Civil war when?

Civil war when?

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I cordially invite them to try.

It's been interesting watching people go from "we just want common sense" to "we'll kill you for your guns" overnight.

So, who is this?

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They will have to pry my gun from you my cold dead hands. And good luck! As I would've have epoxied them to my cold dead hands.

>It's been interesting watching people go from "we just want common sense" to "we'll kill you for your guns" overnight.
Well, of course, they've always wanted and preferred the latter option. It's just that now, when they're in the middle of a big crowd marching around being a bunch of retards, they think they have power in numbers, so they're more comfortable with just being honest about their true intentions.


And the minute they get confronted they'll scatter like hens.

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How exactly are they planning to kill a bunch of people with guns to take them away?

Wouldn't they need to have guns themselves? Or do they legitimately believe that the military is on their side?

God I want a good excuse to shoot liberals. Not even a false flag. I just want them to try some shit.

>we don't want gun confiscation
>except when we do

Trolls from Olgino seem very active as of late on here. Did you guys not see the other civil war thread or are you just trying extra hard to inspire some Timothy McVeigh's?

do you think its on yours?

And be "we" they mean??

The government.

Huh... Its almost like liberals aren't a hivemind... HMMMMM

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I'm kinda shocked they decided to go with this anti-gun push in a mid-term election year...


Ah yes the same government that can't even pass their funding bills. Quivering in my boots I am.

>Wouldn't they need to have guns themselves?

No they will just keep voting in self hating democrats who will tax and legislate guns out of the hands of the common man.

>Or do they legitimately believe that the military is on their side?

A lot of them do. No one in their families or friend groups is in the military so yea they are truly pretty clueless as to what people in the military are like. I've experienced this phenomenon quite a bit as a vet going to school is Boston.

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Can you think of a better way to mobilize millions of single-issue voters than to specifically target the one issue they really give a shit about?

This government, Right?

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>Can you think of a better way to mobilize millions of single-issue voters than to specifically target the one issue they really give a shit about?

They are hoping to do the same thing with their side. How divided the left was (still is) is a big reason why they lost the last election. I think their strategy is going to backfire, but that could just be wishful thinking.

But the majority of their anti-gun base are located in already blue territories

>Me when i realize that i probably wont be driving around my local habbening with a rifle and friends killing commies while ironically blaring sleep now in the fire by rage against the machine

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That's true, but there are democrats out there that support the second amendment. They're rare, but they're out there.

I know what side it’s on. I’d love for a confiscation order to come down to my unit, absolutely love it. Would be very fucking fun teaching local resistors how to operate all of the stolen Abrams, MRAPs, and Strykers from my units inventory.

Looks like a manlet. Which means it would be best to just have him dig a hole by hand deep enough where he can't get out.

how are they going to do that? with water bongs and dildos?

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Mods are fags.

It clearly belongs on Sup Forums you dumb leaf.
Hi from /k/ and stay out of /k/, Sup Forumsniggers.

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That nose. Why do kikes demand we give up guns then tell us to sell Israel weapons..

Really gets my noggin boggin

Not as rare as you think. Sjw are just loud. Most common middle class democrats just vote because of our unions and the republicans attempts to break them up.

>honestly think liberals are the pro isreal party
>Bolton appears

>implying they aren't

>faggot mods keep moving /k/ shit to Sup Forums
>stupid faggots like you announce that it comes from /k/ and doesn't belong there
>rinse, repeat