Can someone explain the Cambridge Analytica scandal to me?
Is this a real scandal?
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No, it isn't a scandal.
It's literally a scapegoat
The "Big Data" meme is exploited by every company that can
Literally just another targeted advertising company
it was used to cover zukerfucked selling of all his shares and short the market
It's the spear attack of something more devastating than the atom bomb.
Seems like the lefty journos uncovered something shady that they could connect with the right and are going mental. It's probably a fraction of a percentage of what independent and right wing media had uncovered about the left over the past few years.
total meme scandal, literal nothing burger not even meming, so what was the other hand doing...?!?
Trump had a company trick facebook into giving it (the company and therefor Trump) user data in order to tailor facebook ads and political messages.
This is completely different than when facebook was willingly giving user data to Hillary Clinton in 2016, Obama in 2012 and 2008, and various others for senate or gubernatorial races because Cambridge Analytica tricked facebook into giving them the info.
Since facebook appears to be being sacrificed, this means facebook existed at the whims of the CIA and others, otherwise these obvious and open breaches of security that have already occurred would have triggered the same reaction.
obama wins
faceberg cashes in
trump elected
faceberg loses money
the left hates fb because russians hacked election
right also hates fb for censorship
everyone pushes to #deletefb
the left get what they want in russian interferance
the right get what they want in fb loosing out
facebook get what they want by being able to censor what they want, without as many bots, and elect the next pres without the russian propagana, and whatever else $$ they want so badly
As a someone that works in the industry, I find this "scandal" to be hilarious.
First, mass collection of data has been going on for a while now (big data meme) by both the government and private entities. Second, the Snowden leaks should have been an eye opener, but no one cared because their guy (Obama) was winning. Third, government intervention/regulation is something that those in industry have been calling for some time (long nonintuitive explanation, just ask) but many government seem unwilling to do so for intelligence reasons. Fouth, ask away.
I want to know everyting.
Just rant freely about what you deem most important man, I'm all ears.
I'm a mathfag, how do I into mass analytics, social engineering, intel o the like? I want to re-live the HWNDU flaghunt every day, plus the social survielance part.
quick bump
>I'm a mathfag, how do I into mass analytics
Learn to program so that you understand data structures and algorithms. Moreover, make sure your statistical knowledge of Casella and Berger is on point. Our technical interviews are very theory based. If possible learn HTF's ESL, and a course in Bayesian methods and Time Series analysis would not hurt.
For the common people tech talk sounds like mystical mumbo jumbo and just recently they realized that it had unexpected consequences.
No its not a scandal. Obama did the same thing. And Cambridge Analytical didnt do anything illegal. Its a ploy to get republicans kicked off social meida
This is very true and unfortunately a failure of public schooling via standardized tests that emphasize rote memorization over understanding.
>but they have a bachelors degree
which means fuck all now. Sure they need one to get past HR's software, but most students give two fucks about the subject material because they are not really college material. Yet, universities still accept them because they want more money, and they pass them along and graduate them for alumni sheckles.
As elitist as it sounds, most people are not ready for university after high school, and some will never be. There's nothing wrong with the trades, but even those (based on conversations with my friends that went the trade route) expect at least an associates degree and certifications upfront for an apprenticeship.
Special interest paid for it
>giving api access
>crying because they used it
They didn't trick Facebook, or lie to them, or steal info from them. This is literally how the company operates on the regular, they make their money from correcting data and letting agencies use it to tailor adds.
The issue with job certification it's social pressure, it became not only a symbol of status but a basic requirement in order to make enough money for housing, living expense, etc.
Therefore people with the money and capacity gravitated towards them, not the problem arises when you realize that you can't turn your society back to low earn jobs anymore and your industry it's dying cause your wages are to high and your corporations to greedy.
>The issue with job certification it's social pressure, it became not only a symbol of status but a basic requirement in order to make enough money for housing, living expense, etc.
