Anyone else avoid restaurants where niggers work out of fear they will fuck with your food?
Anyone else avoid restaurants where niggers work out of fear they will fuck with your food?
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Afro-American cuisine is amazing, they fully respect food. Why are you worried they will fuck with your food?
>goes to nyc
>starves to death
Yeah. I haven’t gone to a checkers in over 6 years.
>What are race relations in 2018.
OP is a cuck
Yeah those fucking mosquito burgers and mud cookies are Fucking appetizing looking
I won't even let them ring up my groceries.
>Afro-American cuisine is amazing, they fully respect food.
kek. I'd rather eat from a Turk making iskender döner with his bare hands than Afro-Americans pretending to be chefs.
I got to a Taco Bell once in a while since I'm a fat American, but I always avoid the one 10 minutes from me since the work staff is entirely comprised of niggers, and they always fuck up my order.
Yes. Not trying to get the AIDS.
I always check for the staff, only the Greeks are trustful, we can see them do everything
I dare you fucking Paki to eat pavement apes' food
>Go to (((McDonald's)))
>Order black coffee
>Nigger fumbles around a bit by the coffee pot
>"Ayo, yew wan decaf, ri?"
>"No! No decaf!"
>I know this nigger doesn't want to make new coffee
>I know he is going to give me decaf
>Get coffee, take sip, absolutely disgusting
>Unsure how to handle the situation without shooting him
>Decide to take the $1.06 loss and live to fight another day
>t. Soy boi
dont really have ninogs in my country, but i wont go near a food place run by indians, i dont want poo in the food
>not enjoying nignog pizza
I avoid any place where workers get paid minimum wage for fear they will fuck with my food.
What the fuck, why would anyone want hot watermelon?
In a word: Yes. When I was in america I avoided all fast food outlets due to the prevalnce of angry looking nogs working there. In NZ I avoid places with poo-in-loo workers cause I'm scared of the same thing.
I avoid negroes in general because I am disgusted by them.
Obviously. Never give a nigger nor a kike your business.
Shut up nigger.
>going to restaurants
I can easily prepare more nutritious food at home for much less.
Oi, bin that hate mate
I've started avoiding kebab shops after realising just how fake the common arab niceness really is. They could greet you with the nicest smile and warmest worst, and then a minute later they're back in the kitchen spitting in your salad before handing it over.
I'm saying this because I was at a Berlin store ran by arabs, and the owner was talking shit about a younger white employee, and openly being rude and an absolute cunt to him. Then he noticed me and was super sweet and over the top nice. Was a bit of a shock but I got the impression this is normal in their culture where you're either 'above' or 'below' socially. Very low ethics.
I avoid most any restaurant, and actually cook for myself, raise livestock and grow my own gardens. I prefer to know exactly what is in my meal.
I have an I.Q. higher than 100, I make my own food. Gardens and livestock.
>eating out in the first place
You deserve what you get
>they will fuck with your food?
they are niggers
just putting their hands / taking the order means its fucked up
Don't buy from Jews. I'm equally pissed when there's a non german cashier at the counter.
Yes. Muslims too because of how i know they are from working for one.
I don't eat fast food because I'm not a disgusting fuck so I guess
Puffy diddy trayvon w/e the fuck his name is is actually developing an app that will help you find black owned bussiness.
Im sure it wont backfire at all
It's all spics and chinks working at mickey d's here.
> ay yo
> can weez take ya orda, bitch nigga?
That's very aesthetic
Can you read ? He said afro- AMERICAN not african