User, we hope you haven't forgotten us yet

user, we hope you haven't forgotten us yet.


that show was okay
didn't leave a lasting impact


Never will, either. Love them both to pieces.

... Already pre-ordered the fancy bluray set, too.

It was a bad show because it was made by a bad director who sucks at managing his staff.

Never Forget.

One nation
One empire
One Cocona

Why are they sticking out their tongues like that?


Something cock related.

Stop projecting your cock lust, hetpoofter.

His preferences have nothing to do with this. Cocona has a cock, that's just how it is.


That bluray set is stupidly overpriced for what you get but I'm getting it, too

I bought the Japanese releases.

Sorry, I'm with the supais now.


finished that show yesterday and I've already forgotten

Why didn't they kiss

Supais are just prequel of FliFla

Every time

That's just a huge erect clit.

I forgot about this trash show immediately.

Same here, finished it a week ago and it didn't leave a lasting impact on me at all besides the fanservice scenes and the desert slut. I can't tell why though.

That tongue expoitable is the only lasting legacy of you

It's a real penis with real testicles in her cute little scrotum.

That desert semen demon should've been the main antagonist of the series

Agreed. God tier design.


Urahara is the flipflap now.

does it have lesbians?

But it's boring

how can i forget

No you.

Why did so many people hate the last few episodes? I thought they were great.


I wish I married Papika

>they didn't kiss
>3fps fights
Never felt so blueballed

I normally like to keep yuri interpretations out of shows that'll probably be considered /u/ bait but FlipFlap is one of the few that I'm totally ok with. It makes canonical sense and it's actually cute, as opposed to something like someone screaming DiAkko is canon

How could i forget AOTY 2016?

Good concept handled poorly

I loved them too.

It is rather hard when the sequel is currently airing, but I don't know what that has to do with FlipFlap.


because it went to shit. The show was riding on its visual style and animation and it became QUALITY as fuck

You guys didn't forget about me, right?


There were only a couple of QUALITY shots in episodes 12-13. Even then FliFla was more visually interesting and impressive than your average seasonal show.


give her a gf!


I really liked it, though I heard the management for it got fucked around

I try to forget every massive piece of shit I watch but I'm not always successful.

Forget? No, but kind of uninterested to be honest.
Maybe I'll rewatch it soon.


>wake me up

I can't even enjoy anime after Flip Flappers. It's just not the same anymore.

Really feeling that writer change, huh?

I wonder what's inside...


Created in 1976 in "Bakery Romio", creambox has become the soul food of Koriyama city.

These days it can be found in various bakeries across Koriyama. However outside of Koriyama creambox is almost unknown and difficult to obtain.

Mmm, so much cream...

Recently creambox awareness has been spreading, with even 7-11 starting to sell them, but so far only in Tohoku region. But of course the most fresh and tasty ones can only be bought in Koriyama.

What the fuck is that?
A cheesy?

Bakery Romio still exists and has an entire shelf filled with creamboxes.

now I have the urge to go to the bakery and it's 2am here.

If the later parts weren't so bad a lot more people would remember them.

That's some surprisingly reasonable prices, not the usual +600 Yen for a coffee with biscuit.

real le changing those writer feels P:

Give us your lunch money, nerd

What did she mean by this?

How could I forget the magic?

Cocona classmates were cute

I shitposted at the wrong wall of text and didn't feel like doing anything about it.

I really liked the idea of Pure Illusion being the inside of people minds and being able to rewrite that person's personality if you changed it while inside of it, shame they didnt expand on that concept though





Did he do anything wrong?

It only became a bad show when they decided to put a plot to it. It didn't work out as well as I would've hoped, but the first lot of episodes of mucking around in pure illusion were gold standard anime.

He sticked it in crazy

Papika died in epsiode 5 and after 1 episode of depressed Cocona Yayaka decided to go flip flapping with her instead.
Would it be better?