What's holding us back from space exploration Sup Forums ?

what's holding us back from space exploration Sup Forums ?

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Brown people


2 billion niggers, subverting kikes, and boring ethnic conflict because people are making too many babies. Most of our mental (and also enviromental) resources are being used to baby sit a bunch of lower to middle races, to prevent nuclear war from breaking out. While also dealing with an outbreak of civilization decay.

fpbp /thread

Do you want giant pyramids to attack? Because when we explore space giant pyramids attack.

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flat earth theory

yea, the subverting kikes who just liek us so much that they dont want to be left behind in their schizophrenia land that they call israel. The thought of us just fucking off and leaving them to their "End of times" prophesy all on their own terrifies them more than genocide of them.

>but we wuz da chosen ones :((((((((((((((((
>WHITE MAN, THE EARTH REALLY IS FLAT, PLS STAY WIT US :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

ummm gravity

radiation dumb fuck

Lol, dez trolls aside, cost and technology. It is just way to expensive atm to get shit into orbit let alone break free of the earth's gravitational pull. The cost to weight ratio is pretty fucking insane, that's why spacex us essentially trying to develop reusable rockets in the hopes of cutting down those extreme costs. Beyond that however, we don't have a good method yet of shortening the fuck long distances between shit in space. The best we can do now is gravitational assists where you use a planet or something to slingshot and gain speed, we need something much faster or we need a way to healthy suspended the human body in animation for the trips.

>ummm gravity

Just lose weight you fat fuck

Space travel is fuckng fake. NASA is fake, its only govt military like darpa Google facefuck and the rest nsa CIA FBI.....

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We are still a tier 1 civilization. We don't have the resources for deep space travel.

It will be huge if we even manage to make it to Mars in the next 30 years.

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>t.useless crazypilled retard

Project Orion

Space exploration is hard until it gets started in earnest until we can build stuff in space or find a cheaper method sending stuff it will be to expensive to send any long distance stuff for anything other than science.

I do believe we have the ability now to begin building a dyshpon sphere arround the sun with modern tech it just requires an unrealistic level of patience and ability to start something that will not reap rewards until everyone here is dead.


TFW the 1st translatable message received from an extraterrestrial source by S.E.T.I. reads.

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Muddying the waters

Literally niggers.


This has been swirling around in my head for a few years now..

it seems clear if you look at recent world and especially American history.

after operation paperclip scooped up all the nazi rocket scientists and the US started the space race there has been an effort from the Israelis to not only end the American space program but to destabilize then ENTIRE western European civilization and progress of the last 200 years.

the jews knew that if America was allowed to follow through with its space program American and by extension the entire European civilization would come to totally dominate Geo-politics and the space age.

Space stations, asteroid mining, colonizing other planets.... we were on track to become the most powerful beings in the world and perhaps the known universe

So the jews sabotaged the space shuttle program and even destroyed the entire American manufacturing machine so we couldn't even fight back.

There plan is to ruin Europe and rebuild the space program in their image. they will take to the stars and they will steal all the credit and become richer than anyone has ever imagined

This is why we fight...
They jews literally stole the stars themselves from the rest of humanity

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>hol up where da human wimin be at


This isn't even a joke.

brown people didnt stop the space race
jews did

The above ground test ban.
Project Orion is the real redpill.
Musk plans on using Mars as an Orion 2.0 facility. That's why he is interested in monopolizing it.

>What's holding us back from setting up domed farming communities in the high arctic and making use of land that's otherwise irrelevant?

Same thing. I have no idea. You'd think some billionaire would be all about colonizing some remote stretch of Alaska or Canada or Russia.

>Inb4 we can't do domed settlements.

We built the South Pole Dome in the 1970's. We could build the same thing but with clear panels and have a giant greenhouse. No problem. If we can do it at the South Pole we can do it anywhere. Pic is during the deconstruction a few years ago.

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>what's holding us back from space exploration Sup Forums ?
the fact that outer space isn't real

>I do believe we have the ability now to begin building a dyshpon sphere arround the sun

No mate. Our ships can't even reach the sun yet to build anything. We don't have the tech yet.

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>the South Pole Dome

I don't think you'll want to live there, it wasn't the best idea.

This works better.

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I liked The Expanse tv show on SyFy

There is no real private-market reasons for space travel. The government has to created demand.

Abandoning the Apollo program. Never going realizing the SDI. These decisions cost us a real chance at space ferrying civilization

Or We here at planet X have learned early on that the intermingling of sub groups of individual planetary populations only leads to a path of ruination and turmoil.
Each sub group of our world has been allowed to flourish and develop at their own pace, and develop their own specializations over time. This has allowed us to overall advance more rapidly to a type 3 civilization of mutually agreed isolationism, with benefits for all groups involved, with zero conflicts because of this.
How are you lot faring?

Because our government would rather use our taxes to make sure Tyrone's belly is filled with chitlins and grits than use it to guarantee the long term survival of the Human race.

Our belief in equality.

