Shirou, I have depleted the refrigerator of yogurt

Shirou, I have depleted the refrigerator of yogurt.

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Why the hell do you eat so damn much seiba?!?!

There is still some yogurt on your mouth though

>Curse you Captain Jackhammer
>You win again

Fatefags WILL defend this


This is Abigail Williams, say something nice about her

Burn her

Nice hat

Kill it with a stick.


Gross, she's all purple gray.

I want to feed Saber my hotdog

Canonically its because of her Dragon Prana and Mana Burst skill. She converts food to prana and has a huge capacity for it so can always eat.

You mean this

We can't afford any more Chobani.

Is she weak against Altergo?

Yes, and strong against Berserker

>She converts food to prana and has a huge capacity for it so can always eat.
Does she poop less because of this?

Ok thanks but thats a shame my max bond Herc will be useless.

Servants don't poop.

fucking dropped

Why do FGOfags always feel the need to shit up these threads with their literal who servants from their shitty phone game.

>"waaah waaah someone posted something I don't like"


Oh come the fuck on

can a command seal be used for forced defecation?

They are adding Lovecraft monsters now, I think Outsider would've been a better name

My friend just gave me a Figma Saber and I have to say Figma is some good shit. Never had one before.

>Shirou, the refrigerator is as barren as a croon's womb and it's the lord's day to boot. I will slaughter Ilya so you can make a hearty broth from her meat.

Calm down Saber, here have some candy. You're not the same when you're hungry.

Isn't saber supposed to be 14? Shirou is one sick pedophile.

How old is Shirou anyway?

She is 25, mate



She stopped aging at 15 though

Her mature feminine aura makes her seem older than she looks.

She's a twenty-something cake stuck in a perpetually 15 year old body.

You know, I don't actually have a problem with this H-Scene to be fair. Yes, it went it a bit out of control, but atleast it wasn't fucking anal (looking at you Rin). It was their last night and both were aware of this. Tomorrow Saber would go back to her own time and die. So, they spend the night as lovers.

>atleast it wasn't fucking anal (looking at you Rin)
I don't believe Rin's scene contained any anal though?

He might be thinking of Ciel.



This was from Atraxia, I think he meant the first WN

You do realize he's not fucking her ass but simply looking at her anus while fucking her over a desk from behind. Go back to FGO you retarded secondary.

>This was from Atraxia

>literally no one mentioned FGO
Are you some kind of retard?

>t. porngamefag

Tituria kept growing.

He is fucking her from behind and looking at her ass. also the whole scene is a dream created by Rider, Rin has nothing to do with it.

Rin has only one scene in Ataraxia and it's impregnation.

I must be really tired, please forgive me.



>also the whole scene is a dream created by Rider
Dammit user I wasn't done with Heavens Feel yet, I need to stop going into these threads.

Pls you're killing me

Command seals can't do the impossible. Otherwise every master would issue something like "go win the HGW for me"


Jesus, how many people are there in these threads who haven't read the VNs but claim to know what's in them based on memes other people have posted?

she's not even rin secondary kun


Things get really weird since EoR began.

So you were just shitposting. Great, I don't know why I even bother anymore.


Shirou is 16, but for sex purposes he's 18.

Shit it out, then eat it again.

How do you feel about King Arthur (male)?

nothing wrong with licking rin's dirty part


Fucking gay


He's the strongest.

since the prototype was male and we know of the hiki roommate thing going on can we safely conclude that fate is fucking gay?

Fate was always gay.

She's not the real Dunwich Horror because all of Lovecraft's works weren't true stories, but rather fiction written about stuff he dreamed about which happened to be eerily close to actual beings in another reality. These beings aren't called Yog-Sothoth or Cthulhu or so on, but they do exist and there are entities just like them out there. But they're also cool dudes who helped humanity achieve the 5 True Magics. Abigail is just something very close to the Dunwich Horror in origins and powerlevel.



I want to eat Seiba's poop.

F/GO was a fucking mistake. This is trash. This is garbage. Delete this and fuck off out of Sup Forums. This will never be canon. I'll never believe this shit. Fate died at F/GO. Even Apocrypha is better than this shit. Even shitty Strange Fake is better than this shit. Fuck F/GO. Fuck F/GO. Fuck/GO! FUCK IT!

Alright relax

I will just be taking my /ss/ Saber.

The original Fate sounds like the plot of an otome story. Plain-looking heroine with low self-esteem encounters a bunch of handsome exotic men who are interested in her.

That's exactly what it was actually.

Boyfriend material

Manaka is the best master he ever had, Ayaka can go fuck a dog.



>this mad

I want a King Arthur and his Thots of the round table OVA


Man I love F/GO just because it causes so much butthurt.

>captcha: cretin

Top kek stop being so mad.

Lurk more and post after you are no longer a newfag.

>Plain looking heroines with low self-esteem
that's more or less a shoujo trope than an otome one

FGO is living in your head, rent-free


Is this an Apocrypha apologist?

I'd watch a harem anime where all the girls were designed by otome artists.


How old are you? 10?

I don't blame you this bad as Marvel and DC tier now

thb fg/o is pretty good

Garcher >>>>>>>> Waifu bait servants