Other urls found in this thread:
Do you allow Awoos here?
real thread here boards.Sup
We most certainly do!
No, see
>Real thread
That's /ptg/
This is /ptt/
Different thread entirely.
Fuck off thread splitter, we already had one
Fuck off retard, you did it on purpose, stop being a dickhead
OP is a faggot.
So OP, what do you think about the Budget that was just signed?
>OP is a faggot.
go to the real thread
I would imagine that Trump will do everything in his power to let the people know that the RINOs fucked them and the people's agenda. I think the primaries for a lot of GOPe are coming up soon. I hope that Trump lets people know to vote against the shitters that drafted and voted for this budget.
Is it not okay if we talk about Trump outside of that thread?
he posted it in the general trying to split because he was crying about the op
the real one
well that OP is indeed a cunt.
And I like slower paced threads anyway that you can actually have discussions.
I hate that by the time I read the thread, pick a post to reply to. Type out my response, the thread is already 280+ posts. So it is a waste.
okay, you and op have fun
Anyone want to take bets if the first comment is a positive or negative comment?
What does the new bill say about gun control? This affects me and I've been trying to find out what is coming but every thing I see is filled with half truths and lies.
Hold on, let me flip my trump coin, heads for negative
Im going to guess negative
The coin has spoken
Salty cunts indeed
So disgusting
I don't think I've seen anything about gun control in the budget, if that is the "new bill" you are talking about.
Then again it is a 2k+ doc
When do we get to fucking shoot these people? Where I grew up, you'd have been hard pressed to find any one man, woman, or child who would dare even jokingly mock a medal of honor recipient, but in the (((cities))) millions of them have been bred like communist orks
Totalt autisimus Maximus.
There is being proud because of beautiful achievments as a people or race.
Then there is having pride in a piece of shit, who only not never discovered the continent. He and his cucks destroyed amazing historical sites. And they were so impressed by the works that the slaughtered people to reveal how they moved the stones.
And you know what they said?
: We Have No Idea, it was not us, it was the ones before us.
How hard is it to maybe conquer and subjugate rightfully and rule justly? Instead you do you some degenerate shit and destroy amazing history, not only theirs, but OURS as humankind.
Not only did their great cities inherit the ancient architects secrets and knowledge. They could have given us more clues, about what happened to this planet 12 000 years ago.
I swear to go the degeneracy and barbarism the spaniards did was on a whole other fucking level.
Coming their with their pedo priests and crushing down anything not representing them. Old school fucking isis.
It's the pilgrims, still the message stays, whoever ruins another cultures civilization should be fucking nuked.
>but in the (((cities))) millions of them have been bred like communist orks
They give all the incentive in the world for the underman to breed but for the middle class, that is actually productive but yet intelligent, they give them nothing.
This can't last forever. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
You don't think that the world is better off having the American landmass utilized by whites rather than red-man?
If you like to read and haven't read this please do.
It's actually easy to read and it is scary how much a book written in 1913 applies today.
Absolutely not, the land is the land of the NATIVES.
You don't fuck around with the OG people, and if you do conquer them, you treat them with respect. Common logic, they may have had some wierd random kingdoms and tribes doing crazy shit. But they did not mutilate and destroy ancient sites and knowledge.
What did the disgusting spaniards do? Dismantle a whole damn city of enormous cultural importance to humanity. Leaving gigantic walls, which we still don't have answers for. Not how or when they where built.
Great book. How did you hear about it?
? How did we get to the new world?
The real redpill to make a lefties head spin is remind them that Cletus in the country is in a higher social class than their prole ass sitting in a 20x20 one room apartment because rent took all the fun money that week.
>You don't fuck around with the OG people, and if you do conquer them, you treat them with respect
Sven what the fuck are you doing, you cruel bastard. Have you seen what "respect" looks like for the ancestors of the crushed? They should've been raped out of existence, as it stands there's an entire demographic that drinks to fill the spot where their culture used to be
But-but "muh incest"
"Muh lack of things to do"
Seriously though, what the fuck is there to do in a city?
Go to some shit club with nigger music?
Variety of Yum-Yum shops?
In Nature, there is freedom.
Those red hats will go down in history as a hated symbol of a hated administration.
You think so, David?
Sage goes in all fields.
That's exactly it, no opiates except the TV and drugs that don't lie about how bad they'll fuck you up when you're outside city limits. Where's the (((fun))) in building a life that doesn't need these things
I'm not a sven, i'm a kebab remover. Born here though.
That isn't respect, thats subjugation for a long time, with a sprinkle of " ehh have your 2 by 2 inch land enclosed here " Sorry for fucking all you ever knew up.
>A Fresh Start Edition
Bull crap. There is no "fresh start" - just the same old, same old. Trump is a traitor. He is one of them. He cares so little of the American people that he signed that monstrosity without even reading it, looking through it, or knowing what was in it. Do you think he signs paperwork in his business that he does not read? Do you think he and his attorneys sign paperwork they don't read? Of course not. But when it comes to the American people Trump don't give a poop. Sign away!
Screw Trump. I, like most of his base today, are absolutely livid about this and have jumped off the Trump Train. I am so over being lied to. I did not vote for a democrat for President, but that is what I got.
I guest "Art of the Deal" was fiction/fantasy after all.
Rampant materialist desires.
I can't believe people don't go through this thought exercise.
>stand in one spot
>eventually you will NEED something
>what is the first thing you need?
>most likely air
>then water
>then food
>then heat
Once you figure out all the stuff you absolutely need to survive, figure out how to get that stuff in a sustainable way.
Then you are at a point where you can find happiness and fulfillment in live of your own design.
