The Mexigoblin admits taking part in actively bullying the shooter ever since middle school.
Why am I not surprised.
The Mexigoblin admits taking part in actively bullying the shooter ever since middle school.
Why am I not surprised.
Other urls found in this thread:
Have I heard of a similar story before?
Pretty sure I have...
What would be the connection for all these people acting like they did?
You just have to speak in the language the communist breeding grounds language and you can get anything across apparently. She probably liked him but the fray of multi muttular schoolastics probably got in the way
Could it be they were all ostracized and bullied for a period of several years?
That they were cast out of society and treated like less than human. Left to fend for themselves?
Of course not.
The blame is on the firearms, and the firearms alone.
Not the violence they faced.
Not the ostracization they suffered.
Not the mistreatement of their peers.
Not the mental illness they developed.
Not the authorities who let it all happen.
The firearm is to blame.
Along with anyone who owns one.
This is the society we live in today.
A society who idolizes those who abuse others.
Over those who are abused.
Wow, what a cunt
>Since he was in middle school, it was no surprise to anyone who knew to hear that he was the shooter.
>Those who say talking how we should've not ostracized him-YOU DIDN'T KNOW THIS KID, OK, WE DID!
A real fucking psycho
Sounds like Mexico, where she needs to go back to. They've banned guns there too, she'll feel nice and safe.
she's half-cuban, half-jewish. Father escaped Cuba from a boat, mother is a wealthy miami/NYC jew. Like all immigrants the fucking cubans want to make America the communist society they fled.
Has somebody asked her why she's claiming to be a survivor when she wasn't there.
Hogg also was not there.
Both were in another building, Hogg was hiding in a locker in this other building.
Are they even 'bystanders'?
No. Neither of them saw anything and so are not even bystanders.
They are fake and the sooner the American public is told the truth about this the better.
It's what Tucker or someone should do ASAP before MSM moves on to the next lie.
>we bullied him because we knew he was bad
>Dumped by biological parents
>Adoptive mother dies
>Adopted again
>Mexigoblin and others bullies him mercilessly for several years mocking these events
>A child. No famliy. Left alone, again and again. Reminded of this, by words and violence, every day
>Big surprise he snapped
I'd never listened to this goblin speak before.
Sounds like a complete genetic-beta retard.
she just killed herself and her movement on national television. dont let this slide. use it to end this little dyke roasties claim to fame.
Voice mannerisms sound totally Jewish.
Like those NYC hasidic jew-goblin mental-patients.
What the fuck is her point here? That is was okay to bully him because he was weird and turned out to be a shooter?
>bully a kid
>he shoots up a school and kills all your classmates
>use this to launch your political career
"She's" pretty smart
Nothing will change lol. So inexperienced the youth of today, they think they are on par with the civil rights marches of yesteryear when they are another left-wing flash in the pan astroturfed """"movement"""".
Unreal. What's really funny is if you search the first half of that videos title in youtube you don't get it back as a result.
>we bullied him because we knew he was bad
Akshually, he was a white male
He didn't get adopted again after Lynda Cruz die. It was the equivalent of "you can crash on my couch" by the scumbags Rocxanne Deschamps and then again by the Snead losers
This is the most based thread I've read in awhile. Fuck that bitch, you guys deserve the spotlight
Sorry, read that on CNN...
Amerimutts. Get your fucking act together. All the niggers are trying to cross the border with us now.
they make it seem that way since Deschamps try and go for his money and then the Sneads also wanted to invest his money
> No advertisement on shirt...
She's pretty heartless. How evil can you get that you use the death of your buddies to make career, death which she was responsible for? That's satanic.
Is this verified? she wasn't actually there?
why is mental illness celebrated in america?
ironically bullying is what CAUSES the shootings, not the ability to buy firearms. what an absolute bitch this woman is.
Good thinking.
These kinds of sound bites can be used to lynch em.
just because le 56% face is a tranny people have to try to tear it down by digging up dirt . norway i am disappoint . maybe merkel will have you enriched enough that no blond hair will exist in norway in 5 years (that counts beheading and trucks of peace culling your population)
I blame inanimate objects.
Good fucking question. The main four seem to have pounced on this event to launch themselves into stardom, one has ties to CNN and has a former FBI father...
Very suspicious shit. Shouldn't their parents be telling these kids to stay away from politics if they are traumatised? their inevitable failure and humiliation in the public spotlight will not be good for their mental health.