I disagree. It became a safeguard against litigation. The USA is a very litigious society, and if some other actor can blamed rather than the one that wronged another then all the better within this framework. As for other countries, I do not know, but here in the USA there's a reason why certain frameworks are preferred over others: the ability to deflect when facing a lawsuit, and then pursue against the party experiencing the deflection.
You telling me it ain't better to be medic, lawyer psychologist, than being their not certified yet legal equivalents?
You remember all the time you were warned about protecting your privacy and the societal consequences it would have if you don't?
It happened to be true. It also happened that all the candidates of the 3 last presidential elections used it, including the current president.
But wait, there is more! This particular private for profit company have at least one auctioneer of Russian origin!
Obama dag 8 trillions on 8 years.
Nope. Media created. Accomplishes two goals:
Bad for trump
Bad for Facebook (competitor of mainstream media)
Of course certain professions require certification, especially those dealing with healthcare. There are others that I think we can agree that said certification is inane at best, however.
Do gardeners, pool boys, refrigerator repairmen, HVAC repairmen, etc. require certification? To ensure public safety? I think we can agree emphatically: no!
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel
propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
I'm a mathfag who worked as a codefag, because i knew knowing how to code is essential for the the information-centered future we'll have.
Will inquire on those topics. Thanks
It seems like kikes in the deep state want to wrestle control of facebook from zuccerberg as there has been a lot of feign outrage from their media dogs over something they've always known and used themselves.
Lot of money no one it's paying.
If it's better, people with better chances will pay for it even if they don't have the capacity, in a not merit system you will always reduce the quality of your labor to appease to your higher class.
Not a real scandal, just more butthurt from Hillary's fanbase.
No. Believe it.
fb helps the msm with ads and censorship. newspapers are not coming back either
You have to go back In all seriousness, see this first
obligatory pic somewhat related
>people with better chances will pay for i
Then you run into the situation they are currently facing in east asia. People are spending $1000s to get a certification that becomes meaningless as more and more pursue it, yet cannot even solve basic problems in their field of study.
>long nonintuitive explanation, just ask
let's hear it
Ted K was right, the will of other people is constantly imposed on the others as the industrial (and now digital) society gets out of hand.
Job certification for shit jobs became a superflous requirement, the lowest bar for a job, so if you don't spend a ton of money on shit education, they'll just hire some retard who did.
It's like having an "I can read diploma". If a million unemployed idiots have it, you'll have a hard time getting a job without it, however trivial it is.
Thanks god i'm not a burger, free and reputable universities for STEM here.
Explain the litigation thing, idk if we are thinking about the same examples.
I'm thinking for example about "art bachellors" or social sciences that end up writing in shitty news jounrals
shills will tell you its nothing or its because of trump. but in reality its business. cash rules everything zuc get the money
>Can someone explain the Cambridge Analytica FAKE NEWS to me?
see In short they want the rules to be well defined so they can operate within the rules, while still engaging in shady actions, and should a lawsuit present itself then they can claim to be immune as their actions were not in conflict with the law.
This presents a problem for intelligence agencies, as they technically cannot operate against USA citizens---I am explaining this from a USA POV---but they can still do so if the industry is not regulated (think about the path your data travels).
Mark "the supreme cuck" Zuck's public testimony will be watered down and mean almost nothing. It is what will be said in the SCI level hearing that will be interesting, but plebs need not apply.
>Explain the litigation thing, idk if we are thinking about the same examples.
In the USA, there is always someone to sue. For example, if you sue me and I can sue another, which can sue another, etc however many times required, then I am free from blame and not left as the last one holding the torch. Maybe some lawfags here can explain more elegantly than I can.
As an example, most DoD firms use Matlab for programming and Big Pharm uses SAS for programming. These licenses are ridiculously expensive, but a catastrophic issue present itself from no fault of theirs but from the "code", their Jew lawyer legal team can get them absolved of any wrong doing and seek additional shekles.
So you're saying Trump is just like Obama?
When it come to unpayabe debt, all presidents since Clinton are the same.
what am I looking at?