All of these city fucks chase weird shit for no reason that doesn't even bring them fulfillment or happiness.
Brace yourself for rage
Why do they hate golf so much?
Because only straight white men who are relatively wealthy play it. That's literally why
They hate the American people.
Trump is their voice.
Trump likes golf.
Their hate flows through it all.
They're incapable of comprehending the idea of completing mental work while doing something physical that's unrelated.
Didn't Trump strike a deal with the Japanese pm after a round of golf?
yeah and in the business world, a lot of bullshitting gets done on the golf course with big wigs.
They just hate that they aren't bonding over basketball or whatever niggers like to do
I saw a groid beat a dude to death with a rubber mallet over 27 cents once
>I saw a groid beat a dude to death with a rubber mallet over 27 cents once
I now remember that news article about life long friends killing each other over an Xbox game.
These are the people leadership in this country and in the business world are sorely lacking apparently.
>father and son pull ak47 over argument about chicken nuggets
And somehow the least believable part is that his father was around to help him rob a McDonald's for fucking nuggets. Every time I wonder if maybe we're actually on the wrong side here, I remember that they want these people to rule over us, and I remind myself that means we can't be wrong.
>TFW You're so assblasted you need a safespace
I don't get the outrage.
>so assblasted you single handedly ruin ptg
Wow digging deep I see
>so assblasted had to come into this one
>and then comes over here to stir up more shit for his own failed thread
I've never seen /ptg/ take this long to hit the limit
Just a few more hours until millions of people across the world learn about Trump's tiny 2-inch dick.
All he has to do is just shut up.
Seriously, that's it. That's all we want.
Bake the thread, and just stay on topic.
Don't mention any other bakers. Don't mention yourself. Don't reply to people that bait you into acting like a spaz.
Just bake and post about Trump.
It really isn't that hard, is it?
>Redditor upset he can't have a circlejerk anymore, so he flocks to a literal containment thread
Not a bad idea, it keeps all the garbage like you off the real thread tbqh
Dumb dirtbag. There's no mystery why he's a failed politician.
Evidently so
>BASED CHINKERS Literally starting a coup in /ptg/ because he can't post off topic shit as OP
This is on you, user :)
LIKE CPR classes, I'm sure individual action such as "Not abandoning your children into the hands of the state because your roastie cunt of a wife wants to pursue a career being a desk-jockey secretary making 14 bucks an hour in order for her to feel fulfilled because feminism has diminished the role of motherhood - bringing human life into this world - to a part time job and shameful"
>all the flags here are American
>blames the chink
What if you are just an asshole?
Stop. Don't type anything.
What if you. YOU >YOU< are the problem?
Don't bother responding. Filtering.
We try to limit drama in /ptt/ not exacerbate it.
But user, these idiots putting all their kids in centralized buildings may work out to our favor some day
You people are mentally ill. You clearly don't belong here
Please, keep those threads going, /ptg/ doesn't want your kind. Circlejerk around your canadian god here
You know every time I have this discussion, I talk about that kids should be home schooled until they are at least in 5th grade.
Everyone just kinda goes "uuuuhhh..."
And then I say "Look, if you have a wife that can't teach your kid up to a 5th grade education. You married a retard"
And everyone laughs and says "Yeah that's true"
We as a society literally abandon our children as soon as they start having memories that "stick"
And we wonder why they don't feel loved or supported in this world and why school shootings happen.
>50% of people stay at home because family is important
>double supply of labor
>labor value is cut in half
Gee (((who))) could be behind this?
>women wait until after the horse is no longer caving in skulls with a single kick
>The boar no longer gores
>The seas no longer drown
>The night is no longer full of wolves
>The steam engines are not longer exploding
>The oil well are not longer bursting
>The coal mines are no longer collapsing
>The factories are no longer maiming
>Only then
>Do they suddenly want to "have a career too"
This is almost a short poem user.
I like it
Not only that, when only men used to work the government only collected one unit of tax.
Now that women worked as well, the government gets to tax the man, the woman AND the babysitter who takes care of the kid at home
Because of the fact that Barry O did a lot of golfing and little else constructive, and it was taken as a point of criticism. The left can't meme, so they're just doing the "no u" thing again, hoping that their narrow field of media coverage justifies it.
I work with career women who have kids, husbands that also are career people. They have kids, 2 months later are in the office. Talking about "The kid is with the babysitter"
It's less than a year old.
How loved do you think that kid is going to feel?
I'll bump it, but it will most likely get deleted.
That's why we had to change the name.
Well said bro.
Not fucking happy with the "omnibus" spending bill.
Real thread
Trump wasn't either.
No one was.
I just really hope Trump REEEs as hard as a man can REEE against the Establishment fucks that wrote the piece of shit and then voted for it.
Trump didn't write it.
He needs everyone to know that.
And he needs people to vote in /ourguys/ for the primaries, which are coming very soon.
lol looks like /ptt/ is the real new thread, guise.
>eva and the other splitter threads deleted
What the fuck happened to Poland Bros thread?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!
Went into the fuckin oven. Pity he didn't.
Hey, I tried at least. All it takes is just a little noise and the mods have to do something
If Trump hates the mainstream media so much why does he only talk to the mainstream media? Talk on the phone constantlly with professional hacks like Maggie Haeberman of the NY Times? Why not give exclusive interviews to Infowars or Breitbart?
Because guys like Trump and Bannon all claim to hate the mainstream media but can't resist the validation they get from the msm and think alternate media is second rate.
Joe wins again
Trump signed it you idiot.
The purpose of electing Trump was for him to enact our ideals. Not to think them to himself while behaving like a democrat.