his harem didn't expand even more after that.

>took this
Not how it works.

I think the difficulty is hard to calculate because the environments and special challenges of the dungeons other than Orcus' dungeon (which is just full of monsters) are hard to quantify.

Indeed, and I found that the development of slowly making Yue want Shia to be part of her family was actually fairly well done. Only after that was accomplished did the author start to rush making the others increasingly easy additions, especially Aiko and the princess.

>Why didn't Overlap choose a better LN to animate?
Because Arifureta is popular that's why it's getting an anime.

More importantly, how in the world did Slime and Spider not even get an anime.

Give it time. Slime and Spider are pretty much guaranteed an anime at this point.

Because Slime and Spider are harder to milk without clear heroines to sell figs of.

better than the shitters from Silver link or the hacks at a1

inevitably will happen for both spider and slime, slime especially since the novels and the manga were licensed not too long ago in the US

I really hope they don't fuck the adaptations in the ass for Slime and Spider

>Isekai Smartphone is leaps and bounds better than Arifureta.

It's really not. I checked out Smartphone on a somewhat random recommendation a while ago when I was looking for something new and gave it a whirl, hell I'm still planning on following it, I've read through all the current english LNs.

It's pretty much garbage. It's the most obvious and simplest "Good guys v Bad Guys" narrative. There's zero grey areas, there's nothing complicated at all, the entire story is about good people going around doing good things.

He's introduced to the Duke, he's introduced to the King, they're all purely good people and he's best friends with them all, he's making these random inventions that all catch on instantly, that everyone loves, and revolutionise society in small ways. He makes almost all the divine beasts his servants, the girls all want to be with him and that's not a problem, and hell, the most recent revelation is that because of the way he was resurrected, he's practically a divine being.

The villains are all obviously and clearly bad (and ugly, usually), and they're all easily defeated, typically without even any trouble at all (the series even makes fun of it when they're in notJapan, when the Japanese generals are gearing up for a hard fight and he just one shots the boss). Even things that should be complex or morally grey, like him sticking his nose in a revolution, or in a religious war, all end up with clear black and white answers.

Even the harem aspects are done terribly! I was really happy in V2 or 3 or something, really early on, it discarded all the harem "Will they, won't they" nonsense and had everything very clearly setup- he's going to marry them all, no-one has a problem with it, and it's all driven by Yumina so it's not as if he's being a slimeball... But there's ZERO development! The girls called him out on it in the most recent volume, that he never does anything romantic with them, he's only even kissed 2 of them...

Why do people like those? I find hard to give a shit about a bug and a blob

The list with all the Narou WN

This is going to be the next Re:Zero isn't it? Yue is perfect waifubait an it's edgy enough that everyone will call it a deconstruction of isekai.

Because Arifureta is a hit in terms of sales and popularity. Its ranked #2 on syosetsuka ni narou and LNwise even sells more than #1 Mushoku Tensei which by the way supposedly already exceeded a million copies in terms of LN+manga long ago together with shieldbro.

But if you look at the oricon rankings in terms of individual newly released volumes it far surpasses everything narou except for slime tensei.

Aren't White Fox doing something else that season?


Depends on the production quality, looks like shit judging by op's picture

Because at least the protagonist isn't some boring generic highschool boy, but literally a slime or a dumb-cute spider.
A little bit of variation is nice, even if the stories and cheats always make the stories the same.
>those cheats are so overpowered
>I'm so glad I found them
Up up down down left right left right B A Start.

And I say that having actually somewhat enjoyed Smartphone.

Yumina is honestly a good character, she's got easily the most complexity of anyone in the story and her perspective on things is actually pretty good (eg. Her getting mad about him getting kissed by a girl outside his harem. She's not angry about him being with another woman, she's angry about him letting another woman do that to him). And the harem shenanigans are utterly shameless- I mean he's literally engaged to two sisters, and one of the princess's he's engaged to is planning on pulling her younger cousin in too. I can't not enjoy that.

It's absolutely not a good series, it's borderline garbage. But it's kind'a fun if you're able to put yourself in the mindset where a very, very simple light-hearted, good-guys doing good things story is up your alley.

>Orcus's dungeon is actually the second hardest one. The hardest one would probably be the one that's actively maintained and administrated by its troll creator.

The Sea dungeon was absolutely bullshit from start to finish and the only reason they could even do it was because of the tools he'd gained from the previous dungeons.

It's funny how Oscar's one is actually by far the most straightforward, it's only really protected by powerful monsters. It'd be almost impossible for someone to get through, but if you are powerful enough then you can... Meanwhile Medli's bullshit and the sea bullshit are just ridiculous.

>it's borderline garbage
Arifureta is actual garbage though.

The hardest thing about Orcus' dungeon is the fact that once you enter the abyss / true part of the dungeon, you can't leave. Which means you're fucked since there's no supplies except what you bring with you.

>Why do people like those? I find hard to give a shit about a bug and a blob
I agree about the spider (although the manga was entertaining enough for me), but slime turns into a cute trap fairly early, has plenty of cute girls and the kingdom building, companion management aspect is kind of fun. I especially liked it when they built the dungeon theme park.

I really like the spider in the manga because I find it fun to see it fight against weak monsters who are immense and mighty to her, and her skill gains aren't that fast.
Or weren't. The manga seems to be about to enter chinese LN powerlevels.


They should just make Grimgar s2, at least the series start fucking up MC and his team since volume 3.

>I especially liked it when they built the dungeon theme park.
Which is kinda twisted in a way since dungeons are basically death traps where people and monster still kill each other horribly every day for profits and loots, imagine making a theme park of a Syrian warzone

>Hajime takes Shea's entire family and turns them into heartless killers, murderers and assassins
>Actually realises he's taken it too far and feels bad about it

Very amusing. But everything with Shea was amusing.