>taking land from whites
>attacking and killing whites
how has a racewar not started yet?
Taking land from whites
Those are military-grade radio jammers for chrissakes. Are they street-criminals or actual military personnel? There is no way these niggers aren't being trained by nigger military personnel.
military personnel, sent to raid white farms and homes
I swear if i ever find myself in similar situation i will put minefields around my farm house.
I already have 3 grenades burried and few other things.
At least black market is flooded with cheap Yugo war military grade stuff.
I think it's high time the whites start to organize and bug out to an unknown location. They need to procure weapons and they need them fast. This could be a complete genocide.
Because muh democracy.
How long until they run out of water.
I'm told it's very soon.
Because the conditioning is so strong in white people that they feel some how guilty if they do, also soft boomers
Make standard pitfall traps.
turns out most whites are already stockpiling weapons, food and other stuff, only problem is the amount of people willing to fight and the population that wants to kill them
>45 million niggers vs 5 million whites
do you think they will accept volunteers or hire some mercanaries?
This unfortunately. The scary thing is, SA was a first world, developed nation with a strong, well-funded military. A friend told me their HIV rates among soldiers is staggering and the military is broken. That said, these niggers will have access to some quality equipment, whereas the whites will have to find ways to acquire cheap, soviet-era weaponry. Thankfully niggers don't communicate and strategize, so the whites could really take to guerrilla-style tactics.
if it actually is military grade they either stole it or had it sold to them by somebody in the military.
If they themselves were military they'd probably be using rifles, instead of pistols.
You can also buy jammers online or make them yourself. Its not too difficult and the parts aren't hard to come by.
In the Rhodesian Bush Wars, there were several Australian and American volunteers. Soldier of Fortune aggressively covered the war and provided info for those who wanted to join the fight. We have a lot of veterans here that are kicking around without jobs or working for small wages at Home Depot, Walmart, etc. I am sure they could get some volunteers if there was a campaign for them.
heres hoping the campaign wont be shut down by (((some))) goverment and that the whites win
Source? Some niggers from the army could have smuggled them.
all that anit-white hate by the ANC and every other african towards whites, pretty likely some goverment or military guys are working to kill all the whites
>taking white land without compensation
cant get compensation if they are murdered and its the easiest way to take their land
I know of a few guys who are communicating via Discord and WhatsApp. They are basically planning to flee their land and rebuild. Not necessarily planning for a military operation, which is what I have been suggesting they do. They won't be able to take the army head on, but they could re-strucutre and build camps that could be easily defended. Knocking out a few power grids would be ideal. They have to be very careful. If they resort to IRA style tactics and start killing/injuring civilians, the international community will get involved. They need to do enough damage to keep them at bay.
They will be here soon
Rally yesterday
What are you burgers,bongs and eurofags doing to help our fellow whites?
because huwhites are cowardly, weak and just in general pathetic, they low key want to get wiped out.
but who and what would they do if people did IRA style attacks? they are being persecuted and are just trying to protect themselves
think the best thing to do is to fight with them or give them aid in some way like smuggling equipment for them
I will donate money to them. I am in communications with a few of them and have been giving them some basic advice. I was a Marine reservist, so I am not really a bastion of knowledge. They need to pick up some waterproof copies of the British SAS survival guide and guides to guerrilla warfare. The SAS has the best and most concise manuals available. Their survival manuals are second to none.
There is pressure from the Coalition backbench in support of Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton's argument for "special attention" in the refugee program for white South African farmers.
>a clear minded white man can't take down at least 9 brown-brown crazed monkey niggers who think juju will protect them from bullets and magically make their aim true.
dude wtf i love austrailia now
If they started bombing civilian targets, they would really amp up their "white devils" campaign and I think it would garner some negative attention. The laws are pretty much stacked against white people, farmers have a hard time justifying their self-defense cases. Mind you, these are legitimate cases. I have heard that some farmers would simply kill the intruders and dump their bodies in a shallow grave. This could be Rhodesia 2.0, with the whites absolutely decimating the black military and black guerillas. It would be akin to shooting fish in a barrel. The biggest down side is their lack of air support. Well support in general, but air support is a must in any conflict.
>>taking land from whites
>>attacking and killing whites
>how has a racewar not started yet?
I am "white" and am on the side of the AFRICANS who are taking back their African land.
If the Europeans don't like it they should move back to Europe.
That's Brisbane isn't it?
>helping this dysgenic trash
The sooner these subhumans are destroyed, the better.
You are white with nigger 70 IQ
Not trying to systematically execute white goyim is considered racist here. It's actually ridiculous.
whites can kil loads of niggers but its how many of them will do the fighting and if they can supply themselves to continue fighting
then they should only bomb military targets
>rhodesia 2.0
hope this time they are more successful and keep the new land for a few hundred years and more
>niggers out in full force
you've just written my thoughts about USA
>hurr muh South Africa whites are all like this band I saw on the Internet, hurrr
You realize that the government is making it increasingly hard for the average white family to move or leave. They niggers want to slaughter them, not willfully let them leave. It's a power move for them. It's a way to rally the "troops" and proclaim that they have beaten the white conquerers. It would instill hope in the Kaffirs. If the whites fought back, we all know how this would end. Maybe a thousand dead Boers, and like 10-20k dead niggers. They know they don't have weapons and they have the upper hand, so a slaughter is the only way they can win. That said, even some of the niggers there are nervous about a white lash. They know who can organize and who are infinitely better fighters.
