/ss/ - Secret Santa

Secret Santa thread, please don't be fooled into believing grinching doesn't happen.

nigger we just had one are you trying to get /ss/ banned

I came in at the last second though.
I thought it was good for the weekend in general

no, one thread a week or else we're pushing it

>When you already have a box that all your gifts fit in, and they fit so perfectly and snug.

I almost came

It's December, only a few weeks of threads left. Peoples cards are arriving and they'll have nowhere to post. This is an Sup Forums tradition longer than the faggot mods have been here, so they can suck a fat one. It's about Christmas for crying out loud. And I'm not OP.

My first year and no one has posted initials and state

So ok. I have digitally drawn illustrations. I'm going to be buying cardstock. White, of course. Can I just print this at home? Or do I have to take it someplace. I'd really rather not have to take it somewhere, because it's lewd

Do we need 2 threads for that?

>do we NEED
Christmas isn't about needing.

>Found my old email from the 2011 secret santa

Only year I didn't get grinched. I wish I could go back.

Pls respond.

>faggot mods
There's no point in arguing honestly, whether or not El Grande Hot Pocket is a faggot he still has power over these threads and we've got to listen

I'm a newfag, how're we supposed to do a secret Santa exchange on an anonymous image board?

And this is how traditions die.

I'll tell you exactly what I did to find that out.
I lurked more.

Call up accelspammer and have him save us again

Sup Forums is a shell of it's former self, there's literally a reddit board that exists for people who grinch secret s/a/nta.

There's no way to preserve the old era when the majority were not there to experience it, including the mods.

Just sage and let this shit die. Santaloli should be the ONLY one starting threads anyways. I get everyone is excited, but this really is how you get stuff banned. Look at sakura fish.

Can any of you beautiful people post the cytube link?

Sakura Fish finally got banned?

Sure you can print it at home.

Sakurafish, Koume, pretty much all of them now. For no acceptable reason.

Are you from Florida?


will i get grinched this year???

will i grinch this year?????

I'm just concerned about the quality of the print

But Christmas is practically here dammit!


You better not.


i'm 2/4 so far for grinchers

this might be my time to shine

Then I don't see why you're asking for the opinions of others.

If you're that worried about your printer, then your options are going to a store or getting someone you know to print it.


Yet I live

Because I want feedback from people who've presumably done this before. I've never made a card in my life before and don't want to fuck up.

Sorry, I've got a LD

/ss/ is a huge group of amateurs making xmas cards for each other. So nobody is expecting professional quality.

Because no one cares you, you dumb shit.

>2 secret santa threads
>not one user and his Waifu thread yet

I thought the rule was one meta thread was allowed per board? Since the last one was archived this one should be fine.

That said, I wouldn't want too many /ss/ threads, either. Last year they were basically Christmas themed generals, and nowadays that might get banned anyway.

Anyone who does that attention whoring shit needs to fuck off.

>I thought the rule was one meta thread was allowed per board?
>Meta on /qa/ only.

>All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/.[Dismiss]

Check the announcements area that's at the top of the page.

It's just as much of a tradition as /ss/. Fuck off.

>people at most post their hands
>attention whoring

Well shit, shows what I know. Point is, it could never hurt to have fewer threads. I'm sure mods will be much more forgiving towards Christmas.

>school tests all next week
>can't draw or anything
>no ideas for cards
What do.

Not sign up for cards in the future.

Finally got user's gift in the mail today. I was starting to get scared. I guess I have like 2 or 3 days now to get it shipped and have it arrive on time.
Anyone know a good way to to get a plush in a smaller box?

Push really hard.

Anime doodles in store bought cards are acceptable

Yes, it's fine to just print it at home unless your printer is a piece of shit. I had one user make me a card on the back of a scantron test paper. It's the thought that counts. Well, and sending it on time.

>Well, and sending it on time.
This is the hardest part.

It's only been 2 days after November.

>the filling added an extra pound to the package
I'm already over my bracket, now I'll get anally blasted by the post office, no amount of company discounts will save me.

Anyone else here /shipping with gift wrap on outside/ here?

Use bubble wrap and paper

Lame tho

>>school tests all next week
History major here, I fucking wish I had tests, you don't know hell until you have to write 5-7 pages about the cultural history of the ancient Israelites from 1200BC to 1000BC

>I'm already over my bracket,
we count that by the amount you spend in general?
In that case I've gone way over. Counting the absolute maximum for the brackets I'm in, I should be spending $215, I've easily doubled that

You don't count shipping towards the total you spend for your bracket. If you did the lower brackets wouldn't exist at all.

