>Reported Shia, Iranian - backed Houthi missile aimed at Riyadh Palace
>Iran vs Saudia Arabai, no proxies
>rip in peace
seriously though wtf
>Reported Shia, Iranian - backed Houthi missile aimed at Riyadh Palace
>Iran vs Saudia Arabai, no proxies
>rip in peace
seriously though wtf
If this happens I can almost certainly assure you the west won't get involved and inhabitable desert can't get any more uninhabitable.
The only shit here are the Arab migrants. Persian people are pretty okay.
>Iran backed anything
wanna know how I know this was Mossad ?
Hopefully the next one would be a hit
obviously Israel fired the rockets
please do tell
I want a THICC persian wife how get?
Come now, Iran backs Shiite fighters all over the ME, from Iraq, Yemen to Syria, and sends fighters to those areas too.
Go fuck yourself JIDF shitstain.
they already did, Tersa May and Trump sold them all the weapons they need
What if Saudia Arabia paid western countries to house their Stone age muslim cousins to have them avoid being in conflict. SA beats Iran, and Muslim superstate is formed in ashes lead by SA .
>Muslim version of Israel incoming
>Hey fellow shia these Israeli sponsored Jihadists want to behead me and rape my wife and children could you lend us a hand?
>Sure fellow Shia brother
Breaking New damning report released by Israeli shows how Iran spreads terror across the middle east.
What if all the countries of the world united to take down israel so that we have world peace?
Think about what you just said. Literally fulfills apocalypse prophecy of entire world coming against Israel.
Trump is the first horsemen confirmation
Trump is King David and apocalypse doesn't mean the end of the world.
The word “apocalypse”means to unveil, not the end of the world.
The meaning of the apocalypse is the opposite of what most people think. It does not mean the end of the world; it means the revealing of hidden secrets
Iran. It was Iran. There is no other option but to go to war with Iran now.
without the U.S it would happen, and you know it.
thats what they want. The neocons and the zionists.
I believe he is one of them lol
You can't leave the saudis alone.
If you don't help they will be pissed, if you help it will start WW3
WW3 isn't happening. Don't you get it? All the countries are surrounding Israel for what's about to happen.
Or so the Jews say, but when have they ever been honest? These are the same people funding ISIS.
I'm well aware of what it means. What I'm saying is that the world coming against Israel is literally part of that prophecy.
I think the Saudis will have to do something to Iran to stop this.
The is no other option.
It's literally their homes and families being bombed.
I didn't dispute the meaning of the word simply that actions that are in motion are fulfilling prophecy.
>proxyfags soiling the great romanian respect.
You are ignoring the underground trade war already going on.
Shit is this the reversed one???
Fucking mandela shit
oh ok
They've Been doing this too
long. Its effected mental
facilities. All they see is this
>everyone that wants Iran to be invaded is a proxyfag
Nice one, calling me a shill too when?
I give this warning. From the fourth to the first. The dead will speak and have Justice met on those that are careless with the lives of innocent dead
You can just be an idiot I apologize.
I can't find the pics of the pipeline, not the map or the actual pipe.
holy shit I would have shit my pants
How do we stop this Shia fucker? He can't keep getting away with it!
>You can just be an idiot I apologize.
The evil Iranian regime needs to come DOWN!
And Israel is being peaceful. Israel is setting examples for the rest of the middle east to follow. I don't care if they entire middle east goes to war, as soon as someone fucks with israel, the west must protect them. Defending Israel is defending western values and a valuable ally, especially since they're the only ones with western values/support lgbt rights in the region
Pretty surreal sight
it's fake retard
Nope it is not fake, there are also other videos regarding this.
Yeah no shit.
Arabs may be dumb insufferable faggots, but "Persians" are even more insufferable because they think they are hot shit for no reason. That said I still back a Shia Iranian ran middle east.
It's not fake.
Thousands of arabs filmed a giant Iranian missile engine in the middle of a highway in Riyadh. hing.
Though that missile on the webm is one of the Patriot missiles that went bonkers when it lost it's target.
lmao what is this?
seems pretty accurate
Saudi patriot missile failing at it's task.
troll right? I'm new here
Already done several times
That engine tube was at least twice fatter than a Patriot
change your memeflag then
Its target was destroyed and it aborted which is what made it go crazy.
>worms world party homing missile
a couple of videos in his twitter, including the one already posted here.
It's a shill, stop using meme flags.
What are they supposed to do then? Hit something randomly?
another handle with some vids.
a couple repeats, but some OC
Persians are alright. Egyptians even moreso.
Fuck Saudis. Fuck Israel. Just NUKE the whole Arabian peninsula.
Got an actual source for that, faggot?
Go to niggertown. They will accommodate you, and then some.
jewish false flag to target Iran
god damn imagine the smell
USofA reminding the Saud's and Kikes who runs shit.
I like this graphic. White people can get back to warring against each other later, but right now we all, each and every one, need to get down to the business of sorting out the Jews (and the Chinks; those cocksuckers are going to be made to pay up, through shellfire if necessary, and no mistake, and they will not like it at all). Again.
You'd think that for a people allegedly so smart, they would learn from their many, many, many historical mistakes they might have learned how not to make themselves hated in every single one of their host countries, but apparently this basic function was never built into Jews' DNA, resulting in the situation we Westerners face yet again: Jewish bullshit.
This one always warms my heart.
>all the apes grinning, and the poor little female ape being exposed to it as normal
I know that nukes will hurt the whole world and are so off the table, but is the occasional fire-bombing okay? While the fire-bombing of Dresden was surely uncalled-for, can the same really be said for Chicago? A nuke would be best, I know, but a good fire-bombing might be okay in its place.
>imagine the smell
if KFC made motor oil