Identity politics and white nationalists

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>hurr a cuntry fir us hwite fellers

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Yuk... I’ll take the clam juice.

funding of the Jew's pet niggers is a huge budget item. Because the nigger criminals need to eat, and because they don't work or produce anything of value, and insofar as niggers reproduce so fast, then the vast cost to maintain them in society where they are a clear net negative, is enormous and growing.

Space is a money pit.

wtf i am Kek now

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>Space travel is expensive and there isnt much interest so no money flow
>fucking russians and their ''highly efficent engines''

If we didn't have 6 billion worthless parasites leeching off of us America and Europe/Japan could be colonizing the solar system right now.
I wish first world governments had the balls to abandon the third world and let them die off so the rest of us could focus on leaving this doomed planet.

Outer space is inner space. Something physical may not enter the non physical. Earth is a plane, a realm. Just like the other planets are.

Also checking your trips of truth based Russian. Have you accepted Sminem as the cure to the kikeshill cancer that is trying to infest Sup Forums?

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Space. /thread

and what?

>tfw if Germany won we'd have reached the stars by now
>now whites will be extinct and gooks will be the first to go to the stars
>the first contact with the ayes will be by a mongoloid gook Chang and not an Aryan


>what's holding us back from space exploration Sup Forums ?

t's expensive and difficult.

>that image
holy shit nigger knew way back then where to put a cent and dollar mark, must be a lost trait

There is interest it's just the government would rather virtue signal

but, yeah there is interest but not enough have you seen the fucking prices for space travel?

Libtards and niggers, brought to you by Jews.
Jews are terrified of space.

Nothing is holding us back from exploration. Bots are colonizing Mars right now.

The West is wasting its time and money trying to lift Apefrica and other shitholes out of poverty and crime and it's a fucking shame.

It's probably easier to conquer Mars than trying to change the nature of niggers, tbqh.


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I think Kek is much stronger than Sminem.
But Sminem is truly divine creature. I accept it.

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economic incentive

proper funding

Yes but removing welfare would give enough for actually interesting missions instead of stupid sun orbiting missions. Space x is also helping to reduce the cost

the fact that there's little point in doing it other than economic incentive. humanity is going to die on this planet.

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Kek is with Sminem, friend.

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The allmighty duet !

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Niggers and jews.
Read "Whitey on the moon", story of niggers protesting before saturn v launch
tl;dr apollo space program cost 21 trillion $
since then we spent 21$ trillion dollars on niggers and basically that money was thrown into the mud

Kek is with you my friend. Remember that the enemy fears Sminem!

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What question do you really want to ask?
We've been exploring space since the beginning of humans. Nothing is stopping it.

There is no direct profit from going into space. So it will always be dependent on funds and donations.

and jews

Egalitarianism and shitskins.

The simple fact that you can't own meteorites, comets or planets to explore and profit.

This. Niggers kept and are still keeping us from the moon.

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There could be.

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Damn! Can I get a quick rundown on this Sminem guy?

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No. we are not a Tier 1 civilization. We are a Tier 0 civilization. Tier 1 Civilizations can harness ALL energy from their planet.


You're a disagrace to Norway, you under aged bastard. Just google it..

And you are a disgrace to Sminem and all white people

>rumored to be reincarnation of Thoth/Hermes
>has never felt sadness in his life
>single handedly hacked the US election
>fights the jews and the NWO single handedly
>the jewish collective unconsciouss fears the Thrice Great Sminem
>rules the world with a subtle touch
>the last descendant of a royal Rusaryan bloodline
>exposed worldwide pedophilia networks
>crypto billionaire from age of 12
>master of the physical and astral plane
>has the ability to instantly manifest objects
>vibrations from his voice can cure cancer
>holds the key of wisdom
>wasn't born and cannot die
>a circle has no end nor beginning
>Bogdanoffs rumored to have a shrine to Sminem
>Bogs bow down to his superior pure genetics.
>rumored to be descended starseed DNA of Plejaren/Lyrian/pure Rusaryan origin

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>rules the world with a subtle touch
Fucking topkek user! My sides. Damn!!

fucking based

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we need at least 100-200 years before we reach Tier 1 civilization, now we are at 0.73.

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Taking care of our pet niggers.

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Republicans, Jews, Blacks and basically everyone who isn't a white technocrat.
Look at this - Goldwater Republicunts advocated cutting NASA because of "muh federal taxes!"

The vast majority of humanity is fucking useless and should be ignored, whether it's niggers overbreeding or idiotic shits who are ideologically opposed to any sort of taxation, even if it means forever stewing on Earth. Technocracy - in the ideal sense of the term, where scientists and engineers are in charge of society - or fuck off.

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>pls stay and maek our schizophrenia land of milk and honey come tru wites :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
>we want to bob our heads on planes like autistic retards while u pay for us :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
>AND THEM FUCKING RED COWS MAN, PLS GIB GIBS FOR RED COWS! DONT LEV US :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

I hate yet love how I come to these threads to post an answer thats always the first post.

Checked fellow Alberto Barbosa.