Do the contradictions and recons personally bother you?

Do the contradictions and recons personally bother you?

The lore junkie side of me hates it, but if I watch Super with my brain turned off it doesn't bother me.

there’s already a thread up read the catalog for fucks sake

But yes it does because I don’t just “turn my brain off” that’s even more stupid

You'll die if you turn your brain off

It does sometimes, but just a little bit. I don't take Dragon Ball seriously like a lot of people do

The only thing that really annoyed me was the potara earrings retcon, even if they explained it.

I don't care too much though, it's Dragon Ball.

Why would you tell them?


Super is SHIT. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can start enjoying what little good parts it has.

>Being THIS new
Recently the mods sperged out, "generals" are forbidden and so is redirecting all discussion of a certain anime to one thread. You can have six threads dedicated to a single anime entirely within the scope of the rules.

Get bent.

>being a newfag/spic
kys we don’t need 5 super threads all over the place you fucking brainlet

This is not a Super general thread, retard. The OP clearly wants to talk about a specific topic.

never said it was retard

Then don't redirect people to your cancerous general, dumbass.

>act like a newfag
>calls others newfag

you just did you fucking imbecile

I just think less of the series and it's creatives for it.

general aren’t allowed retard


>general aren’t allowed retard
>hurr we already have a thread
Make up your mind, you goddamn moron.

>thread = general

brainlet and a newfag it seems

why was it so hard for future trunks to go ss when kid trunks can go ss?

Turn your brain off permanently.

In the manga he didn't have much trouble going SS for the first time. His struggle was a Toei addition to make the special more interesting

ahh thanks

Yes, when people say "a thread" in that context they are implying everything DB should be shoved inside the same horrible thread full of shitposters, in other words, a general.
Drink bleach.

Why are you getting mad over a hair color change?



If Toriyama made augmented genes the reason Goten and Trunks got it so easily, what the fuck is the excuse for the u6 Saiyans?
If anything, they shouldn't even get it, since they don't even have Great Ape.

He didn't even say anything about U6 saiyans in that interview so who knows.

Wow, sometimes Sup Forums is fucking omniscient. Decided to rewatch future trunks arc again a week ago, and watched more episodes last night.

In super, the only thing that makes ME angry are the inconsistencies within the manga and the anime. Hella annoying, and for the most part, the manga has a better use of powers, and more explanation, which is stupid because they don't get 30 minutes worth of manga each time.

A little gripe.
Same thing with boruto though. If this is the new trend, it needs to die immediately.

Hair color barely counts as an inconstency.

How about that Krillin is now on near equal strength with 18. That's inconsistency.

imagine there is more than just one person who thinks that youre a retard

Toriyama always changes Bulma and Trunks' hair color to either blue or purple anyway

>the manga has a better use of powers
Where exactly?
I've never seen anything in the manga used in a way that doesn't fuck with some preestablished element. Like how they couldn't go in and out of Blue on a whim.

>what the fuck is the excuse for the u6 Saiyans?
Kindness and a peaceful environment

>Do the contradictions and recons personally bother you?
There are no contradictions in the new lore though retard.

not really a contradiction or retcons what with the split timeline theory that was established by the Cell arc

This. And Zamasu is better than anything in DBZ.

Split timeline only accounts for one other possibility where the main timeline can happen.

>not ever struggling or fighting somehow makes them stronger

>not ever struggling or fighting
Who said that? Hell Cabba said that they were essentially space mercs.


Well, if there are gonna be retcons, it's best if it's in a time travel arc, right?

What retcons?

Aside from things like the hair there aren't any.
Even the potara is consistent with their introduction in the Buu arc.

>not watching super with your brain turned off

Kys retard

They do if I try to analyze it, even superficially. Mostly I don't take it seriously at all.

Got a question about Mai, why is she still so young in Super if her, Pilaf, and Shu were wished into kids before the Android saga? I'm just now getting back into Dragon Ball and this confuses me.

Isn't Super the canon?


Their older than they look.
For example, kid Trunks is like 14 right now.

Wow really? That's kind of retarded, they should at least be taller

>super is retarded
>Toriyama is a hack writer