Roosh is deleting all of his Facebook accounts.
If you still have a Facebook account after today, you are a special kind of stupid.
Roosh is deleting all of his Facebook accounts.
If you still have a Facebook account after today, you are a special kind of stupid.
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What did Zuckerberg do that pissed off the leftist establishment so much?
People knew for years that Facebook sells your data. Why the sudden outrage?
anyone not asking this question is dumb as a bag of rocks.
Facebook already sold all of your data what do they care. The business model requires getting new sources of data, hence the big push into India and other emerging markets. Deleting your Facebook is akin to burning a product you already purchased, the company has already achieved renue from you. Frankly you deserve it for signing foe Facebook in the first place.
good and should i got rid of all my social media 3 years ago.also nuked paypal long ago and im dropping use of all google products,they fuckin suck anyway.
Literally who?
Facebook is fake and gay.
>What did Zuckerberg do that pissed off the leftist establishment so much?
Cambridge Analytica used FB data to help Drumpf win
ostensibly because Cambridge Analytica was using it for Trump's campaign.
I dont buy that though, there is clearly some other reason
>Why the left does anything
Starts with D, ends with H.
If you faggots don't know who Roosh is, you are either newfags or the dumbest fucking niggers on the planet.
If you think deleting your facebook account actually accomplishes anything, you're even stupider than stupid.
Dabsolute mental retardationH
and drumph
You are retarded. There is a difference between selling data and selling YOUR data. I have no problem if Facebook sells anonymized data like they promised, f.e 20 % of people between 18 - 32 liked your advertising .
Did the same thing Obama did with them.
because they did it in a rwally fuckin jew,sleaze way.
the terms of service were worded to mean all data would be used internally and not sold to outside highest bidders.the change in tos came after in two updates stating yes they will now sell your data but eere in 18 page pdfs,in the middle of the one will read that shit.they passed it off as nothin but the real reason why people are leaving now is because they were looking for an excuse to.alot are tired of shitty changes,constantly and the leftist horseshit that circulates there
>Cancel deletion
Mark Zuckerberg thinks he's invincible. He doesn't realize Facebook as anything has a shelf life. Facebook will soon be another Myspace. Who the fuck needs facebook anyway? It's full of ads and people who post there are always miserable.
Facebook claims it was a violation of terms of service and not a hack. What they are not saying is that Cambridge Analytica and facebook signed a nondisclosure agreement. This suggests an amiable payment to Facebook was reached and the company is trying to keep the fact that they sell data to both sides quiet.
>some shitskin pickup artist
Oh how dare I not give two shits about this guy
I was thinking the same thing. People knew this for many years, people also know Google and other companies did this, but suddenly people care that FaceBook is doing it right at this moment?
One of the answers I think is because the Elite don't like social media. There is also a plan to take down Youtube as well.
There are people that thought kikebook wasn't selling THEIR data?
The other deeper lore reason, is that Facebook has been dragging their feet in terms of going full let wing censorship nazi like Twitter nad Youtube.
Zuckerberg saw how Twitter and Youtube were committing public relations suicide turning on the right and purging/censoring the right. So he gave orders to censor BOTH sides; lefties got banned for shitty behavior that they would never get banned for doing on Twitter/Youtube, while making changes to the algorithm so that at least three left wing sites got fucked for every six right wing sites that suddenly had their reach limited, along with retooling the front page feed to only focus on family and close friends rather than clickbait political stuff.
He also brought in a bunch of RINOs when their censorship first got outed back in 2014, to tell them they were not going to do it again. As opposed to just telling the right to fuck off and die and that they can't stop facebook from censoring them.
TLDR; Zuckerberg refused to go retard/hold the left to the same standards the right are being held to and the left are now retaliating to force him to join in on bashing conservatives.
Thats ok, no one gives two shits about you either fag.
People knew, but the majority of the population don't do anything until the Media tells them to do it, just look at the gun control rallies. It's just a new fad brainlets can feel they are a part of.
they hate kikebook cos they allowed the Trump team to do what Obama did. REEEEEEEEEEEE
makes sense. i wonder what the internet will look like in 10 years
No one knew they also harvested your phone meta data of your verified phone number, Including all your contacts and text messages.
When you connect your phone to your PC, they harvest all the data.
I hate them, user. I hate them so much.
How do I delete my Sup Forums?
this version of the internet will be censored. There will be an internet 2 however that will be illegal. If you get caught using free uncensored internet you will be sentenced to death.
You are out of your fucking mind. Everything you posted is BULLSHIT.
They like social media but they want to silence all conservative voices.
Facebook was fucking up this plan, because they silence left wing lunatics A LOT for shit (like kill all white people, kill all troops, kill all police, kill all conservatives) that they can say with impunity on Twitter and Youtube. Also, making their censorship of their algorithm so that it censored left wing groups as well as right wing groups.
So they are wanting to target Zuck to force him to get in line with Twitter and Google's worldview that the left can do whatever they want but the right have ZERO rights online to free speech.
Throw your computer out of your commie block window
hopefully the sewer of AI bots and secret society clowns get removed from exsistence
what he said sounds pretty accurate to me. fb, yt, twitter all censor the shit out of RW stuff, FB just made the mistake of also censoring the Left a bit.
it's a plausible theory
There's literally nothing wrong with having a sockpuppet account and browsing kikebook with adblockers.
The left still can't believe they lost. They were busy doing a victory lap while Trump racked up wins in state after state. Now they can't admit it was they themselves that lost the election so they're lashing out at the tools conservatives used to win. They think if they can bury Facebook they can silence their opponents' voices which is partially true. Once Facebook is gone there won't be anywhere else for the right to collaborate online. Everything else is controlled and moderated to eliminate anything that isn't pro communism.
