Let's face facts, Trump has destroyed his election chances with this last week of bullshit. Discuss?
Trump has lost 2020
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It cracks me up that pol is just now waking up to who this guy really is.
For a community that hates jews so much, this guy has had Jewish dick up his ass from day one.
Let's discuss how fall you'll fall after we toss you from the helicopter, shill.
Elections are determined by what happens in the 3 days before the election. We're not even close to that yet.
who cares, millions showed up to demand we give our guns up yesterday, the American spirit is dead and whitey isn't going to exist outside Russia(if even there) by the end of the century
Well, you can see unironic full blown boomers ranting about this omnibus bill on Trump's fb.
>Everyone who's mad about the bill / Bolton is a commie shill xD
Nah, i'll still vote for him just like most of the rest of us will. Trump being a politician just like all the rest of them still leaves one reason to vote.... to spite the traitors and leftists.
Drumpf 2020
who cares lol, we are winning in Europe and that's all that matters for now.
>Politician sells you and the country down the river
>Still voting for him
>Still voting for any of these pricks at all
>At least he triggers the liberals!
Option A : get nothing
Option B : get nothing but still make the traitors mad
>hurrr you choose option B?!!?! Stupid retarded byrger hurrrr durrr drumpfie wumpfie plumpfiee
Hi shill
>we're not even close to election day
And he's lost a lot of his voters already. I voted for the first time in 2016 and I may never vote again.
MAYBE Trump needs to be impeached before he starts doing any of the shit he promised.
I welcome the blue wave
Yeah, I'm done with Drumpf! Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, won't be fooled again!
Also, I will happily give up my guns because of some dumb le56%face kids.
If, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, if, okie doke?
>the traitors are going to be SOOOOO mad that there's no wall, obamacare still exists, DACA stays, and the traitors aren't getting arrested
Yes, traitors BTFO....
I am now a Jeb-head!
Then why are they still protesting and crying everyday?
Lemmings got jewed by the ultimate shill for jews.
keep crying since you will never learn. The next flavor of the month populist will real you right back in.
You have 2 options:
1: Take the country back by force(unlikely since you'd lose your tech toys and comfort)
2: Stop fucking voting and get others to do the same so they can sit on election days with their dick in their hands wondering why only 25%, or less, of the population voted. Embarrass them on the world stage and get the ball rolling.
>For a community that hates jews so much, this guy has had Jewish dick up his ass from day one.
only people that still support this kike are:
>Sup Forums claims to be red-pilled
>actually believed this Jewish puppet's lies.
What's his plan doing all these favors for the Democrats??
He's being a dumb nigger and trying to compromise for his kike-masters. At least we got Gorsuch, an end to TPP and transgenders kicked out of the military out of it. Unless a less-shitty candidate comes along (won't happen) I'll be forced to tactically vote for him again.
People have poor short term memory
Trump could do anything right now and it will likely be forgotten before the election
The only thing that matters is what he does during the few months running up to the election
>People have poor short term memory
Good thing Democrats will be there to remind voters of all of Trump's shenanigans.
Oy vey, don't vote goyim. Show them you are mad by staying at home.
>hand clasp
Nothing to discuss, you're right. You will have a chose between two other Jewish candidates in 2020. What a tough choice!
Trump is doing great. This is still the most aggressively conservative Presidency you'll ever see.
Voters need to remember that Gorsuch is not enough. the next 40 yrs of the Supreme Court is still up for grabs
>Trump has destroyed his election chances with this last week of bullshit.
Agreed. I have been all around the internets and his base, or shall I say his former base, are absolutely livid at his signing that commie omnibus bill. There is just no way to sugar coat what he did and many, many feel there is no way he can come back from this. He did what Hillary would have done. He did the same old, same old. We voted for change. We voted for him to destroy the swamp, kick them out, limit government, downsize it, protect America. Ahd the bill he signed, which he admitted he did not read nor look through, does exactly the opposite of everything he promised for two years on the campaign trail.
Would Trump sign documents related to his businesses without reading them? Of course not. Would Trump and his attorneys sign legal documents without reading them? Of course not. But, when it comes to America and the American people, Trump has no problem signing things into law that he has absolutely no idea what it is because he did not give two flying craps to read it or look at it.
Traitor Trump. He is a commie just like the rest of them.
I guess his book "Art of the Deal" was fiction/fantasy after all.
>Trump is doing great.
>the most aggressively conservative Presidency you'll ever see.
If by conservative you mean Jewish, then yes.
Who the fuck else are you going to vote for?
I'd vote for Trump 1000 times over any of the other alternatives.
Wow great point user better keep voting in that 2 party system even when you know the country is getting ruined.
You never voted for Trump you shill.
>Who the fuck else are you going to vote for?
I have a conscience, so I just won't vote. I am tired of the "lesser of two evils" game the commies keep presenting to us.
Because they're dumbasses who believe whatever the media tells them and the media gets great ratings by playing up the hysteria, same as it ever was.
