So now that the dust has settled, I'm happy to report that we have settled on the official best anime this year

So now that the dust has settled, I'm happy to report that we have settled on the official best anime this year.

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Pretentious faggot.

I partially agree with you, OP.

The problem is gemstone anime won't be able to cover enough in the broadcast window without skipping important shit or not covering late-manga shit that's cool

Just because your choices aren't all wrong doesn't mean you aren't a faggot.


Spring is wrong for sure. Too lazy to check winter but Rakugo2 was fairly lackluster to say the least.

Yes, the poll went:
Kemono friends as a clear winner
Made in abyss 2nd
Potatoes 3rd

Like every adaptation.

Such godawful taste. This subreddit sure has gone to shit.

You can't have a poll until the season is over. It means nothing otherwise.

I don't think any Kemono Friends voter can argue against gems being aesthetically and narratively superior in every conceivable way

Ranked for shittest fanbase.

Houseki no Kuni didn't make the cut.
3DCG shit is cancer, and not real anime.


Sorry, I don't make the rules.

anti-cg fags are so assblasted

The winner is

Vatican Miracle Examiner

Polls are automatically invalid, since Sup Forums shitters are allowed to vote.

"3-gatsu and Magus Bride are garbo adaptations" - sakugablog

>I am an underage Sup Forums shitter faggot with no standards

I don't understand how people can think Mahoutsukai is great.

I'm not an enabler of this but you really think Sup Forums would vote for fucking Kemono Friends?

No one cares about your blog.

Keep saying that until when Kemono Friends wins the Sup Forums AOTY 2017 poll.

>caring about some poll that redditors and Sup Forums-tards have access to

>Top 10 anime of 2017
1. 3-gatsu
2. Uchouten Kazoku 2
3. LWA
4. Houseki no Kuni
5. Tsuki ga Kirei
6. Owarimonogatari 2
7. Mahoujin Guru Guru
8. KoboSuba 2
9. Natsume 6
10. Rakugo 2

>implying Sup Forums is not filled with redditors and Sup Forums-tards already

they are neets who threw their lives away and have nothing to look forward to, so they self-insert into the girl

Congratulations! You insulted someone on the internet!

That's the point, polls are meaningless because this place is filled with mongrels. Any poll where Uchouten Kazoku S2 doesn't win can be discounted on principle.

1. Ousama Game
2. Evil or Live
3. Kemono Friends
4. Houseki no Kuni
5. Maid dragon
6. Konosuba S2
7. Keijo
8. Long Riders
9. Made in Abyss
10. Seikaisuru Kado

That's literally my point.
I thought Rakugo was better, but they're both comparable in my opinion.

Shit I meant :
1. 18if

>polls are meaningless
So are charts made by one fag. And so is trying to claim this or that won AOTY as if it was an award. Polls at least can give you some stats about shit taste.

You are wrong. Pic related is the official and canonical AOTS list of 2017.

I disagree with all of these, but Spring and Fall are just flat out not even close.

>no Abyss
Hi, reddit.

>Just Because
>even good
Where can I vomit?

Rakugo S1 would certainly trump UKS2, but the second season was quite lackluster. The only performance that came close to the genius of the first season was the school one. All of the characters were left in a stagnant state of characterization waiting for the geezer to die and his continuous almost deaths brought the pacing to an even worse level. Pretty much everything that made S1 so amazing was dropped from S2 and replaced with some pretty visuals. In a battle of pretty visuals, of course Uchouten Kazoku wins, and then it has the better narrative to boot.

I usually just go right on my crotch.

>In a battle of pretty visuals, of course Uchouten Kazoku wins
Those CGI background characters and cars were pretty rough. I also noticed a lot more off model shots than in the first season. I didn't catch any of that kind of thing in Rakugo, though the background art in Uchouten was certainly more interesting.

Its impossible to talk to those people. All collected info is useless because they dont agree with it. So its better to have zero knowledge and just shitpost.

>but Spring [...] are just flat out not even close.
Youre wrong, sorry.

While the show is currently halfway through, Land of the Lustrous has already announced itself as a singular vision. The only other show to surpass it this year is David Lynch’s magnum opus Twin Peaks: The Return. But where Lynch rewrites the rules of history and structure, Kyogoku redefines cinematic motion. We are lucky to witness something so bold, so utterly new this year, and nothing looks and feels more unlike anything else than Land of the Lustrous.

good taste. bravo

I'm gonna try that version then. Your shit taste makes me want to do that.

The kind of people that need their opinion validated by polls, can't be trusted with anything related to taste.
I'd rather look at shitposting charts by one autist who's secure in his taste, than the results of any poll.

