What was her endgame?

What was her endgame?

Nothing you would relate to.

The annihilation of humanity

Wrong board

Reproduction, like all living beings.

speak for yourself

Anime adaptation never EVER.
Fuck my life.

>The upgrading of humanity.
Fixed that for you. Humanity didn't die, they were just transformed into superior creatures.

Why the fuck don't japanese stairs in homes have proper fucking railings?

wait, if everything htat's normal looking looks like meat, but hideous things like actual meat look normal, then is she just eating a ceiling tile or something in that pic?

She's eating ordinary food.


She just wanted szechuan sauce

She wanted love.
Saya did nothing wrong. It's her dumb father's fault for not giving her love.

Why does she find the MC sexually attractive? She doesn't have fucked up senses like him, so he should look pretty disgusting from her species point of view.

Being in a classic Urobuchi story instead of his nu anime.

I still can't believe how sexual she managed to be.


>Being in a classic Urobuchi story instead of his nu anime
Saya was a fluke, everything else Urobuchi has done pales in comparison.

Why didn't the MC just eat raw steak, blood sausage, those moldy cheeses, snails, balut, and other ugly looking shit like that?
I mean, there's plenty of normal food that looks and tastes disgusting AF that should be good from his POV, did he really need to eat humans and stray cats?

You forgot Phantom and Kikokugai VN's and Fate/Zero novels.

If he didn't make dumb decisions, how can he be edgy?

Reminder that she literally drank rat semen.

saya isn't even in the top 10 uta works

List them. I only know of Sakura no Uta.






Why can't the translator for this retranslate Fate?

>What was her endgame?
It was explicitly stated what her endgame was.

Sent (or summoned) from another dimension, she was to analyze the dominant species' DNA, then generate spores to turn species into her kind.
She got fucked up by the doctor that (might have) summoned her, because he taught her about love. She wanted love, and that stopped her from releasing spores.

The game doesn't explicitly state that she dies when she releases spores, but everyone seems to think she does. I like to think otherwise.

So saya winning is the canon ending?

Being the best.


there are 3 endings, and it's not really clear which one is cannon, because all 3 are logical resolutions to the situation.

Saya is moe