Yes, but if guns weren't allowed then they wouldn't have the tools needed to massacre people.
This is a consequence of white children being left behind for the golden calf of inclusive multiculturalism
The quality of schools have plummeted as schools embrace the assault on white identity, confounding white children into a confusing mess of society where they are forced to reject every aspect of themselves and where academics is seen lesser as schools promote sports programs such as nigger ball as a way to improve their standing
very strange people.
la goblina...
this. then we could keep harassing betas without them offing themselves.
I've spent my life worshipping women, putting them on pedestals, white knighting, etc . . . and never before have I ever felt the urge to smash a woman's face in with my elbow and hate fuck her. Thank you, Emma. You've truly expanded my mind.
Guns aren't the only means
Bombs are pretty effective too. And piss easy to make.
I was gonna inb4 my post about fucking knives, because I knew some retard was gonna bring it up.
If you're going to a fight would you want a gun or a knife?
That's BS dude, people are able to buy a gun illegaly, we have strong gun control in EU and mafia or some rampagers apears with full automats time to time.
Bannig solves shit.
Heroin is banned and people are using it...
Pretty powerful speech desu. Don't spread it
>Anything can be acquired illegally therefore everything should be legal
If American republicans were smart, they would turn this situation into a big style mop-up for the democlown left.
Their various positions are self-defeating.
1) They unironically believe that America is ruled by a "white supremacist patriarchy that is systematically trying to wipe out and enslave POCs" and thus the police and military cannot be trusted.
2) They want to abolish the part of the constitution that allows Americans to have weapons to protect themselves against this very kind of thing leaving weapons in the hands of the white supremacist state that cannot be trusted.
3) The White supremacist state that cannot be trusted are the only ones that will be able to take said guns away from the citizens.
4) They need state education (even though it would logically be a tool of the White supremacist establishment) in order to indoctrinate Americas youth.
5) They claim that schools are not safe and cannot be protected without an unrealistic disarming of the entire country thus giving everyone perfect justification for taking their kids away from schools and home schooling them instead.
Needless to say, this is an absolute clusterfuck for the left. They are clearly panicking and suffering from the drawbacks of the low IQ new-American population reaching adulthood and having influence on society and politics. They are simply not adapting to the information age and cannot actually coordinate themselves coherently. Impassioned appeals to large patch-work quilts of the national demographic might work for low-tech primitive societies that need to be whipped up into a witch hunt, but this will not work well in a society that records everything, scrutinises everything and has the freedom to ask questions and the firepower to put downs that want to use intimidation tactics.
It's not a question of whether or not the American right will triumph here, it's a question of how well your victory will be.
>you didn't know this kid
>That's why we bullied him
>That's why we made him feel worse
>That's why we pushed him over the edge!
>You didn't know him
>We did!
>If you're going to a fight would you want a gun or a knife?
Depends on the fight and availability.
If guns were "banned", I could still easily buy an "illegal" one from Jamal. Or make one myself.
Reading about all the muzzie mass stabbings, it seems knives are pretty efficient as well at killing unarmed people.
How come this guy ain't a dindu?
>Depends on the fight and availability.
Okay then you're a retard. Only a fool would bring a knife to a gunfight.
>a sociopath who uses their friend's brutal deaths to become famous took part in bullying people
Oh wow, who would have thought.
Screeching like the wild beast that she is. You can tell she is acting and poorly at that. Fucking ugly subhuman cunt.
> yes goy, bin everything that could be harmful
> never mind Switzerland has more guns and is safer.
> Do like the brits that will work wonderfully for you goy.
>NO knives kill mate, you need to have licences for them, they have to be banned for the good of the country.
We all know the end-game of anarcho-capitalism is to create a pedophile's paradise.
the weird thing is that guy in the linkedin doesn't even look like Kevin Hogg. David's dad looks like Assad, but I know he is the one who works for Cubic!
>that pic
holy fuck its real
memes a generating reality
i... i need to lie down....
>How evil can you get that you use the death of your buddies to make career, death which she was responsible for?
I can think of worse politicians. Give her time. She's still in her infancy.
She's the reason why school shootings happen. And retards like her are why school shootings will continue to happen.
>It's ok to bully people and ostracize them if you perceive them as strange or different.
The shooter had a much harder life than most. Had one person reached out, by it the school staff or a student, perhaps he wouldn't have gone over the edge.