I have come here to accuse you of not liking the things I like. Please correct this mistake at once OR FUCKING ELSE

>I prefer shitposting
Yeah thats what I said.

I should also add, Yotaro is a rather terrible character compared to the duo in the first season. He's Naruto in a serious story, blindly charging ahead without ever struggling over the obstacles in his path. He was too much of a fool to be interesting, especially because he was held back from developing his own style while Yakumo lingered. The most compelling aspect of S2 was the struggle to find relevance for rakugo in the modern era, but that entire process had to be put on hold so an old man could lament his life over and over. Yakumo should have died by episode 5 and the rest of the season would then be focused on Yotaro and his messed up family trying to revive rakugo with the help of the crazy author.

>Houseki no Kuni
Not even in the top five best shows this season.
That would be:
1. 3gatsu no Lion
2. Mahoujin Guruguru
3. Shoujo Shuyumatsu Ryokou
4. Mahoutsukai no Yome
5. Walmart Madoka

Of course, after all Sup Forums represents everything I dislike. Only people I dislike would vote for something I dislike.

Nothing this year has even come close to being as good as Houseki no Kuni. If you'd actually bothered to watch it you wouldn't be able to deny it.

3, 4 and 5 are all terrible.

This rings so true.

>Sup Forums
>liking CG
Based on everything I've seen here, the average Sup Forumsirgin can only watch manime from the 80's or under (and Toonami as well) and will complain about "the industry" every other post. They're the ones who hate CG the absolute most.

>blindly charging ahead without ever struggling over the obstacles in his path
Did you even watch the show?
He confronts his former gang leader, and stands up for his relationship with Konatsu. He agrees to raise a child that isn't his, because of the love he has for both her and Yakumo. He wrestles with his criminal past, and has a breakdown in the middle of a performance.
He also confronts Yakumo and tells him he wants to adopt Sukeroku's name, because he feels more compelled and influenced by his style. He also has to bear the weight of watching his mentor die a slow death, while simultaneously accepting the weight of responsibilty for an entire artistic tradition.

I'd hardly say that he didn't struggle with anything.

If it were superior, then why isn't it a meme show in Japan?

I find this post hard to take seriously considering 3,4 and 5 are clearly, objectively worse even.

>3DCG shit is cancer, and not real anime
My nigga.

I don't like them enough to argue with you about it.
I literally wouldn't know. I just see lots of low-effort cancerous shitposting in Kemono Friends and HnK threads, and assume that those people are from Sup Forums and reddit. In fact, along with DBS, those are easily the most cancerous threads all year. Which is surprising, since I thought Umaru would take the cake.

If it isn't Sup Forums or Sup Forums, who is the mysterious admirer of CG?!

Open-minded people who are able to enjoy a variety of anime, also known as the real Sup Forums.

People with good taste like it.
Sup Forums dislikes it.

>He confronts his former gang leader, and stands up for his relationship with Konatsu. He agrees to raise a child that isn't his, because of the love he has for both her and Yakumo
That's my point though, he didn't struggle with choosing that path. He didn't dump her for a few weeks while settling on his emotional response or have any kind of negative reaction to a child that isn't his. He just moves forward unceasingly. Yakumo and Sukeroku were filled with hesitation, doubt, vice, greed, envy, rebellion and a dozen other impulses in the first season, which is what made their winding tale so interesting. Yotaro is single-minded in comparison. Even his breakdown over his tattoos gets turned around into further confidence as if there was no other conclusion.

>real Sup Forums
>liking CG
You clearly haven't been here long.
Also, barely any shows even get made in that style, so I'd hardly consider it "a variety of anime."
More like a terrible cost-cutting measure applied to productions of various genres and styles.

But it is?

So AOTY polls are basically "which show had threads I liked the most this year"? Can't say I'm surprised.

>cost cutting
Confirmed for not knowing what you're talking about.

>He didn't dump her for a few weeks while settling on his emotional response
They weren't dating.
>have any kind of negative reaction to a child that isn't his
He knew that when he proposed. In fact, part of the reason he did it was because e cared about her enough to want her to avoid being stigmatized. It's not like they were fucking and she laid Yakumo behind his back. They cared about each other, but were never in a romantic relationship until they were married.
He even says" I don't think you can call what we have romance."

Are you fucking retarded? It's cheap as shit.
Especially HnK jumpy low framerate shit with barely detailed character designs.

He is right though. It tends to be more experienced and thoughtful viewers of anime who are willing to give CG shows a chance. It is just meme thinkers who have never had an original thought in their life that dismiss everything new or different to what they are used to.

People like and OP are far too concerned with posturing as having "patrician taste" and appearing as such to people on Sup Forums (only those in the know the elite group not the plebs) that their taste is shaped by the concept they have of themselves in their head as having refined taste.

