Polish Hate Thread /ph/: Oswald Mosley Edition

another polish hate thread,

let the hate begin.

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Why do Jews hate based Poland so much?

they look at poles and then they see how subhuman jews really are
they just can't stand it

Soy Anglos are just jealous of their superior masc genes. Keep jacking off to traps while paying for Ahmed to have a big family, lads.

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>starts Polish hate thread
>within minutes it resembles a Poland love thread


nah, Poland is alright. Lets have a UK hate thread instead.

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What is with all these X country hate threads? Shills trying more divide and conquer?

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or some anons are making them only to post some meme images on this chinese trading board

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no moar brother wars!!!

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Op do you hate poland bc the avg polack has a higher iq than you?
Think about that over your cup of hot cocoa, inferiorboy ;)

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yeah great, send children to fight like some niggers in africa

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Why ?
Just come to Poland drink with us ^w^

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>Within one hour of the start of the demonstration, participants had attacked two squats in the centre of Warsaw (Syrena and Przychodnia) and burnt down a rainbow installation in Plac Zbawicela, an artistic installation standing for diversity. After about two hours of marching and attacking the Russian embassy, the Polish police asked that the permit for the march be cancelled.
If everyone was more like the polish Europe would be a much better place tbqh

I fucking love this thread and our Polish brothers. Stay stronk! You are an exemplary European country

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Just banter of course

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What do you do when a polish man throws a grenade at you?

You pick it up pull out the pin and throw it back at him

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