The 'it makes 'x' upset therefore it must be good' logic is really stupid.
>They think they're the first shills that have tried
We're not anything like you've encountered shills. We're anti-fragile. Keep it up, your abject incompetence is a motivator.
Not even bothering to SAGE.
Then you will get the worst of two evils.
Not voting is exactly what they want you to do, so they get the dumbest easiest to manipulate people are the only ones voting.
>You never voted for Trump you shill.
Actually, I did. I was one of the first on the Trump Train, from the minute he came down the escalator with Melania. So screw you. I am not a blind idiot who follows someone no matter what. I have a conscience, I have my morals and values and ethics. Trump stabbed me in the back. He ignored me. I gave him my vote based on believing his campaign promises and he betrayed me. So screw you for defending a traitor.
You are an obvious shill. Using words like "traitor" is straight out of the Demonrat playbook.
Ann Coulter was one of the first people to back Trump and she's been BTFOing him non stop lately.
Your image is stupid. You sound like a typical commie with no brain in your head, blindly supporting your dear leader no matter what he does. Sorry, Trump supporters are not idiots, the way you and your commie media like to pretend. We have morals and ethics and we don't take kindly to being lied to and being betrayed.
Yes, only democrats use the word "traitor." You are such an idiot.
Ann Coulter is a childless 60 year old attention whore. Anyone who takes her seriously has no brain.
You are so dumb. You can't even give any better alternative to Trump.
Keep posting shill, I'll be here all day.
Everything she said there is true though regardless of what you think of her personality user, what you just did is called an ad hominem attack.
Too bad. I have a conscience. I gave Trump my vote and support because I wanted change and I trusted what he campaigned on. He stabbed me and his base int he back. He is no better than Hillary, she would have done the same in signing that bill. So, what was the point of my vote? Now I have it on my conscience that I voted in to office someone that accelerated the destruction of America.
I'll post where ever I want, whenever I want, for however long I want you idiotic commie. Screw off.
>He is no better than Hillary
Try to be less obvious next time shill.
The point is there isn't a 'better alternative' because your country has been bought out and you keep clapping for the puppet show like a trained seal.
Oh the irony.
Kill yourself shill.
You either live in reality or keep dreaming of a choice that doesn't exist.
Trump is the best we have and I'll keep voting for him until that isn't true.
He's done plenty of things to piss them off, see: Whoever the dems run will invariably be worse and you aren't going to convince me to just let that happen just because Trump has done some shitty things too. The supreme court is still going to be at stake, that alone is enough to get me to vote Drumpf.
>Whoever the dems run will invariably be worse and you aren't going to convince me to just let that happen just because Trump has done some shitty things too.
Exactly. I have yet to see anyone who deserves my vote more than Trump.
Something only a shill would say. He reformed the tax code and trying to get the wall up. Daca is still being held hostage.
Commies can't handle the fact that Trump supporters have brains and ethics and morals and don't blindly follow him just because we voted for him. They have an entire narrative that Trump supporters are stupid sheep that will follow Trump no matter what. They can't handle that they are wrong.
We are the smartest and brightest of America and Trump took a dump on us. The commies and Trump family (Javanak, Eric, etc.) are freaking out now, calling us all "shills." Because they believe, as all commies do, that no matter what your leader does you are to bow to him and follow him. Traitors, all of them.
And that's why America is being taken down the drain, because the slave public will continue voting for whichever puppet they get presented with and every 4 - 8 years the cycle repeats. Reagan gets hailed as a hero even though he was worse than even Bill Clinton for the 2nd amendment for example. They can do whatever they want and you'll vote for it willingly because 'at least he wasn't 'x'!'
The ride never ends.
Your shill posts are getting more and more retarded.
>Kill yourself shill.
Nah, I don't think so. And I am not a shill, just an intelligent American who does not blindly follow someone I voted for. I have ethics. When they lie to me and go against me, I stop my support. Hard for you as a commie to understand, I know.. It hurts to much to think, doesn't it?
Hilary would have given amenity and imported 5 million muslims you faggot.
Prove me wrong.
Are those electric field lines?
Let me guess, you want some kind of revolution.
Not going to happen anytime soon.
The best we can do is vote for guys like Trump until there is a realistic alternative.
Aww the poor commie shill is mad now.
Kill yourself shill.
Only because as a commie you cannot comprehend them. Perhaps it is time you log off and go to nappy time.
Are you trying to parody leftists now or are you actually that much of an obvious shill?
I am only mad at Trump, you bet. As a human with ethics and morals I tend to get upset when I am betrayed, taken advantage of, and lied to.
You are the commie, not me. If I were a commie I would be overjoyed like the rest of the commies in our government (Schumer, Pelosi, etc.) over Trump signing this bill.
Judas Trump
Traitor Trump
I thought you guys hated neo cons. He just hired John Bolton as the security advisor. I’m confused.
