Should Germany accept to extradite him to spain?
Catalonian expresident Puigdemont arrested in Germany
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Germany was butt buddies with the Francoist regime before, why should 2018 be different?
Fucking euros.
Yes. A tomar por culo catalanes de mierda!
Stay stronk catalanes
hitler handed to franco a catalonian president before for the same reason
cojo sitio
>Extradite a Catalan
>Extradite millions of rapefugees
Damn, I wonder what Germany will choose.
Germany should put him on display on a Spanish cross in front of the Brandenburg gate.
now it is time to take the streets, and pressure police until they snap, and then time for the gram, and muh police brutality
this is how it works
reminder that the jews had it coming
i hope so, catalan butthurt is even more enjoyable that dems after trump election
This won't end until we get nuclear weapons. We could buy like 10.000 for the cost of paying all xarnegos' unemployment benefits so what are our leaders doing the lazy fucks.
Catalufos con el culo en llamas.
¡ Viva España Eterna!
Hope the commie scum gets what he deserves
you say this as it was a bad thing
Separatists and spanish leftists are getting massively buttblasted today.
Search 'Puigdemont', 'Torrent', 'Mossos' or 'Alemania' on twitter and have fun, people.
>die linke wants puchi released
it's all part of his master plan
Viva españa
I mean, what are the arguments for not extraditing him?
He obviously broke the laws in a European country:
1. He spent money in something illegal (doing a referendum in just a part of the country).
2. He proclaimed the independence.
3. He didn't go to the court and it's a fugitive.
I just can't figure out any valid argument for not giving the extradition. Someone can help me?
there are no arguments
legally he has to go within 60 days, 90 under special circumstances
it's not in the hands of politicians
Germany is obviously going to extradite him
Why do you think spanish intelligence waited till he entered Germany to "call the cops"?
Because Germany is a country that punishes treason even harsher than Spain. We are not talking about scumbag untrustworthy not-real-countries like Belgium anymore.
European Arrest Warrants make extraditions quite easy compared to ordinary extraditions (it's a single paper with a multiple choice selections for the crimes regarding the warrant and not much more), and without a flemish judge Puigdemont to look after his ass Puchi is fucked.
not forocoches you POS
We don't extradite Chink, Ruskie or Turkish "traitors". Why would we extradite Spanish "traitors"?
lo siento chavales, pero esto va en español
estoy hasta la polla de este pollo
y ahora se sacara de la manga cualquier mierda con su abogado, y tendremos otra vez puchi durante meses
llevamos con esta mierda desde octubre
en rtve han hecho una seccion especial, para meter todo ahi, porque la gente ya esta hasta las bolas
y encima en cataluña, ya estan a ostias, y posteando todo en instagram y twitter
ahora que si un policia ha disparado al aire
es una pena, pero esto no tiene pinta de terminar nunca
espero que lo metan en soto del real muy pronto, y quiza se calme la cosa, pero entonces los catalanes se van a poner a joder aun mas
es un problema ideologico que no tiene fin
it was just a joke, lard
no shit sherlock
because Spain is in the EU
German judges can't question the validity of their laws or claim they hand out inhumane punishment
Sure they can. What's the EU gonna do? Not take our money?
China, russia and turcky are autoritarian regimes. Spain is not, it couldnt be in EU if it were.
Because it is not an ordinary extradition.
Among EU member states things work very differently.
It's a simplified and quick version of an extradition due to recriprocal trust among EU members, since you have to achieve a very high standard of rule of law quality just to enter the Union.
One of the few requisites German Courts gonna have to check is "double criminality", i.e., the crime is actually considered a crime in both the requiring and required countries, which actually happens in Germany: check your Strafgesetzbuch, §81 et al. May be it's not called "rebellion" or "sedition", but 'nomen iuris' is an irrelevant argument.
the EU can stop extraditing german criminals to germany
Holly shit the amount of butthurt is pretty big here, catalan tears are delicious
You ARE the EU dummy
Stop talking like if you were poortugal, Greece or Italy; you’re not a leech state who can consider leaving or complying or just continuing to benefit. Germany and France are the heart of te EU, and Merkel is more chancellor of the union than of Germany as a country.
