We weren't the first or the worst. We just wanted a little of that sweet free labor too.
Why do people talk only about the US when it comes to slavery?
Because slavery is central to America's history. It triggers sjw because the history of America is based on the implications of white supremacy. That WASP dominated the continent and then the world. That America is responsible for inequality
It's also central to the history of many other countries. Nobody gives a shit about indio/sudaca genocide or the Arab slave trade apparently.
It is the way of some (((people))) to destroy your founding myth, which was one of freedom from oppression by nobility and replace it with shame.
They did that everywhere.
What they did in Germany is obvious.
In France they are trying to remove the founding myth of the French revolution with colonialism.
There is one for every white nation.
because mutts claim they founded their country on freedom and all that bullshit while keeping a sizeable part of the population in chains
can't wait for niggers to breed out the burgers
It’s going to be interesting to see how will the new immigrants to Europe bring up things like slavery or whatever so they can accuse us of oppression etc. The left manipulates history already.
They also ignore the fact that the Africans themselves played a huge role in the slave trade. Most of Africa was just scattered tribes. Tribes that had no collective attitude toward each other despite being ethnically the same people, so it was easy to convince one tribe to attack and enslave another. Exchange the slaves for modern weapons which they would use as an advantage against more of their tribal neighbors and the cycle continues.
Who nose..?
They don't care about slavery or coherent moral standards they care about who has the most resources that is also can be gaslit into giving them away because they like to feel bad about themselves.
Reality doesn't fit the narrative
Africans still enslave each other.
Slavery started in Africa.
>Why do people talk only about the US when it comes to slavery?
Probably because they're cunts. Be sure to tell them that next time.
Pretty sure there are also more slaves today than ever in the history of mankind.
Underrated post
Slavery was a mistake. It was not worth the animalistic actions of blacks that we have to put up with now.
I wish they'd just leave us alone
>Why do people talk only about the US when it comes to slavery?
People also talk about the US when it comes to degeneracy, crime, school shootings, destabilizing the middle east and morbid obesity.
It shows how truly despicable they are. The USA did nothing to them and helped them a lot after WW2.
I can't hear you over the sounds of you destroying Europe for the 3rd time in a century
(((Shitlibs))) don't care about that because they're not trying to attack others, they're trying to attack YOU.
Because of all the countries show with relevant "guilt", the US is the only successful one. Hence, whining there means you might get something while the other countries don't have anything to give. Just like the Native American cry in the US while they don't in south america because whining there will not improve the situation.
Enjoy being sent die for Israeli interests and destabilize the middle east some more.
dis why my ancestors fled Germany. They knew what the jews were up to. Unfortunately the jews followed us here. They just won't leave us alone.
Barbary Slave Trade
aka muzzies in a boat that steal white kids and sell them on the market
This is the best reason to kick all of them out with the jews.
They whine and shit up Canada. First Nations in Canada are worse than USA natives
Because you're the ones who screamed constantly about liberty while keeping slavery longer than any country except Brazil.
Because of the skewed history we are taught where everything bad that ever happened was done by white people.
On the one hand that has to do with revisionism, but on the other we also have to blame ourselves to an extent because we are traditionally taught a very euro/americentric view of history where there's a presumption that all the important stuff only happened wherever we were involved, so the slavery in Brazil and the Carribean is not taught because it does not immediately effect us and is not particularly relevant to understanding where we are and who we are today.
I presume you yourself don't particularly care about all the slaves that went to Brazil beyond the fact that you can point to them and say "Look, we were'nt the only ones who did it and we weren't even the worst".
If you look into our media/public conscience, how many movies are there about slavery in america vs. slavery anywhere else. You are also practically the only country which effectively has a population of impoverished former slaves who keep the history and awareness of slavery alive simply by existing. In the Carribean the slaves primarily ended up being the native majority citizens (see Haiti, the Bahamas and Jamaica) and in Brazil the colonists and slaves intermarried and intermixed in a way that everyone is more or less equal nowadays even if discrimination based on colour is still a thing.
The arabs castrated most of their slaves so there aren't really any modern former slave populations to point the finger at, they've never owned up to doing anything wrong and no one is shining a spotlight on it and demanding they apologise and feel bad for it either.
>be one of the biggest slavers in history
>nigs are too stupid and ignorant to even know
based Hans is based.
>be one of the biggest slavers in history
and none of us give a fuck about that either lel
>In France they are trying to remove the founding myth of the French revolution with colonialism.
That's why France got fucked over, France began with Clovis, not some Jacobin faggots butchering people.
Still a good post bro.
I'm proud of it desu. Portugal did nothing wrong.
Your blue and white color scheme was better desu.
this was our best flag desu
Farm equipment in 15 southern states built this country
The truth is simple. Only white people feel badly about slavery. Nobody else does. So nobody else bothers with it.
Jews push the narrative that it was only whites in America who had slaves
No it wasn't you immigrant shit.
Grossly underrated
It's the law of supply and demand. The ones demanding farm equipment are the guilty ones. Plus Jews were mostly in slave trade and shippment business
>Their wealth was based on asientos (licenses) for the black slave trade in Mexico, since Portugal controlled the African coast where they were sourced.
Of course there is a relationship between Jews including crypto-Jews and Atlantic Slave Trade - from Portuguese Empire and Jewish exodus to Dutch Empire and British Empire to escape persecution.
Because you are the only ones to still feel guilty about it and your guilt its useful to your enemies.
Hello fellow huwhite. Has Macri Made Argentina Great Again?
we did nuthin
muh opreshuns, muh spaniurds
To normies it's a good thing because freedom
i've never thought of it this way but i see it now
Because we still have guns.
If I could go back in time and change any single thing, it would be to ensure that slavery was forbidden in the united states from the beginning, and that no negro was ever allowed here through any means of immigration.
if i could change two things, it would be to outlaw jews and offer a reward for shooting them, silimlar to what we did with the buffalo.
We're the only ones retarded enough to beat ourselves up over it almost 200 years after it happened.
The absolute state of mutts!