chinks and ameros at it again
IT'S HABBENING!!!! WW3 tomorrow or Kikelberg eats his yarmulke
Other urls found in this thread:
Kikelberg just contacted me and it said it will eat his shtreimel
>Tyler Durden
>no archive
>China will hold an exercise scheduled since months in reaction to something that happend yesterday
>b-but I said MASSIVE
Stop using my flag Pajeet
Sunday shill happening?
map from article
inb4 5 knee jerk threads because this one failed
it's my flag, so fug off mutt.
I could not be classified as a pajeet, I'm a meat popsickle and I shit sitting on a loo
It's never happening. Worst "news" source ever.
Sorry, I’m still recovering from the last WW3.
>I could not be classified as a pajeet
>classic Im not like the other Pajeets Pajeet line
Kills yourself Pajeet and stop using my flag
If d#bs now it's for real
>the truth
pick one
Kys, poojeet
see. told ya so!
oh look the butt hurt pajeet who called me pajeet
>the fight club guy saying world war 3 is going to happen
yeah my family is still in a fema prison camp after jade helm too
at least archive your doom porn you massive faggot
I just farted at your general direction
I'm sure ZeroHedge will be correct in predicting WWIII just like they have for the last 6 million they've done it