Am mi5, guess who put that nerve toxin there? And the Grenfell tower fire and both Westminster attacks

Am mi5, guess who put that nerve toxin there? And the Grenfell tower fire and both Westminster attacks

Attached: 1200x630bb.jpg (420x630, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>massive tower full of illegals burns down
>only 70 dead
fucking failures

Probably a rogue agent

ok ill bite, who?

who, user?

>terrible English
checks out.

The British government

What is Miller's burger recipe?

Extra pickles, ginger and sage

imagine my shock

Well them and my giant terrorist organisation, that I command, like a terrorist

What herb goes best with roast chicken?

In fact yes it was me, but the British government went along with it and will be blamed, along with the Russians both of which I'm cool with. Admitting I have his much control won't bode well for them. I run the most powerful terrorist cell in the world. My organisation manipulates world events as it sees fit

I gotta be honest, its a lot of fun

Wats going on in this thread?

Attached: Secret_Intelligence_Service_logo.svg.png (419x118, 32K)

if you are 5, you're going to be suicided and put in a red northface bag and padlocked in for talking about this


Was it all done by The Increment pal or just by some silly sausage ?

Got a report of a intelligence leak, what's going on in here

Attached: 3542242.jpg (665x375, 55K)

Oh fuck, I miss Daisy

Attached: gimme.jpg (778x512, 30K)

besides the 1 person in the grenfell window, they never show ANYONE coming out of the apartment building.

Attached: grenfell.jpg (1688x949, 111K)

Thread didn't work out on /x/?

Attached: 68838b6cdd0d546dd4344fd52a2ee85b373cefc9857f66b128d52881d2311518.gif (233x533, 84K)

Reported as hate speech, I'll be around to arrest you in a sec

let me guess


Attached: download.jpg (248x204, 13K)

Chemist here, to analyse the agent you need only several hours, but the incident was 3 weeks ago.

How long to do you want to play this game and eventually publish the results?
Next war when and where?

Nothing about your top secret child soldier programme, oops

Reported for anti-Semitism I'll be around to arrest you mate