>But diversity is our strength
I seriously hate these people.
Texas teen was beaten, had hot cooking oil poured on her after refusing arranged marriage
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I just want to add, would you ever see a white Christian family doing this?
I say we only let sufi muslims in, they dont do this shit and they will begin to outbreed other muslims, allowing the left to be happy and for us to remain safe
>texas teen
is this our version of england's "asian"?
same muslims are garbage sand niggers
>let your child go to infidel school
>suprised she does not respect sharia law
imagine my shock
And I bet she'll continue to wear a hijab on top of her scars for the rest of her days.
She’s from Texas. What a shitty analogy
Nah, instead they would lock their kids in a basement for 15 years, all the while malnutrition and abuse them
(And that's a good thing!)
I'll bet she won't refuse next time.
ah yes, OP's image is what i think of when describing a teen, particularly from texas. on the whole, it's a redudancy because we clearly can see she's a native texan.
No, this is our version of "quintessentially British".
funny you mention it save for commiefornia and dearborn michigan (seriously that is the only place where sand nigs live in that state) the state I hear sand niggins going on at is texas.
Will we have a chance of seeing mud on spic race wars in texas' future?
yes, thats a bit more accurate. nice.
Muslims need to be purged
Nah, they'll just interbreed. Spics already have Arab genes from Spaniards, they will be excited to mate with their middle eastern brethren. There's a reason ME and Latina women look indistinguishable. Well, maybe ME chicks are a bit whiter.
muslim teen.muslim teen.
texas has nothing to do with anything she knows or sees.texas does not want it i its state.
so you are saying it is better import sand people then mexicans
I'm saying we need to gas both.
This is just sad. I'm Egyptian so I understand how it feels to be raised by shitty Muslim parents luckily my dad was a schizophrenic (which my mom admits was because his parents are cousins) who beat my mom so my mom divorced him. Come the time I'm 15 we have some relatives who visited the states from Egypt my mom's cousin was a flight attendant and stopped by our house.
My mom tries to get me to agree my second cousin, of course I fucking refused. But this is retardation of Arabs is really something else, I wonder if my dad was around if I would've been forced to against my choice. The Arab people really are undermining themselves when they do insane things like this. The girl did the right thing by refusing this arranged marriage bullshit, in Islam she is given a say and has to agree there's nothing religious about this shit.
Please elaborate.
ban assault oil
Damn I don't live far from taft. Shitty school shit tier neighborhood
hey user are you a dude or a chick?
#notallmuslims #endracism
>he doesn't understand how acting civilized works
Semitic inbreeding is huge.
one less muslim convert. cheers. fuck that bitch
I can somewhat relate. I'm Egyptian too and my father used to be an abusive piece of shit to my mom for so long. I had to step in at one point and stop him, dodging his blows. My father is now okay for the most part but these memories will never be forgotten.
A problem I have though is that my parents themselves are cousin, so like what you said with your father, I'm honestly scared I might have a degenerative genetic disease that will kick in once I get older. My grandparents and beyond aren't related to each other, but still.
but she was born into islam....
you must look hilarious
Shitskin gets shitskinned, who is the cares.
I look normal surprisingly.
Hey Satan
Apparently the chick is from Houston.
They're importing a lot of sandniggers lately so it comes to no surprise that more and more stories are coming up like this.
they were in a cult though
This is why the Arab fears female rights. They know their women will run away and die for the chance to experience big white cock. If they lose control of their women, they lose. They will have no power. No forced marriages means no continuation of Islam. You are deluded if you think Islam could survive without controlling women.
>who is the cares
t. shitskin
Here is a must read post i put on reddit about the islamic ideology and agenda, with evidences. Save it, share it! reddit.com
I don't care who lives here as long they came legally and believe in the Constitution!
This kind of shit pisses me off. As a Texan it bothers me more. The whole point of coming here is you must assimilate into our culture. You can dress the way you want or believe in what you want but you can’t be bringing these stupid fucking desert rules to this country. That shit doesn’t fly here.
you can tell she's indigenous to Texas; amirite tho? Throwing acid on women and arranged marriages are a Texas tradition.
>Texas teen was beaten
> Getting mad because a woman was put in her place
This is the current state of the white male. No wonder y'all can't even maintain your own homes and need us to replace you all. Lol
the important thing is the oil got her snatch so its sealed shut and she can't reproduce.
Do we know if that happened?
Dude, don't get me wrong my second cousin was pretty hot but I grew up in the States to know that it's fucking retarded to fuck your cousin. Apparently they don't teach you that in the Middle East though.
May I just add, this clearly shows the kike media turns all women into whores.
Good luck buddy, I'm glad my mom left my shit head dad. I refuse to talk to him he has no idea where I live or what I do and I prefer it that way. My mom was lucky in that where they moved they lived next to a police officer, so he didn't just ignore the screaming and stepped in. I don't remember much if any of it because they divorced when I was 3 thank God.
Look at her dad, he's whiter than most Americans LMAO.
FACT: (((Women's liberation))) is a threat to all civilization.
Where are the Leftists to condemn her rejection of her own beautiful and vibrant culture for crass Americanism?
Why do you Sup Forumstards pretend to care about a non-white?
>women are a threat to order and the very pillars of civilization
more news at 11
Texas doesn't have Muslims it's only white ppl
>pillars of civilization
>middle east
Nice meme
where's the pic before the hot oil
>alpha industries supporting anarchist commies
>that piece of shit for $375
fucking dropped.