Thought so, I've walked through that intersection enough times.
So whats the situation with hwhite south africans coming to Australia? As you can guess it's literally never mentioned here.
Boers are all fucking pussies.
>So whats the situation with hwhite south africans coming to Australia? As you can guess it's literally never mentioned here.
Peter Dutton wants to fast track white SA farmers under our refugee policy. The letards are foaming at the mouth calling him a racist.
Miguel, you have 20 guns in your gun safe but refuse to use them despite traitors running rampant in your country. You're the pussy.
But is he doing it and does he have the power to?
I'm starting to get sick of the lefts outrage, they don't even have a right to be pissed at half the shit they're pissed about.
5millions VS 45millions
Joke's on you stupid, I've already lynched like 30 niggers today. Not that I'd expect a mutt like you to believe me though.
There is speculation that Zimbabwean veterans in collaboration with Umkhonto we Sizwe veterans have been training and inciting youth to carry out farm attacks.
Umkhonto we Sizwe can easily get military grade equipment from corrupt military officials.
Would not surprise me if the Zimbabwean government sponsors such things neither.
Bless your hearts
I will definitely relocate to Australia if I had the option.
Everyone's so brainwashed that they think that they're a problem because of their culture
>But is he doing it and does he have the power to?
He's the immigration minister and yes support is growing from the back benchers and former PM Tony Abbott.
Honestly, I would like to see them take a stand and fight. It would be symbolic IMO. Realistically though, holding off until you flee is the most reasonable plan. But realistically, there are going to be a lot of deaths in SA. You can't relocate 5 million people in a matter of months. It will take years.
You don't even have a country, Wang Lei.
What you just said doesn't refute anything I said.
Sounds like Zimbabwe's MO. In Iraq, when we captured weapons systems we were able to trace it back to their country of origin based on stamps and serial numbers.
I hope they'd be able to do the same if they got one from these criminals, but the SA military seems fine just letting these things happen.
No it's not. That's a door breaching kit.
t. Lick hitter
will Sup Forums help out when the chimpout happens?
No that is a radio jammer. Quite a good one too.
Yeah you're right. Don't those things cost tens of thousands of dollars?
Most likely some nigger officers in the SA military are selling/giving equipment to anti-white lynch mobs.
Remember that they're still niggers, so it's not like they're totally effective or know how to use things correctly.
Maybe about 10 grand so, yeah.
Nah, it's definitely a jammer. A door breaching kit would be noting more than your standard sledgehammer and multipry.
This would be my guess as well. I bet they are selling this shit to the criminal gangs, instructing them to use it again defenseless farmers. They really need to fight. There is no way they are walking away from this one.
because this is exactly what the whites have been doing to blacks for hundreds of years. how its whiteys turn to get fucked.
prepare your anus.
Whites have been brainwashed by the international jewish powers to be submissive and not stand up for themselves
you can build one for pretty cheap, but the jammer they've got is pretty impressive and most likely from some corrupt supply officer in the SA armed forces, or a foreign supplier.
It sucks, those things saved a lot of lives from IEDs, and seeing them used for that against civilians for the sake of rape, robbery, and murder is fucked up.
Honestly, given the sort of rhetoric coming out of the SA government itself, they might well be directly government sanctioned.
If war breaks out. Who will step in for white people?
>suicidal cucks prove something
It doesn't make the attacks warranted. If they keep poking the bear, they could be in a world of hurt. Also, the whites who are pro-EFF are a very, fringe element. They are Marxists who think they'll be spared when the government has a massive chimpout. They will be the first to die and they're too stupid to realize it. They are shunned as the enemy by a lot of Boers.
so it's okay to attack jews?
So white south Africans hate black people?
>1 post by this memeflag
They are given them by their government.
>White cucks worshiping blacks while they preach for white annihilation
Makes sense to me.
Also, how many of them are Jews? Let's be real, they probably have a modicum of money, will call for the extinction of the white race knowing that they can easily fuck off to their tribe when the entire country collapses. They do this shit all the time. Undermine their hosts, create havoc and fuck back off to Israel.
definitely possible. Only reason I kind of doubt that is because of the small arms carried by that group.
Other groups that attack farms, could very well have better firearms and jammers, but I wouldn't know if that's true or not.
Sometimes I wonder if the Chinese are behind some of this shit, given how well they've done getting access to precious metals and gems in destabilized countries.
the SA police seems super concerned about the use of them...
no black people will chop your hands off and smoke them for magical powers if yoos a honky though.
It IS a racewar. It's only confined to SA at the moment.
really activates the almonds
Evidently this nigger knows nothing of Rhodesia. Their army is incompetent, obese, with staggering HIV rates. Their tank operators, pilots and special forces are all white. Whose side does this negro think they will be on. Fucking niggers man.
right wing death squads when?
Video games already on it.
that's one of the best pictures I've ever seen tbqh desu. if you have any information on how to help please share. I've been doing research and actually learning some afrikaans just for shits but I would donate money and help in other ways as well