You don't deserve the right to own deadly weapons.
You never earned that right.
You don't deserve the right to own deadly weapons
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It's earned through the promise that we'll push your shit in if you try to take it away
What gives anyone a right to anything?
You don't earn rights.
Laugh all you want but she's absolutely right
When did you earn the right to live?
then there's no such thing as an illegal immigrant
checkmate, Sup Forums.
Fuck off, troll. Inalienable rights. Google it.
you didn't earn the right to thrust your goblin mug in my face all day every day but here you are
shoo shoo gun goblin
Mind filling in the blanks there?
>you don't earn rights
>you need to earn your rights, illegal immigrant!!
I'm serving the country. Am i not allowed to enjoy the rights i fight for?
Citizenship isn't a right though.
neither is owning deadly firearms
But it is.
not for long
That has nothing to do with the existence of illegal immigrants.
Whether you are granted rights by stepping into the country, or people grant you them you have still bypassed the legal frameworks of immigration and entered illegally.
since when is emma a guys name? or is this a troll?
We earned the right when our ancestors overthrew the British Empire, go back to jacking off to blacked you fucking kike shill.
>earning rights
try me
Why are you posting this in every thread?
ooo big tough guy?
The only power the government has is fear.
>baiting legions of gun toting rednecks and army veterans who all live and breathe muh guns 1776
Not the wisest move.
Wish that creature was pic related instead
The creator endowed me those ancient, inalienable, unenumerated, and natural rights, the Constitution just recognizes that fact.
No Commie La Raza is going to change that.
Oh shoot you got me.
4 u
Citizenship is a privilege, brainlet.
Enjoy this, it's only the gorrilianth one today.
And you never earned the right to take away my existing rights
If I take your guns away, will you get culturally enriched?
I talked to my family about this and no one has ever used there guns for self defense.
So right now we are in the process of gathering all of our guns and we will give them to the local police station so that they can dispose of those useless things.
Your going to need guns to take guns faggot. I know this a shill thread but I want you to know true patriots will kill every last one of you if you try. Squirm you faggot piece of shit.
>user's flag is United Nations flag
Nah goyim, you wrong
Funny how they think this reform will focus on taking guns instead of silencing free speech and invading citizens privacy.
shall not be infringed brainlet
I'm confused, can one of you fat burgers tell me what the deal is with letting tacos walk into DC and start changing your burger rights? I thought you didn't like it when people from overseas told you how to live. I fancy a nice cuppa.
>some mentally ill freaks killed some people, a tiny minority of people
>therefore I'm going to protest every law abiding person's civil right to defend themselves
Shouldn't they be protesting for more secure schools and armed school guards/teachers?
>Uhhh... haha, you don’t get to bring friends...
Every burger earn this right just after he is born in US of A retard.
>You don't deserve the right to own deadly weapons.
>You never earned that right.
You're right. It waa granted by my birth
>muh emotions
The way we treat teachers I wouldn't want them with guns either.
holy fuck
>You don't deserve the right to own deadly weapons.
God gave us that right, man cannot take it away.
>You never earned that right.
Our firearm rights are inherent.
>then there's no such thing as an illegal immigrant
Our Creator. Try learning something about our country.
>>you need to earn your rights, illegal immigrant!!
Immigration is a privilege not a right.
Owning firearms is a right not a privilege.
>neither is owning deadly firearms
Our firearm rights aren't subject to how "deadly" they might be.
>not for long
Our firearm rights are not subject to your laws.
>ooo big tough guy?
Said the bitch hiding behind a meme flag.
You don't deserve to exist. you never earned that right.
Now go on, tell me how everybody has the right to live because some declaration of human rights says so - and then please tell me why another declaration of rights stating that people have the right to won weapons is somehow worth less.
Simple, just bomb the shit out of other nations, kids don’t give a shit about humanitarian crisis’s
Need to shoop in that disgusted kid from the Chloe picture
So, you don't understand how rights work. Got it.
You do earn them. By violent revolution
This is how things work
She can come talk to me when she is a net taxpayer.
Based Pol.
Best Goblina yet.
I just pissed myself.
I made my guns in my garage. 100% earned.
Does anyone know if shes actually a lesbian?
Nah, you're born with the right to everything. Then from the moment you're born people limit or take away your rights if you let them. in a revolution, you just tke back what used to be yours, which is why it's called REvolution ("Returning to a prior state" in latin).
And you never deserved or earned the right to take them away so your own logic fails you.
The fact of the matter is that the second Amendment says that we have always had those rights here in America. You on the other hand aren't even American lmao
>guns are bad
>*surrounded by armed security
I'll give up my right to a gun when this mutt gets spayed with a hammer.
When I was born I earned them. Fucking hobgoblin. That's why it's a right!
>you're born with the right to everything.
No you're not. Honestly your mom can leave you on the steps of a church, a firehouse, a forest, a dark alley
She can yank you out of the womb before you're ready to come out.. piece by piece. Rights are not gauranteed, ever.
that right was earned in the CONSTITUTION
The one your Bitch ass tore up
The only right anyone has is the right to die. Not even God can take that away
>best pay
>best benefits
>best hours
>best job security
>guaranteed vacation
Ya, those literal slaves shouldn't be trusted with anything.
>implying I'm going to have a wife
Good teachers have the worst hours
No they dont.
Yes they do
You get a full years salary for only working 8 months a year. Go fuck yourself.
Teachers are Obviously one of the most important roles in society, but there are plenty of worse examples in terms of working hours. Many hard labor jobs breach 60-80 hours a week. 5-7 days a week, 8-12 hours a day.
I would kill you if you said that to me in person. Filthy boot licker.
So you don't believe in rights either?
You agree with him so much that you feel like only one of you can have that opinion?
Begone, globalist goblin
Compared to what? Bad teachers? What the fuck are you trying to say?
Looks like someone lost their right to opaque backpacks
you don't have the right to take my rights away
>earn rights
heh, i eat punks like you for breakfast
So fucking tired of see that ugly mug
We don’t need to use guns against el goblina
Use this instead