>Sup Forums says that the media tries to push black men on white people
>black men say that the media is actually trying to destroy black men
so what's the truth?
>Sup Forums says that the media tries to push black men on white people
>black men say that the media is actually trying to destroy black men
so what's the truth?
Other urls found in this thread:
The media is destroying black men and then pushing them on white people.
MEdia is destroying men
ding ding ding
Both are correct what you are seeing is the final form of the Jew pitting black against white. It is the end game if liberalism.
You want to know where they aren't endangered?
The nigger population of Africa is expected to quadruple by 2100. That's over 4 billion niggers wreaking havoc on the planet.
White people are the real endangered species.
It's a full on war of domestication being waged.
Broke ass Nigga is going to be more aggressive and masculine and agitated by default.
Same as Toxic Whiteness with nearly identical traits as the Broke ass Nigga and both are generalist labels used as both are most certainly under attack so yes it is in fact a war on Men and masculinity. With divisive tactics employed to keep men from uniting.
Marxism only works if you have an underclass. The goal is not to destroy, but to prevent success.
I mean... he's right. How can we expect niggers to stop being dumb if the mainstream media pushes the gangster narrative so hard on them?
This post really activated my almonds
>The media is destroying black men
how? by reporting crimes?
Black men are destroying black men and blaming it on white men
The media is pushing race mixing on both white and black people. This is not a difficult concept.
the juden is trying to make them rely on gibs
The mainstream narrative pushes a view that IQ and race aren't related and that blacks are still behind because of oppression.
But the elites who dictate the narrative don't believe that at all, they know the truth as well as we do, namely that blacks fail because their IQ is so low they can barely get through a day in our complex modern world.
The same goes for the Middle Eastern world. The inbreeding in those countries has brought the average IQ down to dangerously low levels.
Though the elites push a different narrative they know the truth thus their strategy is to promote race mixing, not in order to destroy the white race like most of Sup Forums believes but in order to raise the IQ of the black and brown races.
I used to work for the World Food Programme and one common belief used to be that African low IQ was due to inadequate nutrition during pregnancy and childhood development. But after years of implementing nutritional strategies the IQ remained unchanged. Discouraged, privately many of us began to talk about eugenic strategies. We could never think of any way to do it without outrage.
I left that job quite a while back. Many of the people I worked and talked about these issues with later went further up the ladder in the UN. None of this stuff was ever discussed in any formal way in any publications, but I'm convinced that many of my colleagues went on to formulate the promotion of race-mixing as a form of eugenics.
The media is trying to destroy black men.
this. also screencapped for her pleasure.
Poor bastard. You've got to feel sorry for the 10%.
>be jew
>popularize thug culture to a sub-iq race inside a European nation
Both. God chosen are using the goyim to destroy each other.
Stop the shitty larp, fag. Why the fuck would the elites promote niggers when they know eventually that they'll go full chimp on them in the end(South Africa, i.e.)? That's like saying we should fuck dogs in order to breed out violent dogs. All we will be doing is losing more whites and making more aggressive nigggers. The elitists especially know that this will happen in the end if they grant the niggers too much power, so instead they count on us worrying about them by putting them in our neighborhoods. It's just another divide and conquer strategy used by the Jews for years to divert attention to a problem that could be solved in 5 minutes if the world wasn't so blue pilled.
Both. The media wants people to hate each other.
>>Sup Forums says that the media tries to push black men on white people
>>black men say that the media is actually trying to destroy black men
>so what's the truth?
multiple evil competing interests
By glorifying criminal behavior and ignorance, by creating a system that encourages a death spiral of fathers running out on their kids.
I know you hate niggas but check out statistics. They didn't always used to be THIS bad. And what can be done to their population can and is being done to yours.
Final Red Pill:
Blacks/nigs are the fabled "golem" that the jews breathe life into so the golem can do it's master's (jews') bidding. only now the golem is turning against its own master.
Both, the left only serves to weaken and destabilize our society by whatever means necessary
And this, kids, is why we don't walk under the fucking forklifts.
Black user here. We are already way past the OP's pic.
Checked number of man get
>from Salem, MA
There are black people in the Boston area?!
They push the nigger culture to destroy whites, blacks are collateral damage. They are considered tools in the grand scheme.
>They are considered tools in the grand scheme.
>ding ding ding ding
Jewish media glorifies narcotics, violence, tribalism, domestic abuse, unfaithfulness, polygamy, and racial hatred against whites. This keeps the negro race in white countries psychologically dependent on the state and apt to vote for gibs. Blacks in the 1900's and during slave days had functional family units and the precious few black neighbourhoods in which blacks do the best are the ones where most fathers stay.
This makes them a potent weapon to destabilize the political system. It's tragic but true. Civic Nationalism or a two-state option would be on the table and openly debated if it weren't for the Jews.
They're pushing on a racial divide between whites and niggers for sure.
Otherwise we'd talk about all the different slave trades that occurred and not just one, all the genocides that occurred and not just one, all the terrorist nations and not just one.
niggers make excuses for everything, so whitey is right tyrone :P
>blame the rich
>blame the jews
>blame america
>blame the government
>blame the rich jews in american government
Bear in mind who's doing it. Kikes have an in-built slave narrative.
Yeah. One of the metro lines goes through the heavily black neighborhoods of Roxbury and Dorchester and is called the Congo Cruise.
Q predicted this!