G*rmany invented communism.
G*rmany started two world wars.
G*rmany is pro EU.
G*rmans re-elected Merkel.
G*rmans caused the migrant crisis
Continued from:
G*rmany invented communism.
G*rmany started two world wars.
G*rmany is pro EU.
G*rmans re-elected Merkel.
G*rmans caused the migrant crisis
Continued from:
>Average German RUNT
Pig nosed, pink-skinned vermin
>Go to Germany for a month for work
>Like 70% of women are attractive. Thin and nearly all blonde hair, blue eyes and tall
>Only signs of poor genetics are the obvious """refugees""", a high % of which actually look sub-human
>Germanic people just high quality all over
>Come home to UK
>mfw can't escape the recessed chins, fetal alcohol syndrome, chavs, obesity and general ugliness for 30 seconds outside
>mfw people say German's are subhuman
Britain at this point should do the white race a favour and take every migrant out of Germany and give them everything they want here.
Average dark-haired Celtic Brit
Average Aryan Germanic Saxon
>M..muh blonde hair blue eyes masterrace
>tfw brown hair/blue eyes masterrace
>Islam not part of german culture
>average G*rmanic
I'm Bavarian therefore not German
G*rmanic piggie
Fuck you and fuck your shitty /bant/ tier slide thread
why did you leave Germany? Couldn't you just set up in a small village and stay
It's not /bant/-tier. The Germans are responsible for Europe's perpetual turmoil and it's time to resolve the issue once and for all
Nice try Norweigan guy but the study that called us ugly also rated the Germans as being uglier.
H-has my OP become a copypasta?
G*rmany BTFO!
Germans really are the worst.
2nd that, i mean seriously op, is this some next level selfironic shitposting? brits and irish are BY FAR the ugliest people on this side of the earth.
ive lived 2 years in london and 3 years in dublin, when you are at a pub you get crawled with ugly cunts craving a dick that isnt attached to an elephanteared, acneridden troll, you have to be careful not to get drunk enough to actually fuck one, which would result in a loss of any selfrespect. only good looking women are, surprise, expats and immigrants
As I said, the "Brits are ugly" study also concluded that Germans are uglier. Btw, most of the ugly Brits have obvious Germanic heritage
>G*rmany invented communism.
complete lie that you can expose yourself with 1 minute of google or wikipedia
>G*rmany started two world wars.
BOTH wars is debateable
>G*rmany is pro EU.
that is correct
>G*rmans re-elected Merkel.
that is correct
>G*rmans caused the migrant crisis
anglos and frogs bombing ghaddafi started the migrant crisis. anglos fucking around in the middle east might also play a role
my god dude, leave your shitty country for once and get a realitycheck.
the only thing youll need is your eyesight, no studies needed when things are so blatantly obvious.
Its also no surprise with the shitty nutrition english people get since their childhood and the bad healthcare
Errm no. Take it from one of your compatriots, you blond haired rat.
don't wanna post too many right wing pictures right lad?
don't want you to get in the bin for maymays
>average Aryan
>average Anglo-Celt
What a cutie :^)
>reminder that AfD is polling as the second biggest party
>Merkel lost 20%
>meanwhile in Britain
>no pro white party at all
>no resistance
>no will to fight back
>BNP still has 0 seats and no influence after nearly 40 years
>UKIP is dead and wants less slavs and more curries and pakis because muh commonwealth and because they are overrun by them
>child sex gangs active for decades in every major city
>still no resistance
>muslim mayor of london
>mohammed most common name for children
>over half of london non-white
>still no resistance
>brexit set to fuck Britain up because even may doesn't want it
>bongs are deluded enough to believe that the Tories who vowed and failed to bring down immigration repeatedly will suddenly change now
>instead of slavs they'll get even more poos and pakis and are somehow proud of it
>still no resistance
>edl is a fucking joke without power or influence
>pathetic number of gun owners
>carrying a knife is illegal
>buying tableware under 18 is illegal
>writing mean things on the internet is illegal
>Lauren Southern, Geert Wilders and many others are literally banned from the country for being pro-white
>3400 people are arrested for mean comments on the internet per year
>police spares thousands of men to check facebook but none to fight literal rape gangs targeting thousands of english girls
The attractive females are actually polish diaspora.
>There's a saying amongs all slavs that the only attractive women in Germany are the tourists.
Yeah but Dreaden innit. Look at this pure Aryan family
You have a face that only your ugly German mother could love
I think mom is pretty
Funny how you care more about dresden than any german haha
>Average Brit
>G*rmany invented communism.
>Average German family
>Average German
Thats nice.
They both look the same
Just for you
I hate the Germans, but what's the difference between them and the English?
Yummy Dresden tears
Not much. Both cucked, ugly populaces with unruly Muslim underclasses.
hey Rabbi, watcha doin
>I hate the Germans, but what's the difference between them and the English?
Brits have pride and dignity. Germans have guilt and shame.
It hurts so much.
says a brit haha
>You know, Christianity, this great thing that built our civilization?
>let's destroy it, jawohl!
Bitch please we wrote songs about the joy of dropping bombs on our enemies
God bless the English.
Enslaver of non-whites.
Ruler over celtniggers.
Colonial Master of the World.
hahahaha what the fuck
You find him ugly? :(
That's the German homosexual who claims to be bavaryan. He posts frequently and claimed to be an 8/10 (LOL)
I kinda hate Germans for always finding an excuse not to sink britain into the ocean and trying to make peace with them
You find him ugly? :(
The only thing worse than his face is his fashion sense. Get your shit together Germany
Come next partition can Canada have its own little occupation zone? We would like to test some Canadian social engineering ideas like state-provided black bulls for German women and chemical castration of g*Rman """males""" and renaming streets to stuff like Mohammedstrasse or Kuranstrasse to make refugees feel more at home.
this is a homosexual thread report and sage
Nooooo :(
I hate Italians for being Arab/African faggots who LARP as Romans
Ugly af
Hi butterface :^)
Kek I didn't know it was him, no wonder he spends most of his time here.
>I hate Italians for being Arab/African faggots
They're calling me ugly :(
Here's him with his massive forehead on full-display. What an uggo
>G*rmany started two world wars
Are you fucking retarded? You must be a kike.
Germany joined the war to fight with Austria. The jews instigated WW2 by boycotting German goods and causing Poland to genocide Germans.
You're beautiful in your own way :^)
nooooo :(
Italians are North African.
How can I be beautiful, Sup Forums? How can I find love?
To be fair, it was Churchill and FDR who sold Eastern Europe to the USSR.
>Italians are North African.
You are now desu.
>You are now desu.
lmao saved
Prove me wrong then. Protip: you can't.
How is pic related not North African?
>Prove me wrong then. Protip: you can't.
>How is pic related not North African?
This is apparently European according to Italians
>This is apparently European according to Italians
This is now the JEW hate thread because the OP is a humongous kike shill faggot