You would never oppose or so much as question your own unions workings
At best (read: worst) you might proclaim that he EU as a whole has a new fucking mission statement (again) and now wholeheartedly supports separatist cucks because it indirectly supports globalism by opposing nationalism, even though really it’s all just a hypocritical form of tribalism all the same but it’s different and good because it’s the commie version
tl;dr: German flag and the EU flag should be swapped, as yours is the true meme flag unfortunately
Kek Puigdemont BTFO AGAIN!
They are rioting in the streets right now, the worst thing is to see that many people cheering for that retard, I would be pissed at him for being a traitor if I were an independentist
Vielen Dank. Deutschland ist immer unsere Freund.
Ich muss mein Deustsch verbessern :)
catalonia is rightful Castillian clay, cucked
You scared the shill away. Please hide your power level better next time. Some of us observe their methods and dialectics. Thank you.
Keep him there and feed it with cabbage till he a literal butthurt
The world should fear the catalan warrior
Merkel will liquidate him in the good old Stasi way, a bullet right in the back of his head.
Now I hope your country arrest this goblin.
not needed, her thing is irrelevant.
puchi is the master of the whole
Have him assassinated by GOE while making it look like ultra radical separatists buttbuet about her betrayal and cowardly retreat.
That’ll shut dos the Catalan movement for decades out of fear of their own ETA rising up against them
I'm hiding my power level. This is not even my final form.
It's just that some of us enjoy BTFOing shills when they are attempting to weave a narrative which is harmful to our home country.
There is a kulturkampf waged against (among other things) the very notion of Spain, buddy, and I'm not going to let these fuckers score any more points than necessary.
picrelated for you.
Not gonna happen. Plus, she's accused of crimes with no prison convictions IIRC.
Anyone have a rundown of why he would go into Germany in the first place?
He's literally under judiciary custody and "a martyr". You can't plant false flags now.
As it should be
What if Catalonia was just given to the Baguettes? That way, Spain doesn't have to worry abt the area.
He was on a ficki-ficki Europe tour
He tried to pass as a Syrian refugee to get gibs from mama Merkel.
8 S E C O N D S
i wonder why manolos want catalonia so much.. maybe because without them the EU would crash.
>making it look like ultra radical separatists buttbuet about her betrayal and cowardly retreat
Sadly this won't work, separacucks still support all their coward liders like Puigdemont who fleed away from their responsibilities.
Catalans celebrate and support cowardice. Even their national day is a conmemoration of how they lost a war, top cucks.
cucktalonians BTFO yet AGAIN
how will they ever recover?
Are you retarded?
Waisted quads
I meant ‘her’ the ministry bitch that ran off to Switzerland and is still off the hook so far
Pigdemon isn’t a problem anymore, he’s only getting Catalonia and Spain separated in prison, an only after tattooing those names on his left and right buttcheeks with some help from nationalist gang members
Third Spanish Republic
Retard went to give a "conference" in a Helsinki university. He forgot that Germany is not a non-country like b*lgium and actualy enforce the law.
>went to Finland after bait conference
>Supreme Court activates Arrest Warrant
>"Oh shit Finland is not Belgium and Finns gonna extradite my ass"
>books flight back to Belgium to distract the police
>starts travelling by car instead since Schengen and no controls at borders
>Spanish intelligence following the guy
>gets to Sweden
>"Don't call the cops just yet"
>gets to Denmark
>"Just a bit more"
>enters Germany in his way to Belgium
>German Police arrest the fucker after only 30km in Autobahn
>Germany punishes his shit even harsher than Spain and basically he's fucked
Jugada maestra... de España (with a little help from her friends).
It happened once and cuckalans got back to daddy Spain crying about how mean the French were, but leaving to France a nice portion of their territory. Their retardation is an atavistic trait.
Surprising that no one told him that. I'm worried they have something up their sleeves, maybe try to cause more social unrest...
Belgium is just trying to get back at you for hiding Degrelle
>Hokuto no Seny
>You are already independent
I honestly believe this is a puchi ploy to force his minions into a civil war
I only regret being a shut-in NEET who didnt get his driving license and I couldnt run over some of those cunts that cut off the highway
>ahaha get rekt eurocucks
>no but muh spain
You guys just wanna watch soccer...
Esto con Franco no pasaba...
ofc they will
anything to prevent eu dissent, cant have any stop in the import of billions of niggers can we
>tfw you thought that was Jerry Lewis
Of course they will, they're an actual country not like failed B*lgium.
As a catalan myself it brings joy to my heart that this fucker is going to spend so many years in prison.