These shitposting Aoty threads are about "what popular show I disliked the most for no apparent reason" with "heres my completely subjective aoty list where my taste that was formed with a damaged brain from decades of childhood abuse and anyone who disagrees can kys themselves"

To be AOTY, you need to have a unique aesthetic. If it looks normal it can't possibly be exceptional. Tatami Galaxy, Mononoke, Mob Psycho, Houseki no Kuni, Kaiba, Casshern Sins, Ping Pong, Aku no Hana, Nichijou, Kyousogiga are all immediately identifiable.

It's not the CG aspect in particular that allows "the real Sup Forums" to like those shows. Because they are capable of enjoying multiple kinds of shows, they can enjoy CG shows REGARDLESS of their CG, and because they don't have any bias against such things they can even understand that CG can be an artistic choice rather than something needed due to lack of budget.
tl;dr: only people who like anime because they enjoy anime can understand that there's nothing wrong with CG. You clearly aren't one of those.

>To be AOTY, you need to have a unique aesthetic.
Kemono Friends it is then.

>It tends to be more experienced and thoughtful viewers of anime who are willing to give CG shows a chance
>experienced and thoughtful viewers of anime
How can you type this, then have the audactity to claim that anyone else is "far too concerned with posturing as having "patrician taste" and appearing as such to people on Sup Forums"
Fucking hypocrite pseud.
But he included the CG cancer show.

I'm not concerned with posturing as having "patrician" taste at all. That was the entire point? Being thoughtful and experienced in watching anime =/= conforming to an image you have in your head of what patrician taste should look like.

Then why do I like anime?
Does anyone with any standars secretly hate anime?
Should I watch every show, regardless of my preferences towards their aesthetic?
Or is it just you trying to make easy disqualifications about people with different tastes than you?

And there's that excuse again.

>if you don't like this process that's only been relevant for the last year, you don't like anime
Your logic is fucking terrible. I watched over 100 shows that aired this year, from various genres and demographics, and I still don't like 3DCG. What does that do for you? Does that mean I actually didn't really enjoy those other shows?
>Or is it just you trying to make easy disqualifications about people with different tastes than you?
I'm banking on that one.

Shows like Rakugo, Natsume and Magus Bride barely have any animation at all. If you like those shows you're actually anti-animation.


Hating CG without actually thinking about why its there or whether or not it hurts the show isn't having standards, it's merely reacting.

There's more to animation than ninjas doing backflips. There's also more to anime than animation. Natsume you're right about, but Rakugo and Maho no Yome have very nice animation.

>using buzzwords to defend your opinion

Not him but the impression your statement gives me is that you are just someone who blindly hates CG because it is CG. Someone who doesn't think. You've always hated CG because you are supposed to hate CG and will continue to hate CG because you hate CG and CG is bad right? Everyone says its a bad thing, so must be bad! I agree with everyone else.

>only been relevant for the last year
What are Sidonia and Bubuki Buranki?


And there's the retarded sakugafag.

do you really have to drag this us vs them garbage into every thread.
SideM was better than Kemono Friends, accept it.

No they're mostly stills with extremely limited movement and uninspired direction. If animation is all about exploring endless possibilities that aren't possible in live-action, why make a show that's essentially a j-drama?

Who said I didn't think about that?
It's there to cut costs, and to allow for more animation. I'm not impressed by the choreography of the animation in HnK, so I don't think this tradeoff works in the show's favor. I also don't like the low framerates and jumpiness of the animation in that show. The overall aesthetic is fine, but the animation and designs are poorly handled. That said, I've only seen the first three episodes, since I dropped it after that point.

>to cut costs
Such a stupid statement.

>uninspired direction
Yeah, you don't know shit about direction.
>If animation is all about exploring endless possibilities that aren't possible in live-action
It's not. Emulating life realistically has always been one of the possible aims of art and animation.
>why make a show that's essentially a j-drama
Production value in the average anime is leagues better than the best j-drama. That reason alone.

I didn't say that to imply they were dating, what I meant by that is that Yotaro didn't have any sort of conflict over what he was going to do with her or the child. He arrives at the most boring conclusion without any back and forth or lashing out or anything resembling human emotions. He's just a fool through and through, which makes him a boring character.

>I know nothing about anime
I'm aware, furfag. CG is cheap as shit compared to tablet-drawn animation. If you knew the first thing about anime production, you'd know that.

Not an argument. People will eat up lifeless garbage like Amanchu and Girls Last Tour but they are fungible, uninspired and not important to the medium artistically speaking.

Yeah, either brain problems or massive newfaggotry to the entire internet. Thanks for making it clear.

>Mahoujin Guruguru