You faggots realize that he´s playing you like a fiddle, right?
First delusional faggots on Sup Forums post about their wet dreams of the Army building the wall, which won´t ever happen, because that´s not how the US works.
Then he posts this shit and all the reddit/Boomer scum on here sucks it up and acts like he didn´t fuck them over.

>but it could still happen
>but muh military

If you use any of these arguments, then you need to fuck off ASAP.
He will take your guns, and will give you nothing in return, unless you pressure him on twitter and everywhere. This is exactly how the Anti-Gunners got him to ban bump stocks. If you don´t and say that this is how it is supposed to be and just trust le ebin 4D chess trumper, then nothing will ever happen. Ann Coulter understood this months ago.

Attached: WILLNEVER HAPPEN.png (582x116, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

no, you

Fuck off germany, shouldn’t you be watching mohamed rape your mother right now?

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You dumb kraut can't read. He didn't say the Army was building the wall. Don't make us come over there and kick your ass again. This time we don't be so nice.

>post sensible post in support of conservative policies
>shills attack your shitty liberal homeland


the absolute state of trump fans avoiding any discourse because they know he fucked up.
>no us flag
high IQ parody of a mutt poster?

>build wall through M

What does it mean then you fucking shill?

what are you ranting about mohammed? the wall is a national security issue and they gave him an omnibus check, not a congressional budget.

>some German Somali is telling us the army corp of engineers does not exist

Fuck off mohammad

What the fuck happened to this place anyway? When I left here a few years ago you guys were a bunch of fiery wild eyed lunatics ready to pull the hammer down on every kike and strike back against niggers, now I come back and it's like I'm reading a bunch of boomers.

Seriously, don´t you get that he has no incentive to do anything, if you don´t get pissed off at him for doing nothing?

Loyalty to Trump won´t buy you a thing. Look at the fucking liberals, they got him to talk about those DACA mutts like they are his children.

His campaign certainly did during the election.
At this point, I really don't think there's a need for an extensive social media campaign like that. He has strong support from many.

>posting about politics on the other side of the ocean while Islam rapes your continent to shreds

Hahahah you Europeans are full on faggots

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no big deal. trumpanzees don't have any principles either


Deliver a specific case in which a president spent money on anything without congressional approval. It literally says in the Bill, how he can and can´t use the money. One thing, that is especially pointed out, is that he can only use it for repairs and nothing else.

Do you really think that fag Schumer would leave such a thing up to Trump?

Even if he would try, the 2823904802384 liberal judges would block him on every step.

t. shills

you conflicted your own argument. The wall is classified as a matter of national security and defending it through a border wall is how payment will be appropriated for it thanks to the $700bn for "military and national defense" appropriated. There is already a down payment which is being used to start construction, and the rest can be drawn from that $700bn and back channeled via tarries on Mexico.

Notice how all Trump shills use Candian proxies?

>Trump will use the military to round up illegals and force them to build the wall
>will then let them finish it from the Mexican side
Check em

They can try

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Did you notice how every time Trump posts:


Nothing ever happens? Is your memory that bad or are you a fucking shill?

Sup Forums is a TRUMP board, faggot

Congress authorizes money to be spent. 1985 act gives him the ability to use money he doesn't spend on national security. All he has to say is Mexican illegals agree enemy combatants bringing in drugs. Bam national security issue gets resolved via any money left over he doesn't spend gets spent on the wall

You sound like Shapiro.

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No but I’ve noticed that every German posting here is a spineless faggot who doesn’t seem to have a problem with their country turning into the Middle East, kys.

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Are you tired of all the losing already?
Why are you such a fucking bootlicker?

It's more frustrating knowing that eventually Germany will be the next terrorist supporting muslim shithole that WE are going to have to march into and deal with yet again.

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>leaf making fun of anyones nation


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>Trump shills
We don't get paid to post.
>You fucking shill cunt

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>declaring a whole nation, that is not a war with you as enemy combatants

Can you hear the liberal judges laughing? Stay delusional if you like.

