Gakkou Gurashi

Why was this so good? The manga is great and still ongoing, while it did have a bit of a quality dip for a short while it did recover. The anime adaptation when compared directly to the manga was pretty bad since they decided to make it The Taromaru Show, but when compared to other content it was still really good.

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What's this even about? Looks like your typical CGDCT

Yes but it's not as good as Kinmoza or gochiusa.

You sound new to this board. Are you?

Why did this show make me cry so much?

atmospheric dread/psychological horror

watch the first episode

Should I feel bad that I let this show give me a few brief moments of genuine feels?

I love the ED song Harmonize Clover and was thinking about it lately because I just read the last couple chapters of the manga, I was thinking of making a thread about how underrated it is.

So has the manga revealed exactly what happened yet? Last I remember is there just being vague implications a bio weapon had been/was in development and that's why the school was built with all the survival shit

How is Shovel-slut STILL not a zombie?

Why is this boy wearing a garterbelt?

800 layers of plot armour baby

Reminder Radio-chan is alive and well.

She is the cure

The manga sucked since they left the main school and the universities got introduced.

It's shit now.

I sure want to cure my penis inside of her cold, rotting vagine.

Depends on the part user

the last bit in the anime as they are driving away and see zombie Kei walking by and it flashes to the board in the school
To Kei: I'm glad I spent time with you

She should really have turned into a zombie by now, but like other anons says, plot armour.

That reminds me, the anime adaptation removed the shovel-slut slowly turning into a zombie plotline, didn't it?

She's loli-Wesker.


She doesn't get infected till the second to last episode. They get her the cure and there isn't time to go any further. Though for the observant, the stressed veins in her arm remain despite being cured, so maybe the implication is there at least

>OP and ED subtly tease things throughout the show
>constantly show the girls walking by the river and they pass Sakura's car completely destroyed
>this never happens in the anime
Does that happen in the manga or is it just a ruse?

>almost to the end
>literally just a few more seconds to go
>in that time you have to watch Miki's last shread of hope that Kei may have survived be ripped away from her
Admit it, there was a tear

what's wrong with feeling?

What does it say?

Is the university arc over yet?

Translations vary for whatever reason
>To Kei

>I'm glad I lived
>I'm glad I spent time with you
>I'm alive and happy
It hurts since right before you see the message she is shown walking by as a zombie meaning she will never read the message

Why do you do this to me?

>dog ruins the entire show
>get angry the dog is saved by asspull
>get really sad when the dog dies
How did they pull this off?

Was the dog really that bad?


>changes multiple pieces of the story and ruins a few characters in the process
>entire show seems to be about bending over backwards for the dog
He was in like 3 pages total of the manga. megu tosses him out the window after they realize he is infected and they all tell Yuki his owner came and got him

>get really sad when the dog dies
Literally who does this?

>that spoiler
My sides

Taroumarou of the dead.

>The dog appeared for one page of one chapter in the manga and died that same page
>They make it the main character in the anime
I still don't understand what they were thinking.

It's like they wanted more moe, but the reveal happens at the end of the first episode so it's not like it was fooling anyone for long