In a libertarian society what's stopping me from making a contract with a boi to make him my personal cumdumpster buttslut?
In a libertarian society what's stopping me from making a contract with a boi to make him my personal cumdumpster...
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Nothing until he wants out.
Slavery is against the NAP
Nothing wrong with gay marrige acording to libertarians.
The problem neither people bselling themselves into slavery is that they can't.
Their bodies are still controlled by their minds. They have no way to give you control of their minds. Anyone who is trying to sell themselves as a permanent slave is commiting fraud. Anyone who keeps a person as an unwilling slave is commiting assault (or it's threat).
But so long as he agrees to be your butt boi for nothing butt (pun intended) food and shelter, than it's A OK
Standard concubine style prostitution contract
He will be signing a contract willingly, no slavery here. Basically he's making me propietary of his body and mind.
See my second post (the one above you with the fucked up auto correct at the start).
A person cannot sell what they don't have the ability to give away.
People cannot sell their will. So a slavery contract is fraudulent, and not enforceable against the slave.
The closest you can do is an at will contract. Which hell go for it
You've read rothbard I see
What's stopping you from doing it now?
And others.
Working on my own universal theory of the applicability of rights. Essentially to explain why chickens don't have rights under the NAP or why children's rights are limited.
This is in opposition to Rothbard who says it is arbitrarily based on species. But that wouldn't work for a sentient humanoid species of friendlies ala star trek
No idea. He should
If that's what you're into, do it. It's consesual. Only people against this are uptight hypocrites.
Retards dont have total rights
Children have near mental development of retards
Aliums with less capacity than adult humans have no rights
Aliums with greater capacity than adult humans rule over us
Nothing. How is that a bad thing?
i knew CIA nigger were fuckin weebs fuck off glowers
CIA can't appreciate Satania. Bet they're Vignefags
Why do faggots like anime girls so much
it depends if the property owner of the area you live in allows pedos, if the private police will tolerate pedos, if grocery stores will sell to pedos, if the electricity company will enable pedos, if he water utility companies enable pedos, if your boss wants to keep pedos employed etc.
basically you can choose to be a pedo the same way you can choose to be a pedo right now -- with great and grave consequences. All that boi has to do is alert the private authorities and they can all privately and voluntarily excommunicate you from society and make your life a living hell.
so the answer is the same in the society we live right now: nothing technically stops you the same way pieces of paper can't physically stop you. But private justice is still justice, ya fucking pedo
Look to moral agency. Children only have partial and constantly developing moral agency until they are adults, in which until then they are absolutely property of their parents (babies are full property of their mothers until they're adults with full property of themselves). Moral agency is universal, and what this means if a parent voluntarily and privately prostitutes their children they are shit parents that ought to be privately persecuted like pedos
libertarianism/ancap is no rulere, not rules. It is no central gov, not not consequences to actions
What's stopping you now?
>People cannot sell their will. So a slavery contract is fraudulent, and not enforceable against the slave.
and who enforces that?
This is why I'm working in a universal study of the application if ethics.
Who enforces the law against stealing in an AnCap world?
The private police and private courts
Police and courts don't just disappear.
We just stop funding them by stealing, and stop them from enforcing anything but malum in se.
I have yet to find my special one.
and you never will you autistic faggot
And roaming bands of heros to counter roaming bands of raiders.
Nothing, which is why Libertarianism as a moral philosophy is a dumpster fire.
Jokes on you I actually have a cute bf I love lots.
but you still can make your own ancapistan with slavery on your own property, right?
jokes on you you're going to hell
what if my boislave can't afford his police subscription?
Please stop using Satania to shitpost with
Ohohoho, for me, someone so devilish, being sent to Hell would be a reward.
vigne is the only viable option, but satania isn't as bad as gabu who is literal trash on the same level as umaru
>a mutt with a shitty mutt opinion
wow surprised
Satania best girl
Satania >>>>> Raphi >>>>>>>>>>> Vigne >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gabu
This is Sup Forums's official power rankings.
Raphi>Gabu>=Satania >>>>>>>>>>>>>.
Wearbdo i sign the dotted line
Here's every frame of satania
Gabriel is a literal NEET degenerate who sells her body for money to spend on MMO's
All of you faggots need to be gassed.
Satania is love, Satania is life.
so does your boipussy slave though . . .
this kills the snake
He's a pure boi for me, Gabriel hated getting a job but she did it because she's brainwashed by the online jew. She probably sucks dicks for money too.
>She probably sucks dicks for money too.
That's literally the life of a boipussy slave though
Slaves don't receive money, are you dumb?
then how do you get him to sign the contract. also slaves do recieve compensation. otherwise theyd starve to death and die.
>clothing (maybe)
this is payment. you are paying your boipussy slave.
Under a contract of course. I remind you Gabu became a degenerate addicted to spending money on virtual items by her own accord. You can't compete against my intellect, kid. You have 0 arguments to defend Gabu, but go on, entertain me.
Absolutely nothing
Is this a dropout thread now?
>people can not sell their will
What is the military? What is prostitution? What is working a shitty job you hate for the rest of your life?
So remind me again why I can't sell my body and soul to another man for a one time payment?
If I can sell my temporary labor to someone for a one time payment why can't I sell my permanent labor to someone?
That's the problem with lolbertarianism
why would your boipussy slave agree to be a slave unless he made bad life decisions
Who pays these private police and what gives these private police the right to enter my property.
According to the non aggression principle if I buy a tiny 5 year old cum slut and keep her on my property, and private cop coming onto my property will legally and rightfully be shot. I'm not paying for a private police force that invade my property and try to tell what I can do with my 5 year old cum slut property.
This is why your ideology is as retarded as communism. It operates on the assumption that people will just go along with everything. Communist expect everyone to just work for the greater good for the benefit of all. You expect people to not be aggressors for personal gain out of the goodness of their hearts. Its the exact same assumption that humans will never attempt to deviate from the norm when there are no real consequences to do so. With communism it ends in gulags, in anarchism it ends in constant war and blood shed until eventual feudal like subjugation.
>both father and mother are gone
>can't feed himself
>starve to death or go into slavery
>sister is fatally wounded
>can't afford the operation she needs to live
>sell yourself as a slave to save your sister.
There are lots of reasons.
Your heterosexuality.
regardless you're exploiting someones poor life choices/luck and in ancap there is no luck, only choices, ergo proxy gabu>vigne
>A person cannot sell what they don't have the ability to give away.
> People cannot sell their will.
You haven't explained clearly what you mean by "will" and you have not explained why you don't have the ability to give it away in trade for something else.
Disgusting. Hope you enjoy your ban, degenerate. Also that just proves that Gabu is trash because of poor life choices (become a NEET, a failure angel)
you disgust me
posting in best thread