/BALK/ pol

not being a serb edition


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Nuke the Balkans. Only solution,


No matter what happens, you have an ally to the north.

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Could you guys please stay in your own countries already?

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idi spavaj radna nedelja pocinje

Which nation do you hate the most and which one do you love the most in the balkans?
bonus points if your country borders it

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If I was a serb for a day, I wouldn't work
if I was a serb I would blame Vatikan for all

Does Albanian really mean land of Eagles
I always thought the name came from Albus which is white in latin

You got me wondering..
What would a world inhabited solely by balkanites look like?

>no turkey

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Welcome to the most non-racist place on earth
Now get out

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squiparia or whatever they are self called means land of eagles
you are right about albania, it meant something like "white mountains" or some shit originally

Have this

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>shqipe - eagle
>alban - arban - field people = a tribe of Illyria

why is balk on pol ex yu?

>The fortress
Sounds pretty good desu

>France larping as Franks

sons of eagles is a folk etymology. shqip is similar to deutsch and other terms which basically means "speakers of our language" or "understanding our language"

hate albanians, love greeks

>indonesia has a greek name

i laff everytiem

Better solution, nuke three cities.
The hard part: which ones?
>Rijeka, Split, Šibenik

>Land of the free

Sup Forums has a lower IQ, and lesser world knoledge

>>France larping as Franks
well we still call them gauls so I guess franks is more accurate

I never thought about Switzerland but now that you came and posted that nice picture I'm gonna immigrate as soon as I get my Bulgarian passport

Cya soon fellow Swiss

>home of mixed tribes

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>dalmatians are known to be lazy
>croats are known to blame everything but themselves
you're not that different after all

Albania, from Greek Alvania, from Medieval Albanian Arban (Ar-field ban-do/work) literally field worker, peasant

daily reminder vucic is the only smart serve in a sea full of inbred dogfucking retards

>the sunniest day of the last 3 years with 2 instagram filters and abused contrast

yeah no worries, i aint coming

problem is he is too smart for his own good

Whiter than you by the way

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>he thinks Bulgarian pasosh gives you a right to stay in Switzerland

you've been bamboozled

nice try zerg, the flash/brightness is clearly set too high so you can appear as white

How is everyone hating on Vucic and he still gets elected? Who even votes for him, is it old people?

>albo nationalist posting from another country

typical, you are not fooling anyone
you know better than us that the only thing your country is good for is giving you a passport to fuck off to britain

Glad to hear that

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Gee, it sure is boring around here

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Communist Grannies and Liberal Cucks from Beograd

Whiter than you my northern orthodox turks

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Gauls more accurate though, Franks were a Germanic tribe who just conquered Gallia, the population were still romanized Gauls, thats why French is a latin language not a Germanic.

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probably buys votes

liberal cucks don't vote for him retard, they're strongly opposed to him

>he unironically believes this

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only Kukes folks go to Britain (basically peasant pig farmers)
all based Albanians and all Balkan diaspora worth their shit go to United States

your country is literally the only one i'd ever consider immigrating to, however i am in general against immigration and think we should work to make our countries modelled like yours.


you people are insufferable

>implying ANY diaspora is based/worth a shit

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anyone staying home?

his head is big because it has to store his big brain
he will lead servia out of oriental despotism and daily russian semen sucking into european civilization

but he cant do it alone

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A hero arises!
Absolutely supported!

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Beograd literally means White City, surely the whitest folks live there.

dalmatinci ume za pice ne ume za posa

Look at the greek opening up.

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Irony since biggest Serbian cucks live in that damned city

interesting thanks
always thought it had to do with latin honestly

these days, yes. most immigration waves were in 92 and 97. idk about other balkan countries immigration waves, i assume it was during the yugo wars.

united states only accepts the good white immigrants, if youre a bean you can h op right in of course tho

Problem is Belgrade is too wh*Te

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t. atar

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if i had to be a slav, id prefer to be a serb dbi

by good i mean those with proof that they wont just suck up welfare but actually have net worth at home and skills and will contribute

retards vote for him
but honestly not much of a opposition
i voted for Seki last time

>calls someone a turk
>is a muslim
how does this work exactly ?

I voted LIBRA
I got fucked SO FUCKING MUCH

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Seselj is the only real option Serbs have, otherwise you are just wasting your vote

>if i had to be a slav,
... but you are a Slav

Can't wait for looking down upon you once you come as economic migrants

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>be orthodox christian
>serb calles you a muslim

how does it work?

Sick air maxes kid

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>I am so proud of myself that I invade other threads and just post pictures of how much I like myself

Go somewhere else, we really don't care about you

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seselj is a fat pig nosed retard with cancer

nice try serbshit

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>Serbian men

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It does dumbass, they're in shengen. I'll be Swiss and you'll be a balkannigger LOL

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>The land of 82


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>believing lynns trash that has been debunked 80 times

do you go blind when someone tells you a funny joke?

>be orthodox christian
>be Albanian

how does this work ?

daily reminder you cant own guns in Switzerland if you come from Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, and some other Balkanigger nations lmao

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He goes blind when he meets a greek

Imagine albos think those are the elite albos, here they must be like 72. Room temperature iq

Deep down in your heart you know it to be true.

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>posting propaganda

nice try fyromite

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basel switzerland is where the central bank of the world sits, it needs to be torched


Bro, look at this dude

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he is just a meme really
everyone is a meme in serbia
even the memes have agendas
in a couple of years Vucic will somehow fall and we will get someone who is the same up again

>Go somewhere else, we really don't care about you
thanks for pleasing my narcissism with your post

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Bulgaria means 'people from Volga' (river) . Doesn't it?

> I'll be Swiss
only for 3 months LMAO