Bump stocks banned no!!!! I was going to order this week!
just buy a real full auto. oh wait....
just buy some pies
Just a loophole in the full auto ban. If you accept good loopholes, then accept bad ones without whining.
So? If you have an AR15 (Which you probably do, since that bumpstock is meant for one) building a bumpstock is almost as easy as converting it to fullauto by dropping in a new controlgroup.
No one I know even owns one or has any interest in one. Trump is just going after those because literally no one has one or cares. At the same time he can claim he did something.
You can just make your own fully auto with a simple mod atf approves also
Well mr. I got money for thousands of rounds why dont you just get yourself the tax stamps and necessary paper work to own a real one?
Order directly from the site. They are still here.
Little more expensive though.
I which I knew how to do so.
You can't get full auto here
>All those people that bought bump fire stocks thinking they can make money off them
>No grand father clause so its the equivalent of converting your AR-15 to a real full auto gun
They will legally have to give you something. You can't seize property without compensation unless it is a criminal trial. Additionally, ex post facto means you can't make something illegal retroactively.
The government can't make you surrender shit.
Waco 2.0 coming soon
Bump stocks are a meme. I don't know any gun owners that give a single fuck about owning one. Unless you're laying down suppressive fire on a battlefield or mowing down crowds at a music festival, well aimed single shots will always be more effective then spraying bullets all over the place.
You can, you just have to fill out some paperwork and meet some standards of storage.
Just a tip. You can bump fire without a bump stock or a seared full auto set up. Practice makes perfect .
Just make one. It's easy.
Lightning something
You better than be willing to fight to defend yourself because that is exactly what they will try to do, you think the ATF gives a shit? Nah they would be totally okay with killing you for your bumpfire stock.
There are alternatives
>mowing down crowds at a music festival
they used a belt fed m240
Look, we all know you live in the best country....be humble.
I asked the website and they don't sell to europe.
and thats why Trump is a 4d master
I'm convinced that Falling Down captures Sup Forums very nicely.
Just use a rubber band
3d print one
it's fucking piece of plastic
because it is $20,000 mimimum for a pre-ban.
No one sells to europe. Build your own bumpstock
Then why make a law restricting it?
Pretty good movie except it felt like they changed the final act at the last moment.
That would be the equivalent of 3d printing a lightning link to the ATF.
You need more than a control group for FA. You need an auto sear and a hole in your receiver for an autosear pin. You also need to have a non barred lower. They don't mill out the place for autosears in many lowers now to deter illegal methods from happening. Oh and you'll also need a fa bolt.
> oh no, i just need to buy something else to shoot
>this is so third world
fuck you burgers, you can buy auto guns and cry over this shit.
$200 for a meme accessory? A fool and their money I guess.
It's just bumpfire stocks right? I've lost count of how many times it's been reported the DOJ is banning them.
Binary triggers are probably better.
Bump stocks are a meme.
they do since they say they ship internationally on certains websites.
Mini 14 is the easiest to mod full auto. Not that I would know about that or anything.
>this dumb nigger doesn't know you can 3d print with nylon
Ok, while I will admit I have never used a bump stock, but have had plenty of funz with both semiauto pistols and rifles, I've played with Shotguns that I could realistically 3D print something to absorb the recoil. If you don't think that an appropriately selected material with the proper slicer can't handle recoil impact from most pistols or rifles, 1-888-come-on-now.
30 rounds into a silhouette target at 30yrds is easy with a bump stock. I have one. You won't be hitting targets at 100yrds with one but close range is not difficult at all.
I wish i could into blue prints
Does it apply to M1/M14 as well?
Chug chug chug chug
>You need more than a control group for FA. You need an auto sear and a hole in your receiver for an autosear pin. You also need to have a non barred lower. They don't mill out the place for autosears in many lowers now to deter illegal methods from happening. Oh and you'll also need a fa bolt.
Top kek just buy a decent AR-15 like a Daniel Defense and build a lightning link.
>$200 for a meme accessory? A fool and their money I guess.
big deal.. i have a meme fishing boat that was 65k
Protip: you need a specific bolt carrier cut for lighting links. I believe DPMS works.
If you have free time you could try for an apprenticeship at a metal fabrication shop. Tell em' you'll do the bitch work for free if they'll teach you along the way.
>duck duck go
Tons of fun, although that SBS one is garbage, at least buy the MOD one. People waste more money on other stupid shit like $500 red dots
Fishing boats are not a meme, sir.
Theres always time to be made.
Good point.
Ive read the ATF memo on this, its absurd.
They go "these will now be considered machine guns"
Therefore by the GCA definition of a "machine gun" they can not be registered because that registration period ended in 1986 and thus, no new registrations of machine guns allowed.
They go on further to justify this bull shittery,
"Since in the GCA of 1968 it was never known that something like this might exist, its OK that we retroactively change the definition of a machine gun so that these legally purchased devices will now be considered machine guns and illegal".
And oh, registration ended in 1986 so jokes on you even though we said and sent out a letter saying these are NOT machine guns a FEW YEARS BACK!
They talk about all the cost consideration and such, but never once mention how they are forcing people to give up their LEGALLY purchased devices without compensation. They only talk about the cost of disposal of the devices and that owners could "simply take a hammer to them since they are mostly plastic and throw them away".
The arrogance of that memo made me quite angry, I know someone who wont be giving up legally purchased goods simply because the government wrote some words on paper saying "lol these are illegal now, jokes on you idiot".
