Is there an actual, cool, likable, edgy character?

Is there an actual, cool, likable, edgy character?

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"Likable" doesnt even cover it
Vegeta is hilarious

There is nothing wrong with "edge", you guys would abandon something like you just because Sup Forums insulted you


I love edgy characters.

Nope. Edgyness the way I understand it and cynicism are inseparable, and overindulgence in cynicism is honestly one of the most disgusting traits any living being could possibly possess.



Maybe if you are a twelve years old.


Only villains.




They're not edgy.

Gr8 b8 m8



lol but Char is?




to be honest almost all the characters in pandora hearts are edgy and break isn't the most but he is likable

He wasn't edgy deep down


But he is cool and likeable
I think it's all those moments of vulnerability that made him so endearing

Why yes, yes there is

Sausage was the best part of the last arc. Anyone who hates him are salty Narusaku fans and self inserters.


Guts in the Lost Children arc.



Edgy characters are only good when they're weak and pathetic enough to counter-act the edge.



Yes there is

He was good when he was a villain/anti-hero
After that he turned into a bitch

she's not likeable

Only when they are a parody and even other characters call them out for their edginess

yes my wife

The 2000s had plenty of them.


Tanya doesn't count as edgy because she is just a loser salaryman.

I unironically agree.


I mean, is Guts actually edgy? Everyone would become in that way after all of that

"Edgy" is derogatory.

Guts was definitely edgy during his apostle crusade. Not so much later.

goblin slayer

Depends how you define edgy. Guts just did what was necessary in the Lost Children arc.

Some actually exist.

This user knows their shit.


Only for people with shit taste.

She's a psycho.



A lovable psycho.




>not edgy


also can't forget this fabulous motherfucker

Basically Alucard with a likeable personality and a vagina.


You're right.
Also to see that from OP most of the character depicted come from generic shonenshit.
No good edgy character come out from your average dragonball look alike.


Pick one.

Is this freakshow still as comically bad as I remember?


The cop from "magical girl of the end".
This guy is fucking awesome.

Dimunitive Green Orc-like Monster Killer

not really edgy, but still damn cool and likable

Too lazy to find an image.

He's not edgy, just a cool dude born on an edgy body.

Even more comically bad, and at least twice the fapworthy.


Virgil from DMC3

>twice the fapworthy
Meh, I've fapped to his doujins before.
Unless it is truly uncensored shit, it's not worth it.


>Not edgy
C'mon. Dude is pure edge, hell Hiei is probably the inspiration for many of the 2000's iconic "edgy" characters.

Satania pls

this thread is filled with non-edgy characters.

Also Sasuke did nothing wrong

Satania is by no means edgy.


oh god I still remember him cucking that hero dude and then turning him into a demon or some shit



Exactly, only herself would think so.

umm sorry sweety

no, because for someone or something to be edgy he has to fail at being cool, serious, mysterious, dark, whatever, gritty.

They're both edgy. Both does evil shit simply because they think it's "cool".

Impossible, the moment a character turn for some proper reason dark and gritty, he is automatically labeled as edgy.

His name is Todoroki Shoto.

I actually think that Zabuza was a well-made edgy character.

Todo's the opposite of edgy. His dad just never taught him any social skills.

you're wrong, there's plenty of stuff that has a lot of them same elements but never gets labeled edgy.

Never seen one.
People is so obsessed into labeling everything as edgy shit or fanservice shit or both that nothing get spared.

Ofc there is