Who cares. Can you refute the argument? If no, then you are literally resorting to ad hominem and showing everyone ITT that I´m right.

Hows that merkel cock taste?

>thinking that only the Dems use shills

Boomer scum needs to die.

How´s that Wall coming along? The truth hurts, doesn´t it?

Um, ahh, YES PLEASE DO IT, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There's no argument to refute. Am I supposed to disprove your vague notion of incongruence?

How about you assert something tangible instead of autistic screeching?

If you want to discuss your feels you came to the wrong place.

Attached: Pepe annoyed.jpg (250x234, 7K)

Trump: Border wall construction will start on Monday
Do you like watching mohammad rape your mom ?

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>pepe annoyed

Hahahahhaha, you fucking CTR shill.

Let me spell it out for you:

Nothing will happen, because if Trump could do something, you would hear about it in the fucking media. Whenever he posts any command on Twitter, no one gives a fuck, because they now, that it is just there to placate your fefes. Never ever did anything happen. Sessions didn´t prosecute anyone and the Wall won´t be built.

You realize I only support him to laugh at the butthurt he creates, right?

which included $1.6 billion in funding for the wall.

Enjoy your fence repairing of already existing fence. Because that´s what the money was appropriated for.

So as a full blown nihilist, what should Trump do then? Kill himself? Fuck off you defeatist nigger. Go back to defending your own land from muslim rape gangs.

>German thinking his country shouldn’t be made fun of

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So you like getting raped by brown skin people ?
asking for a friend....

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Are you fucking retarded my man? Not only did you not address the argument but you're seem very delusional that he can't order the Engineers to build the wall.

Do you have any idea how much of the US infrastructure was built by the NG?

And the 700 Billion. MashAllah why are this g*rman shill the most retarded thing to ever exist itt?

>Anyone who uses search instead of folders is a shill
>Projecting this hard, and thinking this will avoid his detection as an obvious lefty brainlet

Word salad.

Read his book if you want to know how he operates. He's remarkably faithful to it.

Go back to your tumblr echo chamber. You don't have the intelligence to survive here.

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An Omnibus Spending Bill may have some ‘instructions’ as to how the money will be spent…but Obama ignored them. He spent the money, or didn’t spend it, however he wanted to. And Congress didn’t do a thing about it! Because they couldn’t..
hahahahaha you mad

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This is now a Eurocuck hate thread

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Much of the pro-Trump support on Sup Forums is a JIDF psyop. This is because Trump is essential to getting Zionist messiah and psychopathic Jewish supremacist Jared Kushner made President in 2024.

The Q nonsense should show how easy it is to manipulate Sup Forums. It's even easier when the alternative to Trump is the even-worse Hillary.

But now that the sheep aren't believing the bullshit quite so readily the JIDF have to be more active and shrill to try to keep the sheep in line and protect Trump (which again is protecting Kushner). This is the reason for the full-scale assault of "ShareBlue" and "shill" ad hom disinfo attacks as soon as Trump signed the Omnibus.

Sup Forums mods even worked for Kushner (see pic).

So much (perhaps most) of the empty Trump support you rightly decry isn't real support, it's JIDF disinformation to decieve Sup Forums.

Attached: Kushner connection to 4chan mods.png (1360x1103, 278K)

Still waiting for a libshit to kill him.

>You don't have the intelligence to survive here.
Said the faggot taking an obvious false flag seriously.

>"I choose to side with leftists and kikes because it gives me purpose while my own country rots."
t. you

>He will take your guns

I doubt Donny is going to come to my door personally and take muh guns. But 3/4s of mine aren't registered, so they can try.

>Gunners got him to ban bump stocks.

I don't think they should be banned, but they are a goofy attachment. I own 2 of them. But nobody is coming for them.

You are so dumb

Trump is doing exactly what I voted for him to do

You know how I'll know when he's fucked up?

When leftists stop hating him.

So far, nothing has changed.

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He is going to use the money going to national defense to build the wall, which he claims is a national security issue.
Do you krauts even use your brains anymore?