At least compensate me before you FUCK ME.
bump stocks are a meme you don't need one for bump firing
NO!!!!!!!!!! How will I bump fire when they are illegal!!! WO IS ME!!!
you can get a bump stock for most of the popular semi automatics
They banned physics? Newton BTFO!
Thats true but they are depriving people of lawfully owned goods with no compensation.
People in Florida are already suing their state for this same shit.
In Connecticut they only got a few of them turned in.... lol no one respects the law when it doesn't respect us.
The main problem I have is, I spent money and the ATF literally gave their stamp of approval.
In every other country when shit like this happened, people were compensated. UK, AUS, etc.....
The owner of my gun store told me about how in 1996 he had to turn in his pistols to the police in the UK, he was fairly compensated at least.
show me the registration for all bump stock owners. until then there's no way they can forcefully take back something they have no record of having existed. and if you buy from somewhere that cooperates with non-judicial records requests without a warrant, you deserve it
Use a rubber band
are sticks illegal?
You can build a good quality one with a $500 3D printer, the STL files are all over the internet.
What am I supposed to be seeing in that pic? The dudes across the street that look like police?
>show me the registration for all bump stock owners.
You know whats funny?
In the memo there is an entire chapter/section about how they cant track any owner of bump stocks since they never required registration of said devices.
They do some math ju-jitsu and estimate that 400,000 examples of the device exist in the public right now.
So they plan to consider these machine guns, have no way to track them, while there are 400,000 of them out there.
Good job ATF. Though ti would not surprise me if they compelled Slidefire or another mfg to divulge customer data. The ATF has sent owners of devices letters before but nothing on this scale.
Australia did it
you seem like you know what you're talking about. is the ban on binary triggers as well for sure?
>Fishing boats are not a meme, sir.
a $3500 Bass Tracker would do the same job as my meme Ranger. But I got a deal so idgaf.
This is just proof that semi auto rifles are actually full auto and need to be banned.
That's not full auto retard.
it's bread and circus. just like when the feds made it illegal for felons to own firearms, but had virtually no way to figure out if they do or not, since hardly any firearms back then we even registered in the first place.
the real danger here is people accepting that a rapid fire semi automatic is now a machine gun. This does in effect make all semi autos illegal.
>responding to an obvious troll
>with a memeflag no less
gas yourself
Falling Down is one of greatest stories ever told on film.
>bump stocks are a meme you don't need one for bump firing
that isn't the point. the wording of this rule is that semi autos can be machine guns. Think democrats won't push that further?
Only retarded not normies use that inaccurate shit. t. Marine
checked i think it makes more sense to say that your finger is illegal if it fires more than x rpm
>NO!!!!!!!!!! How will I bump fire when they are illegal!!! WO IS ME!!!
better question is how will you bump fire when they ban semi autos.. since they can be machine guns according to this rule.
That's awesome.. I need a fishing boat. Getting bored w/ fly fishing.
No one cares about bump stocks.
Im an avid supporter of the 2nd, and I had to look up what they were, and you know what? Its cheaper and easier to just use a string and a key ring.
It was a pascifier for for the idiot left, and we laugh at how quickly they were pascified.
Just let me know, I have a whole warehouse full of them.
It seems to be targeted directly at bump stocks only.
Memo here: justice.gov
They will never be pacified. There's no point in delay tactics if we never strike back.
Remember Order 227. Not one step back. We don't have unlimited things to give them, we don't have unlimited time. We need to fight back and stop retreating.
After this, I promise they'll come after "tannerite". Another niche item that borders on the fringe of an "explosive"
If they get this win, that will be next. Especially so if some joker uses it in a bad way.
>That's not full auto retard.
full auto is how machine guns where described. this new rule says semi autos that fire fast are machine guns. you don't see the problem with that?
>when they ban semi autos
Alaska has laws (Alaska HB69) saying fuck off. How will you recover?
So you're happy to give up your rights slave? Traitors like you will be up against the wall just the same.
>Only retarded not normies use that inaccurate shit. t. Marine
marine that thinks you can't do 2 and 3 round bursts with a bump stock. are you retarded?
Al shavings and instant cold packs. Diy tannerite.
It sets a a bad example that they can just redefine legal terms to carve away at gun rights.
The new rule specifically says "bump stocks" are considered machine guns. Not semi autos them selves.
Its a change to the legal definition of machine gun, per the 1968 gun control act.
Their legal justification is "they could not have seen this coming in 1968, so its OK we retroactively do this, but we wont do the same for those affected (compensate or re open registry for machine guns).
So they can target binary triggers and positive reset triggers next. It is a death of a thousand cuts that they are trying to deal the 2nd amendment. The bump stock ban, in how it's worded, can practically be extended to any semi-automatic system
and they laugh at how easily you accept the new rule that says semi autos can be machine guns. enjoy losing your semi autos very soon.
Exactly, just like you can use a belt loop to bump fire.
ATF logic.
>It was a pascifier for for the idiot left
did you not hear about he march yesterday? they don't seem too pacified.
I get it, but its just dumb.
"Oh you cant have that thing that allows you to fire faster"
"Wow thats better we win and you stupid gun nuts are done for now"
>string, key ring
Or I could [SATIRICALLY OFFICER] make a very simple modification and have a fully automatic weapon (like REALLY simple, and quick)but of course I wont do that because its illegal and anytime I say anything about anything illegal im being satirical.
>Their legal justification is "they could not have seen this coming in 1968,
Sir Isaac saw this coming in 1715.