He himself reached out for help several times and was ignored. But that's ok, he was weird.
God bless America
i hate this cunt so much. wish someone would shoot her
Good point, grandpa.
christ, she sounds so fucking angry and spiteful
i thought we were meant to be the bad guys?
the posts over their classroom doors were washed with lamb's blood
>Imagine being bullied at school
>Now imagine your foster family jews you out of your inheritance from your real mother while your nigger "brother" reaps it all
>Now imagine being framed for the murder of school students by the police
>Now imagine the same people who bullied you are using you to kill Freedom
>Now imagine that people all over the world are cheering and crying for them, not you
>....and you didn't even get to finish your fucking burger when they arrested you at McDonald's, and it was likely your last one
This is what pain incarnate looks like
post better quality you pleb
That poor kid. Lost his Mom. Bullied at school, abused at home. Not a moment of happiness or just respite. Nothing positive in his life. Not one person to show him kindness. And now this. Makes me so sad, desu.
I bet he's looking down from his soft cloud in heaven suffering eternally because he knows he didn't get round to murdering this disgusting whore and he never will be able to. That's true hell right there.
>The Mexigoblin admits taking part in actively bullying the shooter ever since middle school.
She has the blood of 17 children who will never graduate, never raise children, will never grow old and see grandchildren come along. The blood of 17 dead children ON HER HANDS.
She needs executing tbqpfh with you, my old cocker.
She fucked herself, hard.
There will be no more interviews of her.
Her pictures will be replaced.
The left will drop her and the right will avoid bringing her up.
he's still alive you literal potato
Shut the fuck up FBI
All your sand niggers are coming across with semi trucks le 53%
Anyone have the full clip?
Then they would have used a pipe bomb, or a home depot rental truck.
Taking away the means won't end violence, it just drives them to find other means.
She is cuban. Not mexican
>el atrocidad grande de los americanos doesn't understand exactly how bad knife attacks are
all you gotta do is blast the knife in their gut once and that's it for most people excluding the occasional professional madman, it won't kill them immediately but it'll disable them so you can kill them at your leisure. Also apart from the hooting and hollering from the guy you just poked it's quiet, if somebody was crafty they could rack up a decent body count before anybody even knew what was happening.
>lmao just mob them
the same could be said for guns and people still don't do that. It's arguably an even better plan for guns then it is knives, if a crowd runs at a gunman he'll run out of rounds sooner or later and be fucked, the knife guy can keep stabbing until he gets tired or runs out of people to stab. the primary problem here being that you have to have a 20 pound cock to charge a guy with a gun or knife, even if it is the best plan of action.
ave maria
el golemo israelo...
What the fuck?
>libtards don't realize a functioning AK can be made with 300 dollars of tools and parts from Arbor Freight
Gun prohibition would fuel a nightmarish amount of funds into cartels making illegal and untraceable firearms. They wouldn't be top notch but they'd function and you can bet your sweet ass people would be making them in their garages, basements, in the woods, cabins, etc. Shit would be just as bad as alcohol prohibition.
>implying i have the time to continue listening to this kid screech
I think it's disgusting that she completely deflected responsibility for bullying the shooter. Instead of discussing gun control, America should really take a long hard look at the culture that creates mass shooters. Just for context, put yourself in the shooter's shoes. His parents die, his foster parents die, he grew up without love. You can imagine that sort of trauma will make a kid a bit strange. To add a bigger burden to the suffering he's experienced so early on in life, the kid has to face horrible bullying by people like Emma Gonzalez who don't even acknowledge that what their doing is harmful. I'm not excusing his actions, he committed an absolutely abhorrent crime. Lots of people who have suffered similarly don't act this way. However, I think we should all consider factors that contribute to mass shooters which aren't weapons, but people.
a match made in heaven
Kikes trying to steal his inheritance.
You'll get yours one day deary. Your usefulness will run its course and you'll be out in the real world soon enough.
>they think they are on par with the civil rights marches
The media gave them microphones.
>implying there is a difference
>Okay then you're a retard. Only a fool would bring a knife to a gunfight.
Literally took a 15 second clip with no context and somehow claim it’s the end of all ends proof. Fuck off
fucking yikes if true
>Bully kid for years in school to feel better about my hideous face
>Kid snaps and shoots up school
>Blame lawmakers and NRA