Shingeki no Kyojin

>Thread nuke for no reason
Fuck off mods. Spoilers soon. Where the hell's Historia?

>Where the hell's Historia?
Back on the island, abusing orphans.

>Thread nuke for no reason
>SnK general
These generals have become so garbage they ought to be nuked every time. Some of you agree, deep down.

I think she'll be dead before the end to be honest.

Agreed, but they should be allowed during spoiler week.

What is the next step of his "Master Plan"? He probably foresaw everything from miles away.

I want to see them soon lads.

>Where the hell's Historia?
Waiting for her beloved Eren to return.

whoever that faggot spamming with the 'vore' names please fuck off. you probably just saw an old status chart and googled vore then thought it was funny , go back to riddit

>his "Master Plan"
My money is on there never being a master plan

All signs point to him being in cahoots with Eren or at least pretending to be.

I have to say, I'm really disappointed with how irrelevant he has been in the Marley arc.

Team yo with Eren to overthrow Mare, to later be eaten by Eren or Eren's son (with Historia) along with all the shifters, escentially making Eren into the new Ymir

>I'm really disappointed with how irrelevant he has been in the Marley arc
It's only temporary, he'll get the spotlight soon once EZ alliance is confirmed.

I told you to sit

>what's that in your pants, Mr. Kruger?

What would redeem eren in your eyes Sup Forums?

>A Grim Reminder

I like him already though.

All of this turning out to be his own plan rather than him following Armong or the SL's orders.

Eren's already fine.

ok , I like eren too.
Now what would it take to redeem manlet?

I like him already though.

Where's the pic of Virgin Armin and Chad Erwin

Make him lose a fight. Actually, he would have been a better candidate for losing a limb or an eye than Erwin and Hanji.

lose a fight

and again:

do good on his words and stop being a fucking faggot

This x 100

How do they clean the grim off their penises? Do either sides have showers?

>Hanji happily looking at Erwong and smiling
Get cucked LHwhales.

Have him go full evil.

Keeping him as the perfect golden little coconut just makes him an unbearable Gary Stu.

She knows he's gonna die and it's her time to shine next.

I love Armilia.

ErwH was always a better ship than LHshit.

Too bad there is hardly anything of it

>Reminder Hanji let Erwin die because that's what manlet, her husband, wanted

A real damn shame.

She already didn't give a shit the last time, EHwhale.

>I really wanted Erwon to live
>But since manlet, the love of my life, didn't want it that way we must do whatever he wants. Even if it fucks us over later on.
Hanji most loyal waifu.
