We had a poll and it turns out the majority of Sup Forums feel betrayed by this Zionist neocon. looks like he forgot to pay those JIDF shills for overtime
Trump is losing his grip on Sup Forums
The Schumer cocksucker is done, I give him until September to see the wall or I sit out midterms and burn my maga hat.
you know how i know your a fag?
> Trusting stawpolls
> Trusting trump
> Trusting this site
you have any idea how easy it is to game Straw Polls?
since his inaugeration trump has
>made millions of sjw cry
>killed princess leia and stephen hawking
>talk to putin
>shitpost on twitter
>met kanye west
>become president
he will always be based dumb leaf shill
Hi leftypol hows it going.
> rural and suburban Retards.
>monitoring this thread
I cant think of a single reason why
/pol is always right faggot
Sup Forums used to be right, now it's full of shill, kekistanies and r_thedonald fucking state of it now.
literally kys
Of course he does. Who do you think gamed that poll?
To be fair, the polls show the dems have a +5 advantage for the midterms . That's the lowest in more than a year.
>Sup Forums
>James how the fuck does this happen every single time?
>Whenever we post they indentify us, look at these motherfuckers! I posted a single picture and three people called me a shill
>Well damn Dave I don't know
>Let's try playing subversion INSIDE a subverson thread!
>How so Dave?
>Quick! Call me a shill and act retarded!
>Oh good idea!
>he will always be based dumb leaf shill
He will forever be known as a fucking scumbag gun grabber, not getting my vote again, its over, even a based nigger was better than this bullshit
You're not fooling anybody shill.
How much is David Brock paying you?
I'm not a shill, you're a shill, shill
>Wait! James, I know! Let's BOTH call him a shill!
>Yes! That's GOT to work!
Do you ever worry someday not far from the future your bosses will have to do some cleaning and your names will be on a blacklist?
I mean you are literally shilling for your lives at this point, you either go to jail for life (after the sedition charges being pressed against you) or your bosses put that sweet, sweet bullet in your head.
Boy I can only imagine what you are feeling right now.
And rejoice
Try harder, shill.
I'm glad more people are realizing he's a sell-out Jew-lover. Lemme think of what he has done while in office
>kept troops in Afghanistan
>2000 troops in Syria
>Syria strike
>no wall yet (just got btfo again in new budget)
>no mass deportations
>DACA support
>gun comments
....goes to shed to get the rake
We don't support any president. We merely memed him into office o we Killary. Only a fool actually supports him on this site.
What an insipid response to a perfectly well formulated question.
Is this the work of the fear and anxiety you are feeling right now? Or where you specifically told by your boss at your office not to address my question?
Remember, I am enjoying every bit of anguish you are going through right now, kike
Exactly. Right when he said "take the guns" was when any sane 2A voter realized he has to go. But he thinks he can shit all over us, and he;ll fear monger us into voting for him. Guess what bitch, Obama didnt take bump stocks, at least now I see with Dems in there, the GOP will at least grandstands and stop them from passing laws. With Trump, its "go ahead faggot, take the guns, just give me another tax cut and we're good."
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks, pal.
Or what kike?