He's going to quit.
He's going to quit
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That's definitely his plan when Mueller closes in. Throw up his hands and say, 'everyone blocked my the whole way, no one wants to Make America Great Again (TM) so I'll just leave'
Then he'll go make Trump TV like he wanted to do in the first place.
nope. But he will be a single term president. He fucked up.
>g-guys he'll totally quit right? he'll definitely resign! mueller is totally gonna uncover something i just know it!
How many times have I heard this or the "he's finished, now impeach soon"
when will you retards learn that he will be in office for 2-6 more years and all this bitching about "muh russia" is whats going to land him a second term. the left has literally lost its collective mind and mormal fags are taking notice.
Drumph took away my Craigslist whores. Srs, fuck that guy.
Uh, he can't quit OP. He still has to MIGA.
Stay mad kid
lol I'm not mad. its just unbelievable the left still falls for these media hoaxes.
Stay mad kid
Stay mad kid.
Nope. He will be our first three-term President. Sorry shills!
His legal team keeps resigning.
Mueller is already shoulder-deep into his finances.
All that money laundering is coming out, and all the foreign influence on our elections is going to be shown to the public at trial.
What ever. Keep drawing red lines to connect trump with russia imma actually be politically active now rather than be stuck up on a lost election.
Stay mad kid.
I hope he does but I don't think he will. Its not in his character. He will go down shouting about fake news and pretending everything is fine until the end
Mueller's team has already indicted several campaign members and many have plead guilty.
heh no u
>[Citation needed]
trump supporters are beyond retarded
>first 3 term president
>being this underage
tehe noo u
So why weren't previous presidents held up to the same scrutiny? Surely you can't say they were paragons of integrity and virtue?
>Mueller and Russia will give Trump a 2nd term
He's losing voters, not gaining them.
Gun control + no wall + no mass deportations + no traitor arrests = at least 8% of people who voted for him will stay home.
I voted for Trump, but if I ever vote again it will be democrat for accelerationism
Two presidents have already been impeached and Nixon resigned.
>He's losing voters, not gaining them.
Him winning has shown every one how insane the left really is. when they dont get their way they make up news stories and destroy shit. their answer is to go full swing liberal and say everything is racist and its not ok to be white, the left is loosing its soft core supporters and most of them will not vote which only hurts the left.
>Drumpftards in charge of knowing their own history
>make up news stories
name one.
>unironically using drumpf
you must be new here
most recent
pol sends news sources anonymous info saying the parkland shooter was a white supremacist.
all news sources take bait
turns out it was b8 all along
news sources don't investigate because the info fits their agenda.
keep swallowing faggot.
putin bot detected.
keeping lurking for Russia connections and i will see you in 2 years
you said the left makes up stories, then you blame it on Sup Forums.
can't even keep your bullshit straight.
you guys must be starit from twitter
absolute shills
im the bot
top fucking kek
pol a internet website where people call each other niggers, out smarted all the major news networks. just remember that
>out smarted all the major news networks. just remember that
How? What are you talking about?
No unlike you I didn't come here from the_donald in 2016 and I would appreciate it if you and your fellow neo-cons would get off my Ron Paul fan club forum
woah a twitter where his face is covered wow.even better waqs he was half latino
We also elected a democrat president so we can die for Israel.
It's his profile, Instagram confirmed it when it was taken down.
Dont quite trump please
they took the bait and posted stories about how he was in a white nationalist group when he was not all because it fit their agenda to say that he was. what is so hard to understand.
>single term president
when you die for isreal ill belive that
Wow, some numbers on a Sup Forums board. I'm convinced
>everything throughout history always stays the same
after the omnibus and Bolton appointment he won't make it very far in to 2019 before he's impeached by the house
>I voted for Trump, but if I ever vote again it will be democrat for accelerationism
>it’s not perfect so i’m just going to it’s in the pool
so an enemy now. fuck you. kys
we voted for X, the biggest fuck you to the establishment in human history
then the biggest fuck you in human history and gives the biggest fuck you in human history to his own voters and decided to go along with the globalist agenda instead
voting in any election after this point is an exercise in futility. America is done. stick a fork in it.
Democrats won't impeach him on day 1 of 2019, they will stretch it out and make lots of TV appearances and hearings to control the news cycle more than they already do.
In 13 months Drumpf gets impeached, and he deserves it for trying to play nice with the swamp and turn his back on his base.
Trump fucked up bigly, and it's his own fault
Q predicted this
Why impeach him? He's getting more of their agenda executed than they could on their own.
I doubt it, his ego is too big to quit.
They manipulate the news like crazy too. Only the people who align with their narrative gets the media spotlight. Everyone else is ignored.
Fuck you. I voted for Trump because he promised to fix shit, and he isn't doing it.
Not only is he not fixing shit, he doesn't even look like he's trying, and then says "well, maybe next time"
Trump isn't fighting for a single thing that got him elected. Have fun voting for someone who lied to you and is giving democrats more wins than republicans
They are full of shit.
The checks on political parties/politicians are other politicians (corrupt) and the media (owned by the people that pay politicians). Everything they do is just a game politicians play that's all about there internal division of spoils.
Democrats will never indict Trump.
Republicans will never drain the swamp.
Amazing that they create swamp then get elected to drain it as though it's a naturally occurring feature.
They all need to go and stop there efforts to ruin the world because they are succeeding.
Out of 40+, that's not alot. The left thinks they're heroes in some book and treats Trump as their "villian."
>why impeach him?
At some point the dems will have to satisfy their base's desire to impeach him.
So maybe they wait until after Trump gives them a few more wins, then they impeach and take the white house in 2020
He's going to rage quite when he finally realises he can't fire Mueller. Watch him carefully, you'll see a lot of fear, he's been like a rabbit under headlights from the start. Grabs his own arm and hunches up all the time, stares like an autismo in front of himself, blocking it all out. He's going to pop.
oh boy America a third world shithole soon, just what we all always wanted
>to satisfy their base's desire to impeach him
At least they deliver for theirs.
I mean trump has consistently been triggering the left, and other nations, his whole presidency.
If he had just played it safe and been a collected president that didn't shit the bed every other week most leftists would probably be much less eager to see him thrown out.
It's less about it being trump's fault and more about cuckservatives. As long as Trump kills daca, that's good enough.
Good. Pence might be a neocon, but at least he wouldn't give half a billion dollars to planned parenthood. Trump lost me.
>I mean trump has consistently been triggering the left, and other nations, his whole presidency.
This is why people voted for him. He was suppose to be a non-politician. If he just did as he was told like the other presidents, then that would be a betrayal to his voters.
He is way more likely to kill himself than quit
> *second
Obviously you can’t see past your hands...there’s a long term plan, wait for it, I’ll wait for ppl like yourself to feel stupid when it happens. Rome was not built in a year.
>he is still a lolbertarian in current year + 3
You must go back
You mean "suicide"?
he will win, but as the democratic candidate in 2020
Yeah, and he's definitely been running on the non-politician approach, with him being a businessman long before any political activities.
Though how effective that approach has been is debatable.
>at least democrats get what they want
That's been a complaint of republicans for decades.
Democrat policies are garbage, but their base loves their policies so at least they get what they wanted.
When do republicans ever deliver?
Even when republicans give us something like tax cuts, the democrats get those tax cuts too. Democrats complained about the tax cuts but they still save money in taxes just like republicans.
Half of republicans in Congress are RINOs so there is just no way to win. Globalists have been winning every day for decades
so this is your final projection based argument then?