>young people can't make a differenc-
why the fuck did brain dead liberals decide to deify Alexander Hamilton in the past decade or so?
Central bank propaganda
because the right did the same thing with the rest of the founding fathers
>July 4th, 1776
Lafayette first arrived in the US on June 13th 1777.
Because of a musical based on him.
deifying the founders is the only reason we still have a constitution, liberals would've burned whats left of it without that
>why deify a federalist
see also recent films about lbj
18 year old knowledge in 1776 is like 40 year old knowledge in 2018.
>you can get blacks to like
Unlike many of the other founding fathers, he was a shill for broad government powers and fucking around with the financial system. He was more of a pragmatist than an idealist. So he's perfect for a modern liberal who wants to imagine their beliefs have deep roots in this country, too.
>Alexander Hamilton
i didn't know he was so young at the time. extremely wise for that age...
Alexander Hamilton died when he was 47. 21 was already middle aged
i would bet money that if a 20 year old from 1776 met a 20 year old today they would think they have the brain of a 10 year old. adults are largely made through hardship(among other things but that's a big one) and a 20 year old then experienced more hardship then someone in their 50's today.
Except people became adults back then at like age 12. At 18 they had the mental maturity of someone in their 40s. Today adulthood has been postponed until mid 20s or even early 30s. These fucks couldn't chop wood and certainly wouldn't have the balls to fight for a cause if there was a very real chance that their punishment would be horrific death. It doesn't take any courage to go protest some leftist cause especially when that's the mainstream media thought. It does however take courage to protest a government that has the power and willingness to put you through a brutal public execution like quartering.
he's got you there
/thread. Back then your life was halfway over at that age
they really do
look at all those highly educated people
in 1776 a 16 year old was more of a man then most 30+ year olds today.
Hamilton got btfo in a duel.
can't fight government tyranny with illegal guns
18 year old were literally middle aged back then.
if everyone learned cpr maybe you could have chemical weapons too
>Benjamin Franklin was 70
>amount of French pussy slain: 1776
Did anyone have a higher kill count during the war?
In terms of age at that time he is correct. However, youth today takes much longer to grow up thanks to vidya and liberal low investment parenting. The average 18-21yo back then has the intellectual and spiritual maturity as a modern 30-35yo.
>tldr: raise the voting age to 30
The founding fathers also owned property and business and got their shit done at 18. It wasn't by virtue of their age that they exercised rights, it's because of the deeds they chose to accomplish. If these kids stopped being a Snapchat generation of whiny faggots eating tide pods, maybe older generations would take them seriously.
He didn't do anything for another decade
That fucking musical made him out to be actually important to the war, but he was just Washington's secretary for four of his five years
Afterwards he became a new york state congressman, it wasn't until he was almost 30 that he started to make waves
I want to kick the shit out of that spic so bad
because he was a degenerate faggot kike that deserved to hang
hurr durr kids these days are stupid
>Revolver Ocelot.jpg
liberals are so lazy they created this "young people can change the world meme" because they don't like to do any actual work
Hamilton was pro central bank and pro jew. There is a reason why the left flock to him.
Yet they want to raise the minimum age to purchase a gun