The world is getting more and more left wing by the day and everyone hates you. Sad! Guns in civilian hands will soon be a thing of the past. It's sad that you cling to an ancient document written when muskets were the guns of the era. The people who wrote the constitution didn't see the AR15 coming, believe it or not. If they did and knew about school shootings, im sure they'd be against gun rights. It's pathetic watching Sup Forums defend gun rights, despite all the innocent people killed by guns. GUN CONTROL NOW ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
How's it feel to be on the losing side of history?
nice pasta faggot.
obligatory hillary 98% winning chance because huffpo=fox news
Don't know, We've been winning since 1994.
Even your media says we won.
They only "polled" 1000 people btw
Have this new one my man. The butthurt will be exponentially greater
Fuck off. Sage
The only way for gun control to actually effect the American homicide rate would be banning and confiscation, which would never happen even if the government was capable of confiscating the guns. For that reason, there is not point to discuss gun control
>How's it feel to be on the losing side of history?
I don't know you tell me
>only 2 unrestricted
"Hurrrr I can't handle dissenting opinions" It's not. One death caused by guns is one too many. Do you know how many people are killed every day in America by guns? Our violence levels are through the roof
Not at all. You'll be carrying pathetic little pea shooters lol
not an argument
Thank you my good man.
Hows it going to feel when you try your hand too early and try to disarm the us populace pushing them even further right to the point where they slay you in the streets
Isn't 2A supposed to help in case of a tyrannical govt etc.
To fulfill the spirit of the 2A, civilians need the right to own nukes, since govt has them.
>already a law
>already a law
>we should
>define "assault weapon"
Polls like this will be used to convince people taking their rights away is okay. Consensus cracking
Still better than the dildo stored in your ass, faggot.
You people are beyond pathetic.
Reagan never should have shut down the mental asylums.
>The Earth
Pic explains it all
checks needs to be upped. especially mental health checks. imagine having clinical depression and owning a gun and then one day you just off yourself. what a waste.
How does it feel to keep making threads knowing you aren't going to change anyone's opinions here?
Also aren't they pathetic bores
I bet these sad fannies spamming muh gumm control wonder why they never get invited anywhere (except faggy ass protests with other woolly hatted nurks).
I guess the people who took that poll ahev never filled out a 4473. The only thing not already against the law is the raise rifles to 21, handguns are already 21. Raising rifles won't pass because of hunting.
>civilians need the right to own nukes
Those who can afford to own nukes, own them.