Just Because

>liked a guy for some lame reason
>feelings never reached
>want to go for his friend now as constellation prize
>see his friend and her kohai getting along
>get jealous
>decides to ruin their relationship for no reason

Really? Fucking cunt, why would you do something like that?

Because Dame you bitch.

>tfw Camera is this show's Chinatsu

>constellation prize

>constellation prize
My sides just went light speed.

>constellation prize
So Camerafags are ESLs, no wonder they're so cancerous

I'm just playing games, I know that's plastic love.

Eita is a little cunty too
>Liked his childhood friend
>she liked his best friend
>secretly hoping for her to get dumped
>Soma gets a new chance from Morikawa
>Scared to confess gets in a new relationship with his kohai

Sorry, writing this while I'm catching up with the show. I need to sleep.

Just Because!

>it is me, Morikawa.
>Not It is I, Trumpet.

came to post this

>know komiya has basically no chance in winning
>it still hurts every moment she's on screen because she's continuously showing she's best girl
>mc's bro will also end up being rejected by the girl he likes
>cunt will end up with mc as usual because muh first love

I don't want this.

>constellation prize

that reminds me i never finiahed plamemo

>Just Because
>Just Because
>Just Because

op a CUTE

This smile is too pure to disappear.

What is this face trying to convey?

Upset at a hoe trying to steal your beta orbiter.

>implying sharing an eraser is a "lame" reason

that's why you don't get the girls, bro

>decides to ruin their relationship for no reason

I mean she didn't really try to ruin their relationship. She just said she wasn't okay with them going on a date.

If all it took to get a girl to love you for life was to share your eraser with her, then life would be so damn easy yo.

Dance to the plastic beat
Another morming comes

Is it widely accepted Komiya is best girl?



Dude she is too pure for this world

But Chinatsu is garbage and Camera is cute.

>thinks she ruined camera and MC's relationship
user, if another girl being present "ruins their relationship" their relationship was fucking shit to begin with.

wait wait. let me get this right. Beta orbiter "safety net" guy lands a girl while queen bee is left in the cold, so queen bee plots to ruin beta orbiter's relationship so she can have her beta orbiter/safety net back?

Fucking hell Sup Forums I thought you said this was a good anime. This looks like 3dpd trash like "scums wish"

She never liked MC until she saw him getting hugged by Camera. Camera even fucking asked her permission to ask MC out on a date but the bitch said NOPE YOU CAN'T.

Fucking why? She has nothing to do with MC, why fucking get mad and jealous? And she's going to win because MC likes her. Holy shit someone needs to stop this studios.

A good anime that shows how you stop being a beta orbiter.

You just find another girl.

Actually she was always his safety net, she always had him in her back pocket on the offchance that she couldn't get with her crush.

That said, it's pretty obnoxious to see her do a complete 180 in attitude. And it's even more frustrating that the Haruto is going to get rejected by the girl he's fucking pining over.

This whole fucking anime is about people pining over other people and then settling with their safety net love interest. Haruto is going to get rejected and then Natsume will realize he's now free and thus drop Izumi like a lead rock and then fucking Korimiya will be left with a safet net love interest in her club or some shit.


>Komiya not getting her love
Please no