I'll start
I will never take a bitch that dies his hair blonde seriously
Only normies and magapedes use that expression these days tbqh
I could never be bothered to read and follow all of that, can you give a basic gestalt in a sentence or three?
Its alright guys, this greentext stuff is a reddit meme just as he says
Totally not gay but.......I would.
Why would you take ANY bitch seriously?
Man I hope you are referring tp pewds
ready to go
Fuck off reee
inb4 He banned from youtube and got the channel deleted.
>be talentless faggot
>make living by playing videogames while screaming to amuse children
>self hatred mounts
>go to self-hatred: the website
>steal content and present it in normified faggot form for money
>still talentless, unfunny, uninteresting
>holy frikkin based!!! ourguy!!!
>1 post
get the fuck out shill
based pewds please convert gen Z
>people bitching about someone who redpills more than them
Its the jews and niggers.
>Get out
From gamer gate to present day and the unravelling of the kikes plan and their rule over the world.... you should read it, its one hell of a read
>unironically shilling pewdiepie
>im not some newfag casual tourist scum i swear!!!
faggots like you have destroyed this board and are destroying this website.
i've been here for over 2 years, yes i maybe a newfag but at least i'm not a faggot, nigger, kike like you.
Pewds is our most powerful weapon and you shilling against him shows your jew colours.
mr. pubes is Sup Forums if you don't like him, get back to where you came from
has Mr Pewbs seen MM?
i-is this you user?
>kike spotted
>the childs is ours now
Would wonder if he hasn't
Interestingly enough it overlaps kind of with him getting out of his man cave and speaking the truth
it dont fucking matter hes exposing millions of people to this shit imagine how many people learn the truth about jews thanks to him
Hey kids, democrats are virtue signalling faggots
Trust me, i'm a Canadian!
>Pewds is our most powerful weapon
t. 16yr old lad
Put another one down, one more close to home
Seriously, how old are you?
>goys in ID
i don't know how this makes me feels
>tfw gook
God I wish I had blonde hair like him
Did my part
36... now fuck off
PS do you know how i know your new here newfriend? you did the green txt and the signed by, the wrong way around, you basically said YOU ARE THE 16 YO
BTFO, now fuck off
shoo shoo shill
We will save the white race with pewds help.
this man is a mass redpilling machine for normies.
whats a pewdiepie
I wonder who's behind this post?
fucking audible kek
He does make his viewers less gullible to jewish tricks. For that I respect him.
You're 36 and you're watching that kid shit and talk about it like a 12yr old?
Nobody believes that shit, you should've at least made yourself the minimum age of 18. It's not only closer to your real age but you wont get banned for it
Hi Felix
He's going to help raise the Hitlerjugend that ushers in Generation Zyklon.
You're just jealous man, Felix is great.
>testing, pewds send me here :p
>you did the green txt
>the signed by
>reddit spacing
lmao @ you calling anyone newfriend. you're so transparent it's pathetic. but i believe you're 36 because a 36 year old who discovered Sup Forums in the last 2 years and is now pretending he's not a newfag is exactly what you sound like.
Jesus Christ at least do some pushups if you’re not going to lift, his arms are like my fifty year old dad’s who eats nothing but beefaroni.
@165368293 don't listen to him.
if you actually find this retard entertaining and are over 15 years old i honestly feel bad for you. people like that are small souled bugmen in the truest, saddest sense of the term.
Cry about it cuck
Too real
How jewish are you?
>wah wah he is for kids
So? More redpilled kids on the way. Why does that bother (((you)))?
Your paradigm is teen stoner tier philosophy borrowed from a third-rate science fiction film.
Stop bullying him.
Because they're kids. That's why it bothers me.
Annoying stupid kids like yourself
Shill begon
The fire rises
pewdiepie has been doing YLYL vid compilations from /gif/ for a long time now. Relax, but redpill threads are always great.
The audacity of that nigger
And kids grow up... idon't even know why i'm replying to you, you are a kike shill, fuck off.
I think he's funny and he is a sledge hammer against the cancer of the kikes, he will help to save the white race. and that is all that matters. and if you go against that, YOU ARE A KIKE
They are here
Yup, it seems so simple, but stuff like this and the crass humor of Sup Forums, Sup Forums as a whole, and places like this are what is disarming taboos about nazis and racism and allowing our people to grow a pair again.
Hell, even before I was a Sup Forumsack, I was exposed to happy merchant and bix nood memes since the days of old Sup Forums. When I used to browse /fit/, we'd constantly refer to extremely skinny people as "auschwitz mode". This sort of flippant attitude towards the ZOG narrative is what helps disarm it. Shitposting nazi frog memes and happy merchants has done what decades and trying to spread a message with facts and statistics has not.
I just turned fullblown lefty just by reading this post.
If you're for it, I'm against it.
oh shit, this gives me an idea, could we tailor our red pillsto look like green txts... if the kids are coming for green txts we should give them green txts
>doesn't want to save the white race
Kike confirmed
Hey pewds, how you doing?
Can't fault your logic user. the memes are with us pic related
Fuck no I dont want to save you, just listen to yourselves. You're the reason the antifa movement rose to popularity almost spontaneously.
To hell with you and yours, you corny bunch of idiots
>He didnt use ahnuld
thanks for the (((concern)))
>doesn't know about Weimar
>doesn't know that chimping lefties brought the NSDAP the majority in 1933
The more they sperge the better. Hell if they start killing centrist I donate weapons
My unborn child might have a future for her children because of you.
shit... i've failed
Thanks for the bump, cunt
More like 6 year old user
Sup Forums isn't the only place memes are made anymore, like the old days, but it's natural that they gravitate towards the most extreme and most offensive (funny) form it can take. You can even see this on twitter, where a different meme ecology exists.
18+ to post here, kiddo.
Can't you just smell their fear,
You could have prevented this kike, you should have just left us alone.
Slide thread.