If I included shipping, I'm well over twice the max of the brackets I signed up for.

Who Grinching here

>wrap stuff in Christmas gift wrap
>carefully wrap the gifts with bubble wrap
>fill remaining space with newspaper

There, now your wallet will thank you.

I Sent out my cards, I hope I actually see some on a this year.

newfag here, could someone explain this secret santa tradition?

A bunch of fags get together and buy gifts for each other, sending the gifts though the mail after receiving them and wrapping them in festive Christmas paper. We also make cards for each other.

Pro-tip: Don't wrap the outside of a box and instead wrap the gifts and put them inside the box. The wrapping paper gets destroyed in the mailing process an makes a mess.

is there a mailing list or something? is it too late to join this years'?

>Don't wrap the outside of a box

>already behind schedule for the stuff I signed up for
>Want to send stuff to the people sending me stuff too

How do you guys figure out the pairs? I know it's prolly too late for me to join this year but it looks interesting. Are the gifts/cards supposed to be anime themed or just anything?

Check the archives and lurk more.

You're 10 months early for next year. It's organized by volunteers who email you your assignments. You're expected to be at least vaguely aware of Sup Forums culture and not be a crossboarding scum.

No mailing list. And it's already dec, so yes it's too late.

This is the anime/manga board, so yes it has to be anime/manga related.

If you're willing to split packing, I've used an extra large bubble envelope, and then folded the extra over itself. I was shipping a 24" plush through UPS to Texas and it only cost me around $10 USD or so, I don't remember.

Or, you could attempt to use a vacuum sealer and smush down the plushie like that. Amazon's sent me plushies that way before.

Is masking tape an acceptable substitute for packing tape?

-t. Scrooge.

No. It doesn't hold well enough and will easily break in shipping because postal services don't give a shit about your package and how fragile it is.

Fair enough. I'll need to pick some up.
It's Sunday tomorrow anyway so not like I could've sent it off even if it would've.

> Only finished 1/2 cards
> Other card half done
> Gifts not arrived yet

I got busy at work and I'm getting stressed now. I usually do a card for my giftee as well, but I don't think I'll have time this year.

this year I've been shit with time, finals have been so fucking awful I don't know what to do anymore

>you need to be over 18 to post in this site etc, etc

>What is college/university?

>have to write 5-7 pages about the cultural history of the ancient Israelites from 1200BC to 1000BC
Try asking on Sup Forums, I hear they're experts on that topic.

Funny, as in I really did laugh not saying it to be a faggot, but I don't even think the most obscure boards on 8ch could help

>Reindeer costume
>Santa costume

Baking cookies naked apron or wrapped up as a present?

red apron

No idea if this user is here, but I got this gift from last years /ss/ in FEBRUARY this year, so I figured I might as well post it now. Figured I got grinched for sure, but it actually came out of no where lol. Thanks alot man!

We give our name and waifu to this little girl who will then give us her PO Box to send gifts to. If you have good taste, she'll send you back a gift from another user. If you have shit taste she'll pocket your gift and send nothing in return. If you have really good taste sometimes she'll send you a pair of her used panties and some special cookies. They smell really nice.

does she have rock CDs?


CE from CA
Your gift is on the way and should be here early next week, once it is I will ship it out as soon as I can! Oh, but you can't open it til Christmas of course. Hope you like it!

why not just use a private irc channel instead of the thread?

I thought I was done with these cards, then I want to do more. Fuck, I've already put 40 hours into these, this shit is addicting.

>haven't even started cards yet
>final exams coming up

for the love of christ please post my initials....

>my initials....

>endless buyfag general thread is permitted
>continuous thread on an event that by it's nature only takes place once a year is sperged over

It honestly is

JL from NY
JL from The UK
JHM from The UK
SL from Finland
I hope none of you are these initials begging faggots since you should have gotten my cards by now.

Well I haven't

The postal service needs to hurry up, I sent them out in the middle of November.

M from CA, this is B from MI
Is there anything in your package that's easily breakable? The package got here in slightly rough condition, and has a "Recieved In Damaged Condition" stamp on the front. Is it anything I should check out, or would that not be an issue? I don't want to ruin the surprise and open early.
I really hope this is my SS and not just a random package so I don't look dumb.

There are perishables in there, so I recommend opening it, but judging from that it probably didn't survive the trip. But everything else should be fine and wrapped.