>gas lighting Sup Forums is back in vogue
What happened this time?
You are a commie shill, kill yourself shill.
I'd argue a huge grassroots movement would be the best alternative right now, IMO 2012 saw this happening and someone got scared, you had Ron Paul even getting support from people on various parts of the spectrum, not even because of his policies but because he was principled. At this point someone having a backbone is the most important thing.
That's not an easy solution but the fact is that 'we the people' need to actually hold politicians to their words or this bullshit never ends.
If there was genuine mass outrage from Trump's base about the last week then he might change his tune, who knows. Instead of holding his feet to the fire it's just '4d chess' repeated forever.
O.K. commie idiot.
Oy! Yes Gouym Only jew's vote! By not voting you are being not a jew! Good idea! The will really hurt us I mean them by letting them elect everyone.
Yes yes we can't let him get those nuclear codes though! When will those trumpets learn? Haha Jewish puppet.
You'd think after literally years of practice the shills might have learned how to type like the average Sup Forums user.
It's staggering, they STILL stick out like a broken bone.
>Hillary has a 98% chance of winning
I don’t know maybe they don’t feel like speaking retard.
Bullshit. You vote trump because it is the logical thing to do. This is why trump got the white men vote. Someone who is guided by good feels over rationality would have voted for hilary.
Kill yourself commie shill. Seriously do it right now.
You loved the bill admit it cuck. Actual Pedes will still vote. Its just too funny not to and the fact you guys haven't figured that out is the biggest joke of all.
So you've shown us that the only words you can comprehend are 'kill yourself' and 'shill'
The fag is an obvious shill, prove me wrong.
You people are insane. You are either on Jared's payroll or are JIDF. For some reasons your tiny brains can't fathom someone who voted for Trump being disgusted by him for signing that commie omnibus bill. Go to nappy time, your tiny little brains must be really hurting you right now. Freaks.
You type like a leftist redditor.
Kill yourself commie shill.
Well, Trump is not far behind. He has not ended DACA, he has not implemented E-Verify to make it law, he has not lowered H-B1 visas, and this bill he signed stops the hiring of ICE agents. So, Hillary may have done it quicker, but Trump is doing her work for her.
So basically thinking trump fucked up this week with Bolton and that godawful bill makes you a commie shill. Okay gotcha
Serious people never saw Trump as a solution. He was a bandaid on a gunshot wound. He prevented the left from gaining another Supreme Court Justice, which bought us a little more time before hate speech laws and gun control becomes politically viable.
>You vote trump because it is the logical thing to do.
I did, and because I believed in his agenda and trsuted he would follow through with it. Now, I don't trust him further than I can spit. He has continually screwed his base, but this was by far the worst. I cannot, in good conscience, vote for him in 2020 unless a miracle happens and he turns this around.
Unless the MAGAs come up with a real candidate to run in 2020, I most likely won't vote. I would never vote commie dem.
>You type like a leftist redditor.
That is weired, considering I am neither a leftist nor have I ever been on Reddit. But, whatever you say freak.
I'm so confused.
Only LARPing Sup Forums Nazis hate the Jews. The majority of people out there really couldn't give a fuck less and for good reason.
Whatever you want to blame the Jews for, others have done the same throughout history. They're just an easy target to latch onto. Why do you think Islam hates them? Because they're fucking retarded too.
Back that up. Bet you can't. Sackless shill.
Lmao you fucking obvious shill
Reminder that this shill used FUCKING HASHTAGS in a Sup Forums post
nuclear is powerful, never forget that, the power, it's powerful
Too soon to know. Given the roller-coaster ride thusfar, can't even imagine what the situation will be then. It is our civic duty to vote, so I will definitely be voting. Many voters are now independents so it should be interesting.
>All these memeflags talking as if suddenly Sup Forums had declater war on Trump
Holy fuck you niggers are still trying subversion?
Have you leanred nothing yet?
>Back that up. Bet you can't.
>No funding for wall
>Specifically prevents using the prototypes looked at
>The prototypes were just a meme
>ICE agents screwed over by the bill too
>Funding for loads of stupid shit
>60 billion for Schumers tunnel
>No mention of DACA at all
>2232 pages that no one has read
>Trump refusing to veto it like he should have
>John Bolton earlier in the week
>Another war is now inevitable
Sup Forums is so filled with liars and paid posters and JIDF and Trump family and gosh knows who else, so don't trust anything you read here anymore. Go by your own ethics and morals and do your own research.
Trump lost my vote when he signed the bill on Friday. But now idiots on here think I am a "shill." Whatever. You need to make up your own mind, use your own conscience. Don't become a commie and blindly follow someone no matter what, and don't become a sheep, following the herd.
Seriously this shit is so pathetic.
The great thing about shills though is if they spend enough time here, they always get red pilled.
Keep coming shills, we love you.
Point and match we have a winner winner chicken dinner.
Kill yourself shill
I just scroll right past the Jew reeeing.