I support Trump becaue if he loses the SJWs win.

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OP does this trigger you ?
again asking for a friend.

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You are retarded

Give me one realistic alternative to Trump that would actually be better, I'll be waiting

Flaws and all, there is NO ONE who could replace him

Still waiting on OP
Our President could just say…’What! Congress should’ve passed a Budget.’

done finished…research was done…and it is so very humorous actually….our VSG..just said just give me money for the military and the wall…put anything else you want in it…and those goofballs did.

In this case, as per above….he doesn’t have to spend a dime….because it is not a budget…and even if it was…researched….he could still spend as he please… Congress appropriates….up to the President to spend it…or not….as he pleases..

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>What the fuck happened to this place anyway?
Sup Forums was attacked by shills and bots - with the full support of gookmoot and his sjw mods - for the very reason it was a last bastion of free thought.

Last year's April Fools' /mlpol/ event proved this. When Sup Forums was moved to /mlpol/ the shills and bots couldn't find it. What remained for a few glorious days was real humans having real, free, meaningful discussions about politics and taking back society from (((those))) enslaving us.

That was also the reason /mlpol/, despite the overwhelming pleas from the posters to keep it, was quickly killed. Its existence proved what was possible, and exposed the mods for the sjw censors they are.

So that's why things are so bad here. It's an intentional effort on the part of the mods to end free thought and speech. But because killing Sup Forums themselves would expose them as the sjw's they are, they instead adopt the Sabra and Shatila approach, with shills and bots as the killers, and the mods as Ariel Sharon.

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>there is NO ONE who could replace him
Faggots like you wouldn't have cared regardless.

These retards deserve to be conned and serve jews.

so..building the wall through military then?? It's what he said you absolute monglet

That Trump was marginally better than Hillary doesn't mean Trump is good. (((They))) just played America with another game of good cop bad cop.
>Hillary = getting tossed in a wood chipper
>Trump = agressive Stage 9 brain cancer

Our "choice" was between

1) An ultra-wealthy New York elite, pledged to serve Israel, with a princess daughter married to a powerful Zionist


2) An ultra-wealthy New York elite, pledged to serve Israel, with a princess daughter married to a powerful Zionist

The game is rigged in a lot more ways than just at the ballot box. And manipulating online discussion is part of that rigging.

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>gets triggered by OP
>posts unrelated faggot video

he was worth a try, but this unquestioned neocon dicksucking right now is unworthy america.
You would have unironically been better of with Sanders.

So you are still getting more rapefugees?
To bad you cant own guns or criticize your government.
you missing Hitler yet ?
The flow of refugees into Germany is continuing and the government in Berlin has found no way to slow it. Faith in Chancellor Angela Merkel's ability to handle the problem is plunging -- especially within her own party.

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>it’s real

Wtf. Yes, this theory was all over the place here. Now he tweets about it?

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Problem is Sanders didn't want to win. That's why he didn't know what to do, and then gave up, when the unexpected happened and he found himself in front. Sanders, independent of policy, only ever expected to influence policy from the outside - not be the actual President.

Had Trump done what he promised - promoted the Bannon populism that got him elected he'd be fine. His current platform of "Make Israel Everything" wouldn't even have won Trump a primary.

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Hahaha. Does it look like (((they))) or anyone else is or did back trumps presidency you god damn retard??

And nobody cares about novelty bump stocks. Anyone who gave a shit about bump stocks already bought one. The rest of us could give two fucks.

And Kushners net worth is like 100M to 200M not including ivankas wealth. You have to be a trailer park plebe to think that gets you into the Illuminati. You probably think rick Ross with a net worth of 4 million is also illuminati

OP is PB and jelly of our supreme leaders.
he cant post on social media about it because he will go to prison.

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Get rekt, faggot.

couldn't care less about trump. i just hope all germans die in nuclear fire.

Who is gayer ?
OP or me ?

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Hello rabbi. Have a shekel.

his syntax and caps use gave me brain cancer

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Shouldn't your NHS fix that? Sad!

If they can build a dam, they can build a wall