More BS from a nigger that does not know what he is talking about.
Jullian Assange posted some stuff that was quite the surprise to many who had no clue as to the extent of Facebooks invasion into your privacy.
You're a fucking leaf, you'll believe anything.
Roosh' methods of picking up chicks only works if you're not white or a nigger. Also wasn't he charged with stalking some girl in Iceland?
do you remember that old screencap of Zuckerberg talking to his friend about facebook back in the day
It was like
>they just gave their information to you, why?
>I dont know, it's like they trust me, fucking retards
Basically sums it up, why the fuck would you have any expectation of privacy when posting your shit on some guy's website? That's what FB is after all, it is some guy's website
>having a faceberg account
Because facecuck collected all their data on 13 year old girls and soyboys.
And when they started rolling out their dystopian brainwashing scheme from their years of data and research, well it turns out white males do not respond the same as 13 year old girls and soy boys instead making 5 generations of white males into Nazis.
>well it turns out white males do not respond the same as 13 year old girls and soy boys instead making 5 generations of white males into Nazis.
Put the bong down, you have had enough.
>deletes account after the data has already been sampled
what was that you were saying about being a special kind of stupid?
Alternative: Use a barebones facebook profile to keep in touch with the people you actually know IRL and nothing else.
Yeah lmfao. I ordered Facebook to """delete""" all information on my account, then I deactivated it. For God knows what fucking reason they reactivated my account earlier this year —after 8 or 9 years of it supposedly being gone. Since then I've been getting notifications from people who were on my friend list. So, clearly, they've deleted jack-shit.
deactivation is not deletion
Literally who?
Haven't ever had a goybook account.
Wow, he sure showed them.
Wow. Zuckerfuck REALLY taking the heat rn.
That's odd because I was 100% positive that Facebook is pushing the neoliberal agenda.
Oh well.
yep, don't put any pictures with peoples faces or products in them either
So you are one of those people having been fucked in the ass once figure since you have already gone there, its OK to get fucked in the ass again, every day for the rest of your life..
And you wonder why your country is so fucked right now.
they are, you don't think he's going to release a more intrusive, VR facebook 2.0? Think about everything he invested into the VR virtual chatspaces.
Why are you telling us about some degenerate Iranian rapist?
I still dont understand who gave you convicts permission to speak.
>11 posts by this ID
>all autistically defending some paki shitskin
This. However I feel dumb. What's the answer to the riddle?
So now people are gonna criticize a jew for jewing?
Got myself a 30 day ban today for something I must've posted half a year ago
>If you ever had Facebook account to being with, you are a special kind of stupid.
Fix that for you.
how can the stepfather get away with this?
>Once Facebook is gone there won't be anywhere else for the right to collaborate online
Do they really believe that?
>all of his Facebook accounts
One for each split personailty?
Cause darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream
The people that post racist crap against Roosh are usually the beta cucks he offends the most. Hardly his fault you are such a fag.
Calling him a shitskin when he was born in the US to Iranian and Armenian parents is a bit rich considering all north Americans other than Native American have past relatives born in other countries. After all, you are part nigger so you dont have a lot of room to talk.
Seems like a shithole.
Glad I never joined it.
Does anyone else remember before facebook became a thing how there were shills on almost every website on the internet trying to get people to join?
I can't be the only one who noticed it back then.
>good goy delete your main source of communication
>He thinks you can actually delete a facebook account
You pretty much cannot. Even if you do delete it, it's not actually deleted, it just looks like it is. Not only that, but facebook still tracks you and ties everything to your account. So if you ever go on a website and see that facebook like button, even if your account has been deleted, they know you went to that website and this is tied to your account forever.
daily reminder: In German-tongue, Zuckerberg means 'Sugar Mountain', not his born name. It's equal to admitting to the goyim that Faceberg is a treasure trove of data provided by the goyim who doxx themselves.
- these creatures really believe that somehow, this time is different; and that they will be successful in re-engineering the planet through social and cultural manipulation towards a common goal, be that war, giving up the constitution, losing to a psychopathic/sociopathic elite devoid of human characteristics, and eventually having no means of defense as they are slaughtered wholesale
Däagen Häz?
and nobody will ever hear about your execution.
t. Ministry of Truth
You need to learn the difference between deleting and deactivating. Deleting removes all reference to you from the data.
Except it doesn't. That's the point I was making.
>Starts with D, ends with H.
what did he mean by this?
>implying I care about what some shitskin wannabe pua does
Weren't Leftie employees complaining white males got protection on FB for comments a while back?
Best way to fuck kikebook- Start competing social site. Users get to keep their data revenue. Fags will be happy to exploit themselves for perdonal gain. You can only join if you quit kikebook.
his beard lookin great
ohhhh fuck bro! what!? roosh too!??! fuck bro!!
why would they allow you to do that if their business model is built around your data. reference of you in the data is literally what makes them so rich. camman guy
>muh internet celebrities
you should all kill yourselves
I need it for work
something something emails
something something pizzagate
Sorry, you are mistaken, it does remove references to you making the remaining data sterile.
Because it's an angle to bring down DRUMPF after the Russian collusion meme flopped like everything else in their lives.
Yup, that's a fair call, but combined with the fact that the "data mining", that the left utilized so happily while it benefited them mostly, was used more effectively by the right (apparently, I think it is just more excuse mongering the left tell themselves) is why the left have chimped out and are attacking their own
How the fuck do you delete you account on that shit? I have an account I barely every used that I deactivated ages ago, but it is still there because the option to reactivate it is there, but I want the fucking thing GONE.