Did you hear a/ Batman is officially Anime now

Did you hear a/ Batman is officially Anime now

Other urls found in this thread:


>robins hair

>tfw DC saves anime

>red hood

fucking genius

Fuck off Sup Forums

manga too

>Wondah Wumahn
>Za Furashi
>Gurinu Rantahn
>Za Marushian Manhanta
>Burru Biitaru
>Reksu Rutta
>Za Dery Gurobu
>Za Anti-raifu ekuashion

What the fuck is wrong with Robin's hair?

>Poison Ivy is literally just Baiken

Will we get Harley x Ivy goodness in the movie?

How the fuck did Robin become JUST tier?

It´s Battoman-SAMA.


>Batman vs. Superman
>Batman Ninja
I see DC is still relying on their crack team of preschoolers for title ideas.

>naming it Batman Ninja
>not the catchier Ninja Batman
come on

The 3D animation can't look worse than the JUSTice League, can it?


Will Batman give modern technology to Japan so they can become a superpower?

It looks fine. I like their JoJo ops enough

I get that it looks more like his pill helmet, but I wish it was wider like the baskets people keep posting

Someone please explain. I don’t get this meme.

>says the character with the most autistic haircut of all time


Onodera's hair is pretty cute.

>low framerate CGI


>isekai Batman

They should have adapted that arc where Batman travelled to Tokio and fought against that immortal japanese edgelord.
It was pretty fun for capeshit standards.

Well yuri does seem to be all the rage right now.

Because there is alredy ninja batman... it's Sub-zero in his MKVSDC ending... or him in Injustice 2

No Cass unfortunately.

>Anime gorilla Grodd.

Lord Death Man is the only worthwhile supervillain.

>batfamily beach-episode
Now THERE is a fun mental image.

Isn't it a movie? If it does well, maybe.

I want good M/a/rvel content damnit.

The role Za Jokah was born to play

that catwoman tho

daimian best boy

Gotham Knight came out almost 10 years ago


Marvel only cares about live action movies now. Even the actual comics are secondary to them these days.

>It was pretty fun for capeshit standards.

I have faith in this, but even if it's shit, I'm just glad all the Robins finally together

Nah, it's just that the staff left in Marvel Entertainment (comics/cartoons/tv shows) is mostly incompetent. Remember, right after the point where Age of Ultron came out, Marvel Studios broke away from Marvel Entertainment and became its own independent entity. They also specifically got rid of the creative staff that was left with the comics.

just what is going on in the head on whoever administrate that shit?

Wasn't it during Civil War?

Money. Normies are never gonna start reading comics, but they will watch capeshit movies until the heat death of the universe.

Movies make tons of money --> Comics barely make money --> Fuck wasting resources on comics

DOMO, hajimemashite Battomahn Ninja-san, Ninja Slayer desu

say i with me Sup Forums


I don't believe you. Post proof.


Batime yayyyyyy


I feel like half of Sup Forums wasn't even born 10 years ago most days.

Tim drake look very stupid, Dick went full anime, Catwoman looks weird too,also no Cass. I might give it a try...

It's a wonder that Marvel Studios hasn't imploded yet. Even Ultron, which was the most that was messed with, ended up mostly fine. And now they're gonna pull the hat trick of the decade with IW.
I know a lot of people that got into the comics because of the movies through Marvel Unlimited. Of course that doesn't actually excuse the terrible quality the comics have been going through for years.

>Paberu-hakase shiaieh desu

What's the point of even making shows with 3D like this.

>ninja batman is samurai armor
>joker may or may not be nobunaga
this is gonna be such a fucking stupid series its gonna be hilarious and glorious.

I will say, as bad as Nisekoi is, at least Onodera's hair looks nice despite asymmetrical.

Robin's just looks goofy

It was a good move (for Marvel Studios). Feige, who was the leader of the movie division, didn't like the creative committee led by mostly comics people who often were just pushing for their own pet projects and ideas, and also had conflicts regarding budget with Marvel Entertainment's president. He basically pushed Disney's higher ups to allow Marvel Studios to become independent in order to get full control over it and get rid of all those people. So far, considering how Marvel Studios is doing great, while Marvel Entertainment is struggling in comics and also even some big misses in live action stuff (like Inhumans and Iron Fist), he seems to have been entirely justified.

>nerds will screech they don't want this discussed over at Sup Forums
>nerds will screech they don't want this discussed over at Sup Forums
>threads on both boards *will* happen
>Panty & Stocking all over again

You meant Neo Yukio.

It's バットマン you バカ外人

to produce good ideas with terrible visuals

anyone read the batman manga in champion red?

AoS is still the best thing about TV Marvel. Punisher is great too, but I'm still worried about the Netflix shows.

Damien has his hair cut like a noble child, very fitting.

>he wants Spider-Man content that isn't Spectacular
I shiggy diggy

To add to this
>hardcore DCfags are mad triggered by the trailer because it's Japanese and it has CG
Oh boi I am laffin

Batman ninja
>full-clad in samurai armor

Onodera was pretty much the only reason I watched that shitshow. Now I know she lost the series can walk to hell.

I get the complaints about Peter sucking on Tony's tit, but man this art just makes not care.


>Feige, who was the leader of the movie division, didn't like the creative committee led by mostly comics people who often were just pushing for their own pet projects and ideas
I see that the people funding the asylum has finally cracking down on the inmates running it.

Unlike a lot of people who read comics, I don't see increasingly obtuse cross-references to be a good thing.

Nobody watches Neo Yokio.

Ninjas wear armor too

>Batman gets an anime before your favorite manga
What its name Sup Forums?


Being a ninja is being a deep cover operative. You wear whatever is fit for your cover identity.

>not 'di zaman now'

>Unlike a lot of people who read comics, I don't see increasingly obtuse cross-references to be a good thing.
That's a feature not a bug. The real honest to goodness problem that Marvel has is it's constant boner for fucking company wide EVENTS.

Get in the robot Supaidoman

It's an isekai anime. Batman got transported to Feudal Japan.

Tony Stark gets Isekai'd to fantasy Japan, also he happens to turn into a little girl.

batman got isekai'd and probably has no clue how in the actual fuck feudal japan works.

He wouldn't be able to do shit without his wealth and access to technology.


>Batman high school SoL
It could work.

Look up "Gotham High" on Google images.

Fucking source or you lie.


>mfw the threads are going to be full of

I forgot my face

President Luthor would take 40 States.

They even got Kevin Conroy to reprise his role as Bruce for it.

>skinny nerd MC in highschool with dead relatives gets superpowers and a super hot girl wants his dick
Why isn't there a Spiderman anime exactly?

Didn't he leave after the Arkham games?
Spectacular Spider Man.

No idea, especially since like you said, it's actually a character that translates super well into anime.

i fucking love ninujasurayaposters

Anime DC is best DC